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S A Weather Service Act (8 of 2001)


No. 592
29 June 2001

It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following
Act which is hereby published for general information:-


(English text signed by the President.)
(Assented to 22 June 2001.)


To establish a juristic person to be known as the South African Weather
Service; to determine its objects, functions and method of work; to
prescribe the manner in which it is to be managed and governed; to regulate
its staff matters and financial affairs; and to provide for matters
connected therewith.

BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as





1. Definitions



2. Establishment of South African Weather Service

3. Objectives of Weather Service

4. Functions of Weather Service



5. Board of Weather Service and its composition

6. Functions of Board

7. Removal

5. Vacancies

9. Remuneration

10. Meetings of Board

11. Committees of Board

12. Meteorological advisory committees



13. Chief Executive Officer



14. Staff and conditions of service

15. Pensions



16. Funds

17. Accounting authority



18. Transfer of staff of Chief Directorate to Weather Service

19. Transfer of certain assets and liabilities to Weather Service



20. Regulating Committee

21. Functions of Regulating Committee

22. Removal

23. Vacancies

24. Remuneration

25. Meetings of Regulating Committee



26. Intellectual property rights

27. Limitation of liability

28. Regulations

29. Rules of Board

30. Delegation of powers and assignment of duties

31. Repeal of Meteorology Act, 1988 (Bophuthatswana)

32. Short title and commencement


Public good services


Commercial services




1. In this Act unless the context indicates otherwise-

(i) "advisory services" means any climatological advice, and
includes advice on weather outlooks, weather forecasts and
weather warnings;

(ii) "Board" means the Board contemplated in section 5;

(iii) "Chief Directorate" means the Chief Directorate: Weather
Bureau as a division of the Department as it existed
immediately before the commencement of this Act;

(iv) "Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer
appointed in terms of section 13(1) and includes the interim
Chief Executive Officer contemplated in section 18(6);

(v) "commercial services" means services specified in Schedule

(vi) "Committee" means any committee established under section

(vii) "Department" means the department responsible for the
administration of this Act;

(viii) "financial year" means a period which commences on 1 April
in one year and ends on 31 March in the following year;

(ix) "meteorological service" means-

(a) the collection, processing and provision of
meteorological and climatological information, data and
advisory services;

(b) the maintenance and development of weather-related
instruments and computer programs;

(c) research with the aim-

(i) of improving products and the delivery of services;

(ii) of reducing the impact of weather-related natural
disasters; and

(d) the provision of meteorologically-related training in
partnership with higher education institutions;

(x) "Minister" means the Minister responsible for the
administration of this Act;

(xi) "public good services" means services specified in Schedule

(xii) "Regulating Committee" means the Regulating Committee
contemplated in section 20;

(xiii) "regulations" means regulations made under section 28;

(xiv) "specialised service" means a meteorological service
provided to -an identifiable client or customer who will use
the service for economic gain or benefit;

(xv) "Weather Service" means the South African Weather Service
established by section 2;

(xvi) "this Act" includes the regulations



Establishment of South African Weather Service

2. (1) There is hereby established a juristic person known as the South
African Weather Service.

(2) The Weather Service acts through the Board.

Objectives of Weather Service

3. The objectives of the Weather Service are-

(a) to maintain, extend and improve the quality of meteorological
service for the benefit of all South Africans;

(b) to provide public good services and commercial services to all
South Africans;

(c) to ensure the ongoing collection of meteorological data over South
Africa and surrounding southern oceans for the use by current and
future generations;

(d) to be the long-term custodian of a reliable national climatological

(e) as the national meteorological service of the Republic of South
Africa, to fulfil the international obligations of the Government
under the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization;

(f) as the Aviation Meteorological Authority, to fulfil the
international obligations of the Government under the Convention of
the International Civil Aviation Organization;

(g) to provide services that are sensitive to the demographic realities
of the country; and

(h) to fulfil such other weather-related international obligations as
the Minister may direct.

Functions of Weather Service

4. (1) The Weather Service must-

(a) provide such meteorological services, including public good
services and commercial services, as are necessary to achieve its
objectives, provided that it is in the interests of the Weather
Service and the State;

(b) adhere to the intent of Resolution 40 of the Twelfth Congress of
the World Meteorological Organization, and any other related
resolutions regarding the internationally free and unrestricted
exchange of meteorologically-related data and products; and

(c) perform any other function assigned to it by the Minister.

