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Why Broadview Security Keeps Making Ads That Scare the Hell Out of Us

Posted 2:00 PM 02/24/10 , ,
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Using sex in advertising is a tried and true way to sell a product. But one company is betting that fear may be just as effective. Broadview Security (formerly branded as Brinks Home Security (CFL)) has been airing ads that feature a series of scenarios that play on women's darkest fears.

In one of Broadview's latest spots called "The House Party," a young woman connects with a handsome young man named A.J. at her dinner party. As everyone is leaving, she tells him it was nice to meet him. A few shy yet flirty glances are exchanged and A.J. walks away. But just moments later -- after the woman has blown out the candles and starts cleaning up for the night -- A.J.'s snarling face appears at her back-door window. He then angrily smashes through the glass.

Luckily for the woman, it's not the start of another Friday the 13th sequel but a tactic to demonstrate the effectiveness of a Broadview Security home-alarm system. When A.J.'s glass-shattering punch sets off her home's shrieking alarm, he dashes off into the bushes. The woman is then soothed by a reassuring phone call from a hunky Broadview employee who asks if she's alright.

Obviously, Broadview believes this advertising tactic works. Most of the security firm's ads follow a similar pattern: a woman is all alone (or alone with her young, defenseless children) at her well-appointed home when a criminal tries to break in, only to be thwarted by an ear-piercing Broadview alarm. Each incident is then followed by a comforting call from a handsome (and male) Broadview Security employee. (Check out more of the company's ads here, and a spot-on critique of the campaign from Current.com.)

Tapping Into Our Fear Center

Even though Broadview's ads have been criticized for exploiting women's fears, the ads aren't going to lighten up the spots anytime soon.

Why? Because fear sells.

"Fear, probably with guilt, will be the two biggest factors in pushing brands in the future," says Martin Lindstrom, the author of Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy and several other marketing books. "You can push fear in all different contexts: fear of not having enough insurance, or fear of not eating the right food."

There's actually a neurological reason for why fear is becoming increasingly effective advertising tool, says Lindstrom, who studied the brain scans of more than 2,000 people as they were shown marketing and advertising strategies. The amygdala, the part of the brain that generates fear, kicks in when a person's under stress, and tends to stay alert and receptive to fear signals until the danger goes away, he says. And in today's environment, with consumers concerned with everything from terrorism to the environment, there are increasing number of fear signals pushing consumers' buttons.

It's also no coincidence that many of Broadview's ads feature women threatened while at home or with their children. "Women feel they don't have enough time for their husband, their kids or themselves," Lindstrom says, adding that women's brains are hardwired with the desire to protect their families. "The consequence of guilt and fear is that we buy more to compensate. The security companies are plugging into that."

Using the Bogey Man to Boost the Bottom Line

That tactic has shown results for Broadview. The company said Wednesday that fourth-quarter revenue jumped 7.5% to $145.4 million, while sales for 2009 rose 6.2% to $565.1 million. Net income for last year rose an impressive 9.8% to $63.7 million.

Broadview's spots have been around for awhile, but they have aired more frequently since last June when the company changed its brand name from Brinks to Broadview and boosted its ad spending as a result. Previously, the brand had spent $40 million a year on advertising. But in the last half of 2009, the company boosted ad spending by an additional $20.6 million in order to help cement its rebranding, said vice president of investor relations Gary Samberson. Most of that was spent on new television spots, such as the one featuring a mom playing soccer with her daughter right before their home is invaded. The ads aired on more than 40 cable channels, according to Advertising Age.

Tyco International's (TYC) pending $2 billion purchase of Broadview shouldn't disrupt the company's advertising strategy. "We're still a separate company from Tyco, so because of that we're still continuing to compete in the marketplace, and that means running commercials and trying to drive sales opportunities," Samberson says. Tyco's ADT unit will absorb Broadview Security; ADT spokesman Bob Tucker declined to comment on its advertising strategy.

Samberson declined to comment on the commercials's impact on the company's sales, citing it as proprietary marketing information. Still, he explains that the spots are designed to create a "call to action." "Our approach on TV is direct response, which is oriented to getting a response from the consumer," such as calling Broadview to purchase an alarm system, he says. "The unfortunate reality is that these are occurrences that happen in everyday life."

