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Subscribe to Print Edition | Tue., March 09, 2010 Adar 23, 5770 | | Israel Time: 09:26 (EST+7)
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Mitchell to Israel, PA: Annapolis understandings are non-binding
Responses: 8
Comment / Israel must talk to Hamas before it's too late
Responses: 15
Yoel Marcus / Israel cannot abandon military option on Iran
Responses: 21
Young Israeli Arab leader: We welcome peaceful revolution
Responses: 8
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Previous Editions
Israel envoy offers return to campus where students yelled 'murderer'
The Associated Press
Michael Oren's recent visit to UC Irvine led to arrest of 11 students who heckled him during his speech.
Tags: Israel news, Michael Oren
U.S. Reform rabbis suggest welcoming interfaith couples
The Associated Press
Reform Jewish task force on intermarriage: Movement should create special blessings for major life events.
Tags: Reform Judaism, intermarriage, Israel news
Mitchell to Israel, PA: Annapolis understandings are non-binding
By Barak Ravid, Akiva Eldar and Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz Correspondents
U.S. special Mideast envoy to mediate renewed Israel-PA peace negotiations after year of deadlock.
Tags: Palestinians, George Mitchell 
An obligation to rush in
Yoel Marcus, Haaretz Correspondent
Our enemy is a vicious madman who seeks to reduce the Mideast to a stretch of Sharia extremism.
Tags: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Israel Iran 
Talk to Hamas now
David Zonsheine
Israel's abandonment of Shalit is symptomatic of Zionism's failure, the elevation of pride over wisdom.
Tags: Gaza, Hamas, Gilad Shalit, Israel news
Interpol seeks arrest of 16 more suspects in Dubai hit
Haaretz Service
International agency had already tagged 11 with 'red notices' over killing of Hamas operative Mabhouh. Haaretz.com TV
Tags: Haaretz TV, Israel news, Dubai assassination 
Did Nazi 'spyclists' try to recruit the founder of Britain's Boy Scouts?
Ofer Aderet, Haaretz Correspondent and The Associated Press
Newly declassified U.K. intelligence files revealalarm that spread as Hitler Youth toured Britain in 1937.
Tags: Britain, Hitler youth, Israel news
Before meeting Biden, Foreign Ministry officials play some ping pong
By Lital Levin
FM Lieberman loosens his tie for the annual championships with Israel's diplomatic corps.
Tags: Israel news, Avigdor Lieberman 
Israel and U.S. launch indirect peace talks
Natasha Mozgavaya, Haaretz Correspondent and Haaretz Service
U.S.: Israel, Palestinians agree to talks; U.S. envoy Mitchell urges both sides not to jeopardize prospects.
Tags: Israel news, indirect talks, Saeb Erekat 
Israel agrees to let UN chief, EU commissioner enter Gaza
Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent
Ban and Ashton to enter blockaded strip to give aid, in first approved entrance since 2008 Gaza war.
Tags: Catharine Ashton, Ban Ki Moon, Gaza war 
Top American Jewish lawyer Arnold Forster dies at 97
Haaretz Service
Forster was a member of the ADL, and was one of the first Jewish leaders to publicly advocate for Israel.
Tags: Arnold Forster, Israel news, ADL
Israel offers aid to Turkey after 41 killed in earthquake
News Agencies
At least 20 aftershocks follow; residents flee buildings to camp outdoors overnight.
Tags: Israel news, Turkey earthquake
Israel to unveil plans to create nuclear generated power
Minister to officially tell Paris energy conference Israel plans to build plant overseen by France.
Tags: Israel nuclear, Israel news 
Comment / Can Israel have its OECD cake and eat it too?
Dr. Efraim Chalamish
As Israel bids to join the exclusive economic club, it rejects other UN agencies, like the Security Council.
Tags: Israel news OEC, UN Security Council
Biden arrives in Israel amid signs of peace process renewal
Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent, Haaretz Service
Vice President to address Israeli public on peace process, Iran nuclear program and U.S.-Israel relations.
Tags: Middle East peace, Israel news, Joe Biden 
Barak to Netanyahu: Don't miss this chance for peace
Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz Correspondent and The Associated Press
PLO okays indirect talks with Israel, seeks results in months; Mitchell and Netanyahu meet in Jerusalem. Haaretz.com TV
Tags: PLO, Israel news, Middle East peace 
Shalit family: Hamas stalling on response to Israel's offer
Eli Ashkenazi, Haaretz Correspondent
Former Hamas leader Abdullah Barghouti: Abducted soldier in good condition, Netanyahu doesn't want deal. Haaretz.com TV
Tags: Abdullah Barghouti, Israel news 
Secret Israeli report: U.S. cozying up to Palestinians
By Barak Ravid, Haaretz Correspondent
U.S. not serious about upcoming Israel-PA negotiations, according to internal Foreign Min. document.
