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Mickey Rourke's Sex Marathon: 14 Women, One Night

First Posted: 03- 5-10 05:39 PM   |   Updated: 03- 6-10 07:54 AM

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Mickey Rourke Women
Mickey Rourke with his current girlfriend, Russian model Anastassija, 24.

Mickey Rourke has had his share of women, but who knew he had 14 of them in one night.

"Forget Ashley Cole, his behaviour has nothing on a film star," he told British TV host Lizzie Cundy, according to UK's Sun. "WAGs [wives and girlfriends of soccer stars] get an easy time - they should try living with Hollywood hellraisers."

Ashley Cole is a UK soccer star at the center of several sex scandals including a gay orgy.

"I once spent a weekend in the UK and had 14 women in one night," Rourke said.

No word on how long ago the alleged sex marathon took place, but Rourke, 57, says it was before he met his current girlfriend, Anastassija Makarenko, 24. He has been married twice.

The Sun also reports that Rourke solicited Abi Titmuss and Thandie Newton, who is married, at last year's Baftas.

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Mickey Rourke has had his share of women, but who knew he had 14 of them in one night. "Forget Ashley Cole, his behaviour has nothing on a film star," he told British TV host Lizzie Cundy, according...
Mickey Rourke has had his share of women, but who knew he had 14 of them in one night. "Forget Ashley Cole, his behaviour has nothing on a film star," he told British TV host Lizzie Cundy, according...
Filed by Katy Hall  |  Report Corrections
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- New jon10473 I'm a Fan of jon10473 permalink

and this is newsworthy?

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 12:15 PM on 3/07/2010

Boy, I guess Rourke really gets all the vicious queens agitated - like snakes writhing in a pit of their own bile.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 12:00 PM on 3/07/2010
- New Why2Late I'm a Fan of Why2Late 4 fans permalink

Tiger for a night?

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 11:48 AM on 3/07/2010
- New Jeffisok I'm a Fan of Jeffisok 3 fans permalink

Mickey Rourke having sex with 14 anything is a disgusting and scary thought. period. He is gross.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 11:31 AM on 3/07/2010

Ick. Next question: how many diseases did everyone get that night?

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 11:14 AM on 3/07/2010
- berthanan I'm a Fan of berthanan permalink

way to much info.....my sis get's her hair done where he has his plugs put in. freek

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 11:03 AM on 3/07/2010
- hippie4ever I'm a Fan of hippie4ever 211 fans permalink

I wonder how much alimony this guy shells out? How much child support? Fourteen women? Did he get a word in edgewise, ROFL!!!

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 10:53 AM on 3/07/2010
- Fritzwood I'm a Fan of Fritzwood 13 fans permalink

beats me by 12......

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 10:48 AM on 3/07/2010
- New morefromLA I'm a Fan of morefromLA 31 fans permalink

I'm still 2 ahead. LOL!

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 12:16 PM on 3/07/2010
- mackdee I'm a Fan of mackdee permalink

He, didn't say he had individual sex with each one of them, He could of invited 6 or more at one time to his room, and they all had sex, so he counts the whole group of woman individually. Anyway does anyone really care, and what about quality over quantity. Seems his male ego needed to be inflated by that statement.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 10:23 AM on 3/07/2010
- skybar I'm a Fan of skybar 21 fans permalink

Did this happen back when he was good-looking?

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 10:18 AM on 3/07/2010
- RedsKid2 I'm a Fan of RedsKid2 2 fans permalink


    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 10:17 AM on 3/07/2010
- theDuder I'm a Fan of theDuder 6 fans permalink

Stop the presses. Now this is important news. Did he come 14 times?

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 10:17 AM on 3/07/2010
- BillLaimbeer I'm a Fan of BillLaimbeer 9 fans permalink

Well if Mickey Rourke said it...

14 women isn't that many if you have low enough standards and a wad of cash. He could have easily bought twice as many.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 09:24 AM on 3/07/2010
- henrypapillon I'm a Fan of henrypapillon 86 fans permalink

If Mickey Rourke gets one more facelift, you won't be able to see his ears.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 08:39 AM on 3/07/2010
- kirstwe I'm a Fan of kirstwe permalink
    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 06:43 AM on 3/07/2010
- HatingTheGame I'm a Fan of HatingTheGame 21 fans permalink

Nice trick. How did you do that? It takes you to the Home Shopping Network page.

Scummy, but cute.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 06:58 AM on 3/07/2010
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