(2) The Weather Service may, in order to achieve its objectives-

(a) co-operate or enter into agreements or contracts with any person,
institution, government or administration;

(b) purchase or otherwise acquire, possess, hire, pledge, sell :M let

(c) with the approval of the Minister, granted with the concurrence of
the Minister of Finance, raise money by way of loans from any lawful
source, on such terms and conditions and against such security as
may be agreed upon;

(d) with the approval of the Minister, establish or assist in
establishing companies for the promotion of meteorological services
or any related business purpose;

(e) charge fees for the provision of any commercial services; enter
into an agreement with any other weather service to deliver services
or be of assistance with the delivery of services outside the
borders of South Africa; and

(g) enter into agreements with State departments for the delivery of
services considered to be within the capacity of the Weather
Service. These contract services are not deemed part of the public
good services.

(3) Only the Weather Service may issue severe weather-related warnings
over South Africa in order to ensure that there is a single authoritative
voice in this regard.

(4) The Weather Service must take reasonable steps to develop skills
and capacity of the Weather Service so as to enable it to provide for the
needs of disadvantaged communities.



Board of Weather Service and its composition

5. (1) The Board of the Weather Service consists of-

(a) the Chief Executive Officer by virtue of his or her office;

(b) a senior official of the Department designated by the
Director-General with the approval of the Minister; and

(c) no fewer than eight and no more than ten other persons appointed on
a part-time basis by the Minister, in accordance with subsection (3)
and taking into account the provisions of subsection (2).

(2) The members contemplated in subsection (1)(c)-

(a) must be suitably qualified-

(i) to provide effective corporate governance and must be able
to bring their special expertise and knowledge to bear on the
strategy, enterprise and innovative ideas and business
planning of the Weather Service; and

(ii) to develop policies for the Weather Service and to advise
the Minister on matters relating to weather-related and
climate-related research programmes, technological
development, service delivery to clients, marketing of
services, international co-operation and the application of
meteorology in weather-sensitive industries; and

(b) are appointed in their personal capacities, but the Minister must
ensure that the needs of the following stakeholders are taken into
account when appointing the members of the Board:

(i) Water resource management;

(ii) agriculture;

(iii) subsistence farmers and disadvantaged communities; (iv) the
media, which may include radio, television and newspapers;

(v) disaster management;

(vi) aviation industry;

(vii) maritime industry;

(viii) legal profession and insurance industry;

(ix) any other weather sensitive industry or occupation; and

(x) atmospheric science education and research community.

(3) Before appointing any person contemplated in subsection (1)(c) or
section 20(2), the Minister must-

(a) by notice in the Gazette and in at least two nationally circulated
newspapers invite nominations;

(b) in such notice, specify a period within which nominations must be
submitted 2 and stipulate the procedure to be adopted regarding such
nominations; and

(c) ensure that the Board is broadly representative of the South
African society.

(4) The Minister must appoint one of the members of the Board as
chairperson and another member of the Board as the deputy chairperson.

(5) Members of the Board contemplated in subsection (1)(c) are
appointed for a period of three years and are eligible for re-appointment
for another final term of three years.

(6) The Chief Executive Officer is a full-time member of the Board and
is appointed for such period as the Board may determine at the time of

(7) In the absence of a Board all the functions of the Board are vested
in the Minister.

Functions of Board
6. The Board must-

(a) ensure the financial viability and development of the commercial

(b) ensure an efficient, cost-effective and high quality weather

(c) set policy, standards and objectives within the framework issued by
the Minister and ensure that the executive management implements
these policies, standards and objectives;

(d) facilitate succession and give guidance in the appointment of
senior managers;

(e) ensure that the Weather Service has adequate systems of internal
control, both operational and financial;

(f) monitor the performance of the Weather Service and make adjustments
to the conditions of service of the personnel with due regard to the
applicable labour legislation;

(g) recommend any budget proposals or adjustments and submit them to
the Minister;

(h) set policy for recruitment, training and transformation of the
Weather Service;

(i) approve a business plan for the Weather Service annually for the
next three years and submit it to the Minister for final approval;

(j) ensure that the majority of the South African population benefits
from the public good services of the Weather Service; and

(k) perform any other function assigned to it by the Minister.


7. (1) A member of the Board may at any time be removed from office by
the Minister on account of-

(a) misconduct;

(b) inability to perform the duties of his or her office effectively;

(c) absence from three consecutive meetings of the Board without the
prior permission of the Board, except on good cause shown; or

(d) election as a member of Parliament or a provincial legislature.

