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Digital Media Production

WP 2 CL Classifieds Theme

WP 2 CL Classifieds Theme

With WP 2 CL Classifieds Theme you can turn an ordinary WordPress installation into a classifieds listing site modeled after craigslist. You can have your own craigslist-type listing site in a matter of minutes with WP 2 CL Classifieds Theme and WordPress. Just upload the theme to your WordPress theme's folder and setup a few options, setup your categories using the regular WordPress categories tool, setup your regions as WordPress pages and you're ready to go. WP 2 CL Classifieds Theme uses the power and flexibility of WordPress to enable you to run a free classifieds listing site. The product is fully integrated with WordPress. You won't have to spend extra time learning how to use it. Just install the theme, setup your categories, set up your regions as static pages and let the theme do the rest. Full Text

WP Amazon Instastore

WP Amazon Instastore

WP Amazon Instastore is a combination of a wordpress theme and a wordpress plugin that work together to allow anyone capable of filling out a form and pressing a button to setup an affiliate store virtually stocked with products from Amazon.com. You can build a book store, a store that sells beauty items, a store that sells furniture, a store that sells household goods, sporting equipment or a store selling all of the above. You're limited only by your imagination in setting up your store. Full Text

Producer Page Templates

Producer Page Templates

Producer includes the ability for you to move sidebars around or completely remove the sidebars on your static pages, but some people need to move the sidebars on a page by page basis instead of removing them from all pages, so there are now 3 page templates you can use with your individual pages. You Full Article

Producer Updated to Version 2.0

Producer Updated to Version 2.0

Producer has been updated to Version 2.0. Version 2.0 fixes the following issues When you removed sidebars the theme was not adjusting itself in width, resulting in empty white space where the sidebar used to be. This problem has been fixed in Version 2.0. If both sidebars were set to the same position, the theme forced sidebar Full Article

Producer Theme

Producer Theme

Producer is a highly flexible free WordPress theme that can be used to build a standard blog or a magazine style blog. Producer provides an attractive default theme which you can use as is. For even greater flexibility use the premium CSS styling tool  to change background color, add background images, change font colors, sizes, Full Article

New Magazine Theme 640 version 1.6.5

New Magazine Theme 640 version 1.6.5

There is a new update available for News Magazine Theme 640. Version 1.6.5 improves the thumbnail functions to allow for images to be re-used from the media library. Previously if you inserted an image from your media library and that image was not in the gallery for the specific post the image would not show Full Article



Theme Name: moseter Description: Silver and white with a crisp design laid out in two columns. Option to hide mootabs panel if desired. Option to hide RSS subscribe block if desired. Option to add site tracking code to footer without needing to edit the footer php file. Other options include placing ad in header and sidebar. Version: Full Article


Antisnews CSS Styling Tool coming in version 1.4

Antisnews CSS Styling Tool coming in version 1.4

It’s been a long wait and your patience is greatly appreciated but the CSS Styling Tool for Antisnews will be available in version 1.4 of Antisnews which is on schedule to be released by Friday March 19th. The styling tool will allow you to control your font colors, [Read More]

Design Inspiration

Sports theme in development

Sports theme in development

In the process of creating a WordPress theme for sports blogs. The theme is being created from a PSD file recently obtained via SitePoint.com. The theme will be a 2 column theme with a featured content slideshow. The finished design might not exactly match the sample shown. Disclaimer: The PSD design shown in this post was [Read More]

How-To Docs

How to get rid of Interesting Sites widget News Magazine Theme 640

How to get rid of Interesting Sites widget News Magazine Theme 640

There are 2 ways you can get rid of the “Interesting Sites” widget in the narrow sidebar Method #1 Drag your own widgets to the sidebar to replace the ones there by default. To do this 1. Go to your dashboard 2. Click on the “Appearance” tab 3. Click [Read More]

Graphic Design

Creating sunglasses using Illustrator tracing feature

Creating sunglasses using Illustrator tracing feature
Still working on learning to design graphics in Illustrator using the tracing technique.  Will not presume to write a tutorial on how to do this.

Looking for Lipstick Icons?

Looking for Lipstick Icons?
Feel free to download our lipstick icons if you like them. They are by no means the sexiest lipstick icons ever designed. We designed them in

Another set of free photoshop buttons

Another set of free photoshop buttons
Made these buttons following the tutorial How to Create a Slick and Clean Button in Photoshop as written by Jacob Gube. Did sort of cut out of few

Illustrator bowl of apples tutorial

Illustrator bowl of apples tutorial
We came across this 3d bowl illustrator tutorial and decided to attempt it. Our finished bowl of apples looks more like a bowl of tomatoes.

The making of a male icon model

The making of a male icon model
Trying our hands at designing people icons from scratch as part of our efforts to learn illustrator. Our first sample is named Mitchell. He’s

Designing a coffee mug icon in Adobe Illustrator

Designing a coffee mug icon in Adobe Illustrator
We continue to practice with adobe illustrator and have completed another tutorial. This tutorial, found here, teaches how to design a coffee mug