Maybe so, but most consumers probably don't want to think that they live in a world where any acquaintance or ex-boyfriend may turn into a threatening criminal. The bad news for consumers is that this strategy works in pushing the buttons in the less rational parts of our brains, says Lindstrom. "The rational part of our brain will say, 'That's ridiculous,' but [security companies] are trying to bypass that by saying, 'You might think you are safe, but have you thought the people around you might be ones you can't trust?' "

Perhaps the scariest thing about the campaign? Fear-mongering actually seems to be an effective way to boost the bottom line.
Aimee Picchi

Aimee Picchi

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Financial Writer

Aimee Picchi is a Burlington, Vermont-based writer who covers advertising and marketing for DailyFinance. She has written for The Boston Globe, DealFlow Media, Institutional Investor, Vermont Quarterly magazine, the Burlington Free Press and Seven Days. Prior to freelancing, Picchi worked at Bloomberg News for nine years, where she covered media and advertising as a staff writer and contributed to Bloomberg Markets magazine. Picchi also edited the book Cultivating the Affluent II for Institutional Investor, where she worked as the managing editor of a newsletter covering hedge funds and private banking before joining Bloomberg.

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4:14PM Feb 26 2010 
DALLAS(AP) - Federal, local and state authorities arrested 284 immigrants with criminal records during a three-day enforcement surge across Texas.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials said Friday ********* the biggest operation targeting illegal criminal immigrants that they've ever conducted in the state.

ICE Assistant Secretary John Morton says Texas is safer as a result; 159 of the 284 arrested had previous convictions for violent crimes.

Arrests in the Dallas-Fort Worth area netted 119 criminal immigrants, there were 73 in San Antonio, 59 in Houston and 33 in El Paso.

Morton says those arrested came from numerous nations, including Korea, India, and Central and South America.

Thirty-five immigrants were previously deported and re-entered illegally, he said.

(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
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11:26AM Feb 26 2010 
Jobless Benefits Could Expire Soon for 1.1 Million Americans = more people with free tome and empty pockets which will increase the crime rate. Watch as it goes through the roof the next couple of years. Can none see the obvious
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CSI Blackwell
10:44AM Feb 26 2010 
Fear mongering only works to kick off war in foreign oil countries.
Save the psychology speak for the coffee shop,
When those commercials are shown, we mute the sound and add the words.

They never show the woman giving mixed sexual signals to the wrong person.
They never explain why she has a door without screws in the hinges.
They never let her retrieve the handgun, that is near the phone.

"Hello this is Brinks Security, I see you have an emergency"

"Yes, I do. And thank you for picking up the phone, before I finished dialing"

"No problem. In the time it takes us to say this, the attacker has beat you senseless"

"Yes I know, for some reason he ran out the door, when he realized I was alone"

"It's in the script, for the idiots that believe this nonsense. Not people rolling on the floor laughing"

"Wow! Do we continue to move our lips and pretend you're helping, as the narrator sells hype and BS?"

"Yes we do. While outside views of your home create envy. May I ask, do you have a gun in the house?"

"Yes, but like most people, I don't carry it from room to room."

"Please stay on the line for an NRA representative to convince you to buy a submachine gun."

"But I only need a pistol for personal protection"

"This commercial is more dramatic, it sells better. And your next attcker might be ethic."

"Oh my God, No!" Thanks goodness I have Brinks Security and the NRA robbing me blind"
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10:00AM Feb 26 2010 
Yeah, they make men look like complete idiots. , its the new trend. all the commercials make guys look like thes fools at the hand of some poor distraught well dressed woman who is shaking her head, tapping her foot impatiently..,and making fun of him. The should show a crazy Ex girlfriend, drunk trying to clib through a window,,with messed up hair and a broken high heel..and a rose in her teeth,that would scare the hell out of everyone.
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10:22PM Feb 25 2010 
Global Warming is sold the same way. Maybe you just have to be around for a while to know that whenever a decision is based on fear and you must buy something right now to fix it, you are either talking to a salesman or a thief. Normally it’s both. The presentation is always based on don’t question us, there isn’t enough time, just do as we say. Global warming salesman sell it the same way and they have a very large supporting cast, each of which wants either your donations, government grant money, geopolitical restructuring, more government control or more tax revenue. Yes, we should all be very, very afraid, of these salesmen, their tactics and their real motives.
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