(2) A member may not be removed from office except after due enquiry.


8. (1) A vacancy in the Board occurs if a member of the Board
contemplated in section 5(1)(c)-

(a) upon at least one month's written notice, tenders his or her
resignation to the Minister;

(b) is removed from office in terms of section 7; or

(c) dies or becomes permanently incapable of doing his or her work.

(2) (a) When a vacancy in the Board has occurred as contemplated in
subsection (1) the procedure contemplated in section 5 applies.

(b) Any member appointed under this section holds office for the rest
of the period of the predecessor's term of office.


9. Any member of the Board, other than the Chief Executive Officer and
the official contemplated in section 5(1)(b), must be paid such
remuneration and allowances as the Minister, with the concurrence of the
Minister of Finance, may determine.

Meetings of Board

10. (1) (a) The meetings of the Board must be held at least four times
a year at such times and places as the Board may determine.

(b) The first meeting of the Board must be held at such time and place
as the Minister determines.

(2) (a) In the absence of the chairperson, the deputy chairperson must
perform all functions of the chairperson.

(b) The chairperson or the deputy chairperson, and failing him or her,
a member of the Board elected by the members present, must preside at a
meeting of the Board.

(3) (a) The chairperson may at any time convene a special meeting of
the Board which must be held at such time and place as the chairperson

(b) If the majority of the members of the Board request a special
meeting in writing, the chairperson must convene such a meeting within
seven days after receiving the request.

(4) The Board may determine its own procedure but any decision of the
Board must be taken by resolution of the majority of the members present at
any meeting of the Board and, in the event of an equality of votes, the
person presiding has a casting vote in addition to his or her deliberative

(5) Subject to the approval of the chairperson, any person may attend
or take part, but may not vote, in a meeting of the Board.

(6) A majority of the Board members forms a quorum at any meeting of
the Board.

(7) Despite the provisions of subsection (4), the Minister may set
policy guidelines within which any Board decision must be taken.

Committees of Board

11. (1) (a) The Board may establish one or more committees which must
perform such functions of the Board as the Board may determine.

(b) A committee established under paragraph (a) performs the functions
in question subject to the instructions of the Board.

(c) The Board may at any time dissolve or reconstitute any committee
established under paragraph (a).

(2) (a) Each committee established under this section consists of such
number of members of the Board and of the staff of the Weather Service as
the Board may consider necessary.

(b) If a committee consists of more than one member, the Board must
designate a member of that committee to act as chairperson.

Meteorological advisory committees

12. The Board may establish such number of meteorological advisory
committees on a national and regional basis as may be necessary, to advise
it on any relevant matter.



Chief Executive Officer

13. (1) The members of the Board contemplated in section 5(1)(b) and
(c) must appoint a person as Chief Executive Officer on such conditions,
including conditions relating to the payment of remuneration, allowances,
subsidies and other benefits, as the members may determine in accordance
with a system approved by the Minister with the concurrence of the Minister
of Finance.

(2) The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the management of
the Weather Service and must report to the Board on any aspect of such
management as often as may be required by the Board.

(3) (a) Whenever the Chief Executive Officer is for any reason absent
or unable to carry out his or her duties, or whenever there is a vacancy in
the office of the Chief Executive Officer, the Board may, subject to such
conditions and the payment of such remuneration and allowances as it may
determine in the manner contemplated in subsection (1), appoint an employee
of the Weather Service to act as the Chief Executive Officer during such
absence or inability, for a period not exceeding six months.

(b) The acting Chief Executive Officer has the same powers and duties
as the Chief Executive Officer.



Staff and conditions of service

14. (1) Subject to section 18, the Chief Executive Officer may, on such
terms and conditions of service as may be determined by the Board, appoint
or have such number of employees seconded to the Weather Service as are
necessary, to enable the Weather Service to perform its functions.

(2) The Weather Service must out of its own funds pay to its employees
such remuneration, allowances, subsidies and other benefits as the Board
may determine in accordance with a system approved for that purpose by the
Minister with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance.

(3) (a) The Chief Executive Officer may, on such conditions as the
Board may determine and if the employee consents thereto, second the
employee, either for a particular service or for a period of time, to the
service of any department of the State, the government of any province or
country outside the Republic.

(b) The employee's rights, privileges and benefits by virtue of his or
her conditions of service as an employee of the Weather Service may not be
adversely affected by the secondment.

