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Web Links [Tag : capsicum]

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Chilli and paprika have several properties in common. They both belong to the genus Capsicum, and contain the pungent principle capsaicin in the fruits. The powdered fruits are used as flavouring agents for oriental and East European dishes.
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The mechanism by which seal-packaging individual fruit in high density polyethylene film delays deterioration was investigated with lemon (Citrus limon [L.] Burm. f. cv Eureka) and bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv Maor) fruits.
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Reference Sufficiency Ranges for Plant Analysis in the southern region of the United States, Southern Cooperative Series Bulletin No. 394, July 2000.
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These include several well-known plastid proteins but also novel proteins that were not previously reported from other plastid proteome studies. The majority of the identified proteins are active in plastid carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism.
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SOLANACEAE: Capsicum Capsicum annuum : Paprikaschoten, zum Trocknen aufgehängt und an der Pflanze © Peter v. Sengbusch - Impressum
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Cross-reactivity was observed with rBet v2 (birch pollen profilin) (Jensen-Jarolim et al. 1998) [913]. Like other profilin allergens Cap a 2 is involved in pollen-fruit IgE cross-reactivity.
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SOMOGYI Norbert Red Pepper Research and Development Ltd. Department of Szegedch and Development Ltd. Department of Szeged 6728 SZEGED, Kulterulet 7. Tel/Fax:+36-62-461835 E-mail:somogyi@freemail.c3.
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The flowers are gamopetalous (the petals united into a tube). Flowers open for three days on average. Under high temperature and humidity, flowers abscise (drop off) plants and this happened regardless of whether flowers were pollinated or had been fertilised (Ref. 1).
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Genome consists of RNA; single-stranded; linear. Total genome size 6.5 kb. Genome unipartite; largest (or only) genome part 6.5 kb. Genomic nucleic acid isolated by Alonso et al. (1991). Infectivity retained when deproteinised with phenol or detergent. Additional factor not required for infectivity.
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This electronic document was downloaded from the GPO web site, August 2002, and is provided for information purposes only. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, is updated each year in early summer.
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BELL PEPPER PRODUCTION IN CALIFORNIA Timothy K. Hartz, University of California Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Vegetable Crops, University of California, Davis; Michelle LeStrange, Keith S. Mayberry, and Richard F.
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El gorgojo del maíz Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky,es considerado una de las plagas mas importantes de productos almacenados. Se evaluaron, en laboratorio, polvos vegetales provenientes de nueve especias condimentarias para el control de S. zeamais en concentraciones de 0,5; 1; 2 y 4%.
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Paprika: A spicy seasoning ground from a variety of sweet red pepper (Capsicum annuum), the original source of vitamin C, isolated by the Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Györgyi (1893-1986).
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Az elmúlt évek során elvégeztük különbözô paprikafajták (sárga paradicsompaprika (Capsicum annuum lycopersice forme flavum), fekete fűszerpaprika (C.a. var. longum nigrum), a piros paradicsompaprika (C. a.
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Das Immunsystem schützt den Körper ununterbrochen vor Krankheitserregern. In Grippezeiten hat es besonders viel zu tun. Erkältungen, Schnupfen und grippale Infekte haben in der naßkalten Jahreszeit Saison. Hier erhalten Sie Tips zur Selbsthilfe, Vorbeugung und Behandlung.
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lanci cayenne paprika - crvena, ljuta, ali zdrava uz to ato je popularan za
in, cayenne paprika koristi se i u tradicionalnoj isto
koj medicini jeste li znali? - kapsaicin je jedan od glavnih sastojaka sprejeva za samoobranu. - mo~e se nai i
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Potential for breeding sweet pepper adapted to cooler growing conditions A physiological and genetic analysis of growth traits in Capsicum Promotor: Prof. dr. ir. P. Stam Hoogleraar in de Plantenveredeling Co-promotoren: Dr. ir. R.E. Voorrips Onderzoeker Plant Research International, Wageningen Dr.
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Con gran pena el Programa de Hortalizas y el Departamento de Horticultura de la UNALM informan del fallecimiento del Dr. Alfredo Montes, querido amigo, investigador y maestro, ocurrido el día 7 de setiembre. El Dr.
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SALVADORES U, Yessica, SILVA A, Gonzalo, TAPIA V, Maritza et al. Spices Powders for the Control of Maize Weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, in Stored Wheat. Agric. Téc., June 2007, vol.67, no.2, p.147-154. ISSN 0365-2807.
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bell pepper (Capsicum annuum var. grossum) -cili kembung, cili manis (Capsicum annuum var.
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