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All Things Digital
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Why the Social-Media Aggregator Has Croaked

A couple of years ago, they were everywhere: fresh, design-savvy start-ups, taking everything you might ever want to know your friends were doing on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Digg, and goodness knows what else.

Fighting a Flood of Counterfeit Tech Products

Edward Dimmler dips a cotton swab in acetone and rubs it on the surface of a computer chip that was ostensibly manufactured by Samsung. The white tip turns black--the first clue that the part may be fake.

How Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Think About Real-Time Search

Perhaps inspired by the speed of the medium, the integration of real-time tweets and other updates into major search engines has happened more quickly than I might have expected.

Smartphones: So Advanced, Yet So Hampered by Ancient Business Models

AT&T manages to remove Google's search from an Android device.

Virtual Musicians, Real Performances: How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing Music

Ever wonder how Jimi Hendrix would cover Lady Gaga? The day is approaching when you should be able to find out.

Angels Vs. Venture Capitalists

At our new venture fund, we’ve been spending time looking into new ways that will make the lives of entrepreneurs seeking funding easier.

Bringing New Understanding to the Director's Cut

And now, just in time for Oscar junkies, comes a new statistical mincing of the movies that may someday yield an award category of its own: Best fit between a movie’s tempo and the natural rhythms of the brain.
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About Voices

This is a section of the All Things Digital Web site featuring posts from around the Web, from other Dow Jones properties and also original pieces we solicit. The section is now explicitly labeled that it comes “from other Web sites.”

Regarding third-party posts: We are trying to point readers of this site to other posts from around the Web that we admire and are trying to do so in the quickest manner possible.

That is why we have made even more changes to Voices to ensure we do this in the most transparent and timely way. While we don't expect that everyone will agree with our policies, we have made changes that reflect our intent in pointing to content outside our site.

So here is exactly what we do.

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All Things Digital Widgets

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Digital Stocks’ YTD Performance: Meh (Stay Private, Mark!)

In an article today in The Wall Street Journal, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is portrayed as someone none to eager to IPO. With tech stocks in a mild state of decline since the beginning of 2010, maybe he has the right idea. Read More »


Sprint Exec Bonuses No Longer Tied To Post-Paid Sub Adds

Sprint today disclosed some illuminating changes in its short-term incentive plan for the company’s execs. The revised scheme is based on performance in the 2010 first half. Read More »

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Israel Calls Off Raid After Soldier’s Facebook Post

The Israeli military called off a raid on a West Bank town after a soldier posted on his Facebook page that his combat unit was going to “clean up” the area, Haaretz reports. Read More »


Web Video You’ll Want to Watch: Five “Digital Ellie” Finalists

It’s easy to make a Web video. It’s really hard to make a good one. Here are five of them, one of which will win an award in a couple weeks. Read More »

Digital Daily

Rent. Rip. R.I.P.: RealDVD Takes a Dirt Nap and RealNetworks Ordered to Pay Hollywood $4.5 Million

The Motion Picture Association of America has finally, and permanently, dispatched RealNetworks’s “legal” DVD ripper, RealDVD. On Wednesday afternoon, U.S. District Judge Marilyn Hall, who in January dismissed Real’s antitrust claims against Hollywood, really dropped the hammer on the company, issuing a permanent injunction barring it from manufacturing or trafficking in RealDVD. Read More »

What, HTC Worry?

Now that it has had some time to recover from the intellectual property lawsuit sucker punch Apple threw at it yesterday, HTC has issued a more carefully crafted positioning statement on the matter. More thoroughly lawyered than its predecessor, this statement touches on issues of consumer choice and the effect Apple’s attack might have on the company’s business. Read More »

Same Beat, Different Boss: New York Post Media Reporter Peter Lauria Jumps to The Daily Beast

Instead of working for Rupert Murdoch, veteran reporter Peter Lauria will be answering to Barry Diller. The more important change: He’ll have the ability to publish more than once a day. Welcome to 2010, Peter! Read More »

Google Uses Personal Data to Tailor Up to 20 Percent of Searches

Many people think of Google search results as being standard from one person to the next. But if you’ve been paying attention over the years, you’ve probably noticed that more and more searches are being tailored to your personal information. Now we know just how many. Read More »

Palm Resumed Smartphone Production Last Week

With Chinese New Year celebrations finished, Palm’s manufacturing partners in China are once again producing webOS smartphones after a temporary shutdown in observance of the holiday. Sources close to the company tell me production resumed last week–on Feb. 22 to be exact. Read More »

Details of “Einstein” Cyber Shield Disclosed by White House

The Obama administration lifted the veil Tuesday on a highly-secretive set of policies to defend the U.S. from cyber attacks. Read More »

Time Inc.’s Newest Product: A Magazine, Printed on Paper

Time Inc.’s newest product took nine months of meticulous work, carefully calibrated focus groups and a bunch of money. And it has absolutely nothing to do with the Internet, the Kindle or the iPad. Read More »

Verizon Network Outage Begs Question: Is There Also a Map for That?

AT&T executives were no doubt grinning into their cornflakes this morning over a cock-up at rival Verizon that left many of that company’s customers in the eastern half of the U.S. without access to data services early Wednesday. The network outage was resolved relatively quickly, but not before Verizon got a little taste of some of the grief AT&T has been suffering for the past year. Read More »

TiVo: New Set-Top Boxes Blend TV, Web Video Content

At an event in New York, TiVo late Tuesday unveiled a new set-top box that makes it easier to find your favorite programs where ever they may be–whether on television, recorded on a DVR or on the Web. Read More »

And Since We Still Don’t Allow iPhone Tethering, We Can Guarantee That Wi-Fi-Only iPads Won’t Overload Our 3G Network

Here’s the real reason AT&T was able to offer such a breakthrough price on data plans for Apple’s iPad in the U.S.: The carrier doesn’t expect many people to buy them. Read More »

One Obvious Question for HTC CEO Peter Chou at D8: How About Them Apple (Patents)?

Before Apple lobbed a patent infringement lawsuit at Taiwanese handset manufacturer HTC yesterday, we were lucky to get its CEO, Peter Chou, to agree to appear at the eighth D: All Things Digital conference to talk about its work making smartphones for Google and others. That interview obviously got a whole lot more interesting with the epic legal action by Apple alleging that HTC infringed some 20 patents related to the iPhone’s graphical user interface, underlying architecture and hardware. Read More »

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Watch Video, Wirelessly, on Your TV

Intel's Wi-Di and MediaMall's PlayOn offer ways to watch your computer videos on your TV, but they are expensive solutions that have downsides. Read More »

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