(4) Every employee must enter into a service contract with the Weather

(5) The Chief Executive Officer may when necessary, appoint persons
under contract as consultants in accordance with the terms and conditions
determined by the Board.


15. (1) All employees shall have the choice to-

(a) remain or become a member of the Government Employees Pension Fund;

(b) elect dormant membership and to join any existing fund as a new
member from a current date; or

(c) withdraw from the Government Employees Pension Fund in accordance
with the Government Employees Pension Law, 1996 (Proclamation No. 21
of 1996).

(2) The Weather Service may, under the Pension Fund Act, 1956 (Act No.
24 of 1956), establish a pension fund for its employees.

(3) For purposes of the Income Tax Act, 1962 (Act No. 58 of 1962), no
change of employer must be regarded as having taken place when employment
is taken up at the Weather Service by persons in terms of section 18, and
the position of those persons in respect of the phasing-in of tax levied on
benefits or advantages derived by reason of employment or the holding of
any office as contemplated in Schedule 7 to the Income Tax Act, 1962, must
be regarded as remaining unchanged.




16. (1) The funds of the Weather Service consist of-

(a) money appropriated by Parliament to enable the Weather Service to
perform the public good services;

(b) income derived from commercial services;

(c) money raised by the Weather Service under section 4;

(d) fees or royalties contemplated in subsection (4) paid to the
Weather Service;

(e) donations, user charges or contributions received by the Weather
Service from any source;

(f) interest on investments; and

(g) income derived from any other source.

(2) The Weather Service must utilise its funds to defray expenses in
connection with the performance of its functions.

(3) The Weather Service must utilise any donations or contributions
contemplated in subsection (1)(e) for such purposes and in accordance with
such conditions as may be specified by the donor or contributor concerned,
provided that these conditions are in the interest of the Weather Service
and the State.

(4) The Chief Executive Officer may in respect of any work performed or
services rendered by the Weather Service under this Act other than public
good services, or for the use of the facilities of the Weather Service or
rights resulting from any discoveries, inventions, computer programs or
improvements made by employees of the Weather Service charge such fees or
make such other financial arrangements as the Board may deem fit.

Accounting authority

17. (1) Despite the provisions of section 49(2)(a) of the Public
Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999), the Chief Executive
Officer is the accounting officer of the Weather Service, and must comply
with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999.

(2) The Weather Service must-

(a) furnish the Minister with information which he or she may require
concerning the activities and financial position of the Weather
Service; and

(b) submit to the Minister not later than five months after the end of
each year, an annual report containing a balance sheet, a statement
of income and expenditure certified by the Auditor-General and such
other particulars as the Minister may require.

(3) The Minister must table the annual report in Parliament within 14
days of receipt thereof if Parliament is then sitting or, if Parliament is
not then sitting, within 14 days after the commencement of the next



Transfer of staff of Chief Directorate to Weather Service

18. (1) Every person who is employed in the Chief Directorate
immediately before the date fixed by the President in terms of section
2(1), is hereby transferred to the Weather Service.

(2) A person transferred as contemplated in subsection (1) must be
regarded as having been appointed in terms of section 14(1) subject to the
Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995).

(3) The remuneration and other terms and conditions of service of any
person transferred as contemplated in subsection (2) may not be less
favourable than the remuneration, terms and conditions applicable to that
person immediately before transfer and he or she remains entitled to all
rights, benefits and privileges to which he or she was immediately before
that date, including-

(a) membership of a pension fund;

(b) membership of a medical aid scheme;

(c) employer's contributions in connection with such membership
including the contribution to the medical funds of retired

(d) accrued pensionable service;

(e) accrued leave benefits;

(f) housing subsidies;

(g) transport allowances and motor schemes; and

(h) retirement at a specific age.

(4) Every person transferred as contemplated in subsection (2) remains
subject to any decisions, proceedings, rulings and directions applicable to
that person immediately before his or her transfer.

(5) Any proceedings against such a person which were instituted
immediately before his or her transfer, must be disposed of as if this Act
had not been enacted.

(6) The Minister must appoint an interim Chief Executive Officer who
acts until a Chief Executive Officer is appointed in terms of section

Transfer of certain assets and liabilities to Weather Service

19. (1) On the date of commencement of this Act, all the assets,
rights, liabilities and obligations which the Minister determines, pass to
the Weather Service.

