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Provides information on the traditional and applied life sciences
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UF/IFAS Extension: Solutions for Your Life
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Bamboo Australia provides Bamboo information. Products include Running and Clumping Species, Bamboo Poles, Bamboo Saws, Bamboo Flooring, Bamboo Ply, Bamboo Handicrafts, Bamboo Seeds, Bamboo Shoots, Bamboo Books and Journals. From the nursery at the Belli Bamboo Parkland
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Consequently, many extraordinary and vulnerable species such as lemurs, giant pandas and mountain gorillas that depend almost entirely on bamboo for food and shelter face an even-greater struggle for survival.
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Early childhood development is critical to stopping micronutrient deficiencies
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These include several well-known plastid proteins but also novel proteins that were not previously reported from other plastid proteome studies. The majority of the identified proteins are active in plastid carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism.
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Germany 21 August 1995 District Court Ellwangen (Spanish paprika case) [translation available] [Cite as: http://cisgw3.law.pace.edu/cases/950821g2.html]
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BERKELEY  Those seeking yet another reason to eat their veggies, take note. Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that a chemical produced when digesting such greens as broccoli and kale can stifle the growth of human prostate cancer cells.
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Fresh Broccoli Marketing Fact Sheet http://www.uky.edu/Ag/HortBiz/ U.S. Broccoli Production Data " Fresh market broccoli use in the U.S. was estimated at 5.8 pounds per capita in 2004. The recent high for fresh market broccoli consumption was 6.2 pounds in 1999.
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The actin network is organized differently during division but it does not disappear as do the cortical microtubules. RLP stains a central filamentous cortical band as the chromatin begins to condense (preprophase); it stains the mitotic spindle (as recently shown by Seagull et al. [Seagull, R.
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RESEARCH ARTICLES CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 84, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2003 775 *For correspondence. (e-mail: pcbt@cscftri.ren.nic.in) Elicitation of anthocyanin production in callus cultures of Daucus carota and involvement of calcium channel modulators G. Sudha and G. A.
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genus of the lily family (Liliaceae) with about 300 species native from Siberia to southern Africa. Best known is the garden asparagus, Asparagus officinalis, cultivated as a green vegetable for its succulent spring stalks. Several African species are grown as ornamental plants.
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MAAREC Publication 5.2 February 2000POLLINATION A flowering plant springs from a seed and grows. Given favorable conditions a bud develops and from it a showy flower emerges. Then pollination must occur. As the flower fadesafruitwithseedsisproduced.
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PROTA 2: Vegetables / Légumes has been published in 2004 on-line in Protabase, in books and as CD-Rom (How we publish). It contains 275 review articles and describes 356 species; 106 review articles are in extended format (major species) and 159 are in reduced format (minor species).
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