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Truffles are rare and hard to find … They are an acquired taste and not for everyone
Saturday February 27th 2010



‘Daily Truffle archives’ Archives

Obama’s Gangsta Handshake

Obama’s Gangsta Handshake

Obama shakes the hand of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez gangsta style - CNBC’s Larry Kudlow says Obama-Chavez handshake was “Boyz in the Hood”.ADDENDUM: May 9th, 2009Check out Michelle Obama's fist bump with a scholarship recipient at the May 9th White House Correspondents' Dinner which raises money for journalism scholarships.

Ew, what’s this? VISA black

Ew, what’s this? VISA black

Nothing peeves me more than imitation anything and I am happy very little crosses my path, but it really bugs when some brand markets an item as a less-expensive equivalent to something of a higher value. If the word Lexus jumps to mind - you are with me. But that's way too easy. I have seen a company called Furla that straight up imitates every luxury house's bags each season and prices them at [...]

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