(2) (a) Such assets must include-

(i) stock, equipment, instrumentation and furniture on the
registers or records of the Chief Directorate;

(ii) vehicles, aircraft, buildings and land allocated to the
Chief Directorate; and

(iii) the remainder of part 264 of Garsfontein 374 JR (Waterkloof
Heights) Pretoria; and

(b) funds to lease and maintain buildings, office space and to pay for
the provision of services on behalf of the Chief Directorate for the
remainder of the financial year after the commencement of this Act.

(3) The Registrar of Deeds concerned must, on application by the Board
and lodgement of the relevant title deeds, make such entries or endorsement
in his or her registers or records and on the relevant title deeds as may
be necessary in order to give effect to subsection (1).

(4) No fees may be charged in respect of any transfer contemplated in
subsection (3).

(5) In addition to the provisions of subsection (2), the Minister may,
with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, transfer any movable
property belonging to the State to the Weather Service to enable it to
exercise or perform its powers and functions or to achieve any of its



Regulating Committee

20. (1) (a) The Minister must establish a committee, to be known as the
Regulating Committee for Meteorological Services.

(b) In this Chapter any reference to Committee means the Regulating
Committee referred to in paragraph (a).

(2) The members of the Committee consist of five persons appointed on a
part-time basis by the Minister of whom at least three are not officials of
any State department.

(3) (a) The Minister must appoint one of the five members as the
chairperson of the Committee.

(b) In the absence of the chairperson a member of the Committee elected
by members present, must preside at a meeting of the Committee.

(4) Members of the Committee contemplated in subsection (1) are
appointed in accordance with section 5(3) for a period of three years and
are eligible for re-appointment for another final term of three years.

(5) The Committee must, after consultation with the Minister, determine
the procedure to be followed in the performance of its functions.

Functions of Regulating Committee

21. (1) The Committee must-

(a) set broad limits on prices of services and products of the Weather

(b) determine the level of user charges to be applied to the aviation
and maritime industries by the Weather Service and advise the
Minister on the making of regulations in this regard;

(c) ensure that the Weather Service does not abuse its position, but in
such a manner as not to place undue restrictions on the Weather
Service's commercial activities and guard the Weather Service
against unfair competition from national and international private
weather services;

(d) promote the safe, efficient, economical and profitable operation of
the Weather Service;

(e) promote the reasonable interest and needs of clients and customers
of the Weather Service;

(f) monitor service standards and, where necessary, issue instructions
to the Weather Service for improvement; and

(g) perform any other function assigned to it by the Minister.

(2) The Committee must, if it has reasonable grounds to believe that
the Weather Service has failed to comply with instructions contemplated in
subsection (1)(f)-

(a) immediately investigate the matter;

(b) give the Weather Service an opportunity to make representations to
the Committee within a period determined by the Committee; and

(c) make representations to the Minister.

(3) The Committee must report before 30 June each year on the work of
the Committee to the Minister, and the Minister must table the report in
Parliament within 30 days after it is submitted to him or her.

(4) All administrative work in connection with the performance of the
functions of the Committee must be carried out by the Department.


22. (1) A member of the Committee may at any time be removed from the
office by the Minister on account of-

(a) misconduct;

(b) inability to perform the duties of his or her office effectively;

(c) absence from any meeting of the Committee without the prior
permission of the chairperson, except on good cause shown; or

(d) election as a member of Parliament or a provincial legislature.

(2) A member may not be removed from office except after due enquiry.


23. (1) A vacancy in the Committee occurs if a member-

(a) upon at least one month's written notice, tenders his or her
resignation to the Minister;

(b) is removed from office in terms of section 22; or

(c) dies or becomes permanently incapable of doing his or her work.

(2) (a) When a vacancy in the Committee has occurred, the procedure
contemplated in section 20(4) applies.

(b) Any member appointed under this section holds office for the rest
of the period of the predecessor's term of office.


24. Any member of the Committee, other than officials from State
departments, must be paid by the Department such remuneration and
allowances as the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister of
Finance, may determine.

Meetings of Regulating Committee

25. The Committee must meet at least once a year at such times and
places as the Committee may determine, but the first meeting of the
Committee must be held at such time and place as the Minister determines.



Intellectual property rights

26. (1) The Weather Service retains the intellectual property rights on
any data, meteorological and advisory services, computer programs,
inventions, discoveries and improvements generated by the Weather Service
in the fulfilment of its functions.