Tags: Benjamin Netanyahu, Palestinians 
Egyptians arrest two Palestinians in its waters
Egypt building anchorage for patrol boats on Gaza border to bolster defenses against Palestinian weapons smuggling.
Tags: Egypt Gaza border, Israel news
Pro-Israel groups face off with campus 'apartheid week'
By Josh Nathan-Kazis, The Forward
Israel on Campus Coalition: Rather than spotlight the lunatic fringe, we prefer to promote Israel in positive way.
Tags: Israel news, Apartheid Week
Facing new sanctions, Iran admits oil shortages
Senior Iranian oil official: Increased gasoline rationing imposed last year failed to reduce domestic demand.
Tags: Israel news, Iran oil
U.S. Jewish activist: Why I am protesting the Friends of the IDF dinner
Donna Nevel
Donna Nevel writes how her perception of the IDF as a moral army has changed over the years.
Tags: Israel news, IDF
Iran: We're ready for uranium exchange with 'fresh' countries
News Agencies
Japan shows interest in deal; Iran reports launch of new short-term missile production.
Tags: Israel news, Iran nuclear, Middle East, IAEA
Report: DNA tests support Zimbabwe tribe's claim of Jewish roots
Haaretz Service
DNA tests show the 80,000-strong Lemba people have links to ancient Jews, according to a BBC report.
Tags: Israel news, Zimbabwe Jews, Jewish World
Shi`ite cleric Sadr urges Iraqis: Vote to end U.S. 'occupation'
Iraqis went to the polls Sunday, as insurgents vowing to disrupt election killed at least 25 across Iraq.
Tags: Israel news, Iraq election, Moqtada al-Sadr 
Indirect talks bring Israel, Palestinians back to square one
Zvi Bar'el, Haaretz Correspondent
19 years after Madrid and 17 years after Oslo, we find ourselves back at the starting point.
Tags: Middle East peace, Israel news, Palestinians 
'U.S. rewarding firms that defy Iran sanctions'
Washington has awarded $107b over past decade to firms dealing with Iran, according to N.Y. Times.
Tags: Iran nuclear, Iran sanctions, Israel news 
PA holds olive branch in one hand, stone in the other
Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz Correspondent
Discussing a final-status agreement while allowing a mini-intifada to unfold gives the PA leverage.
Tags: Israel news, Middle East peace 
Mitchell, Barak meet in bid to restart peace talks
U.S. Middle East envoy begins round of meetings, as Abbas warns peace process close to collapse.
Tags: Israel news, Middle East peace 
Turkish filmmaker takes aim at U.S. and Israel
Most expensive Turkish production set to tell story of Palestine, by man accused of anti-Semitism.
Tags: Israel news, Turkey movie, anti-Semitism 
Ahmadinejad: 9/11 attacks a 'big fabrication'
Iranian President accuses U.S. of using attacks as an excuse to justify the war on terrorism.
Tags: Israel news, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 9/11
'Temple Mount clashes may spark religious war'
Haaretz Service
Pan-Islamic body calls for international intervention to end 'Israeli aggression,' reports AFP.
Tags: Israel news, Temple Mount, Al-Aqsa mosque 
Iran vents frustration with Moscow, expels Russian pilots
Signs of growing anger in Tehran as Russia stalls on missile deal and backs nuclear sanctions.
Tags: Iran nuclear, Israel news, Russia
'Jewish lobby behind U.S. Armenia genocide vote'
Haaretz Service
Pro-Israel activists manipulated Congress to damage Turkey, says London daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi.
Tags: Israel news, Turkey, Armenia genocide
EU foreign policy chief to visit Gaza in March
Catherine Ashton will be the first senior EU figure to enter Hamas-ruled terrirory in over a year.
Tags: Israel news, Gaza, Hamas, Catherine Ashton
Vandals deface former Nazi concentration camp
The Associated Press
Anti-Semitic graffiti discovered at Austrian memorial Mauthausen; police are investigating.
Tags: Israel news, Mauthausen, Austria 
Irish FM urges EU to pressure Israel to end Gaza blockade
Gaza blockade enriches Hamas and stifles voices of moderation, Martin says.
Tags: Israel news, Ireland, Gaza
Jews with guns - not only in the Israel Defense Forces
By Natasha Mozgovaya
Increasing number of Jewish Americans buying guns amid fears of growing anti-Semitism.
Tags: anti-Semitism, Israel news, gun lobby
IN PICTURES / Are boycotts and sanctions really effective?
By Yoni Eshpar
History proves that international sanctions often achieve the precise opposite of what they intend.
Tags: Israeli Apartheid Week, Israel boycott 
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