(2) Any data, information, advisory services and meteorological
services of the Weather Service provided to a client or customer may not be
provided by that client or customer to a third party or be distributed
without the written consent of the Chief Executive Officer.

(3) Any use of material by way of publication, including radio,
television or other such medium, must acknowledge the Weather Service's

Limitation of liability

27. The Weather Service is not liable for any damage, loss or injury
sustained or alleged to have been sustained by any person as a result of
his or her reliance on meteorological information provided by the Weather


28. The Minister may, after consultation with the Board, make
regulations regarding-

(a) the method and frequency of reports on Board meetings to be
submitted to the Minister;

(b) fees for the provision of aviation and maritime meteorological
services; and

(c) any matter in respect of which it is necessary or expedient to make
regulations in order to achieve the objectives of this Act.

Rules of Board

29. The Board may make rules, which are not in conflict with this Act
or the regulations, for the proper management of the Weather Service and
its interests.

Delegation of powers and assignment of duties

30. (1) The Board may delegate any power and assign any duty of the
Board in writing to the chairperson of the Board, the Chief Executive
Officer or an employee of the Weather Service.

(2) The Chief Executive Officer may in writing delegate any power and
assign any duty conferred or imposed upon the Chief Executive Officer by or
under this Act to an employee of the Weather Service, except powers
delegated to the Chief Executive Officer under subsection (1).

(3) Any delegation or assignment under subsection (1) or (2) may at any
time be rescinded or amended by the Board or the Chief Executive Officer,
as the case may be.

(4) The Board and the Chief Executive Officer are neither divested of
any power or function delegated or assigned under subsection (1) or (2) nor
absolved from their responsibilities, and may, subject to the provisions of
subsection (5), amend or withdraw any decision made in the exercise of such
delegated power or in the performance of a function so assigned.

(5) A decision made in the exercise of a power so delegated and in
consequence of which a payment has been made or any right has been
conferred upon any person, may not be amended or withdrawn without the
consent of the beneficiary.

(6) The Minister may delegate any power entrusted to him or her in
terms of this Act to the chairperson or the Chief Executive Officer, except
the powers contemplated in section 28.

Repeal of Meteorology Act, 1988 (Bophuthatswana)

31. The (Bophuthatswana) Meteorology Act, 1988 (Act No. 18 of 1988),is
hereby repealed.

Short title and commencement

32. This Act is called the South African Weather Service Act, 2001, and
takes effect on a date fixed by the President by proclamation in the



1. The gathering of meteorological and climatological observational
data over South Africa and surrounding oceans, sufficient for the needs of
the country and to comply with international obligations and in accordance
with World Meteorological Organization standards, where practicable.

2. The carrying out of those international obligations agreed under
World Meteorological Organization arrangements, including the international
distribution of data and acting as Regional Telecommunications Hub and as
Regional Specialised Meteorological Centre.

3. The provision of other meteorological services and the
representation of Government in fulfilment of international obligations,
where appropriate.

4. The provision of weather and climatic forecasting and warning
services intended for the general benefit of the population and the safety
of life and property.

5. The provision of daily rainfall and maximum and minimum temperatures
data to the general public.

6. The custody of the National Climatological Databank.

7. The operation of a national meteorological telecommunication network
and computer infrastructure necessary to provide public good services.

8. The maintenance of the National Meteorological Library.

9. The provision of advice to Government regarding meteorological and
climatological matters.

10. The provision of meteorological and functional-related training in
partnership with higher education institutions.

11. The conducting of research focussed on reducing the impact of
weather related natural disasters and on improving to the quality of the
public good services.

12. The provision of meteorological support for aviation and maritime
search and rescue activities in accordance with international obligations
of the Government.

13. The provision of service for the benefit of subsistence farmers and



1. The provision of specialised weather forecasting and climate
information services.

2. The provision of services to the maritime industry that ate not
included in international obligations of the SOLAS Convention (Safety of
Life at Sea).

3. The provision of aviation meteorological services.

4. Weather and climate related publications.

5. Meteorological consultations including advice to the legal and
insurance industries.

6. Contracted weather and climate-related research.

7. Research to improve commercial services.

8. The dissemination of weather and climate information.

9. The manufacturing and selling of meteorological equipment to State
departments and users from the private sector as well as the servicing,
repairing and standardisation of equipment falling within the competence of
the Weather Service.

10. The provision of specialised services to the media.

11. Commercial services provided on an ad hoc basis to State Departments.

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