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  1. 'Teen Mom' Advice

    'Teen Mom' Advice

    Farrah, Maci, Amber and Catelynn of 'Teen Mom,' give advice to the Season 2 cast of '16 and Pregnant.'

  • Posted 1/27/10
  • Views 53,237
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Maria (2/6/2010 3:47:10 PM)

i just want to say tht those girls were very strong thru everything and im soon to be a teen mom and they show me tht no matter what u got to be strong and bellieve in yoursself no matter what happens.

lovinCIDNEY (2/6/2010 8:45:32 AM)

I wanted to say i loved the show and respect you all very much ! and i wanted to know what ever happend to Whitney and Ebony? why did they stop being aired on the show !?!

ANTMARKEZHOW (2/5/2010 12:16:29 PM)

I can only imagine being sixteen and going through a whole life change. I recently turned twenty-three and its still hard for me, I can relate to each: Farah, Maci, Amber and Caitlyn!!! I have been through it the entire parent not being supportive, the violent disputes with the father, me wishing I had the father around to share the RESONSIBILITY. Sitting in deep depression wonder where did I go wrong. I feel as a viewer the strongest two girls in my opinion are Maci and Amber!!! They remind me so much of me until it am sometimes hard to watch!!!! Although the show is about teen pregnancy, I just want it to be known that its hard for any individual to take on the fully loaded responsibility alone at even older ages its so depressing and difficult to make the best decisions for the child.

Danice (2/5/2010 12:05:52 PM)

Damn, Farrah, get you head out of your butt and grown up o' selfish one!Are you kidding me? You would've thought you'd learn from getting preggers that you'd be cautious around guys but damn, I quess ya can't really change a **! It's not just my vview, dear, you actually were basically on a man hun t!!!! AYou didn't think tweice about l.aving yur new born at home while you were trying to find a boyfriend or get layed. Sweetheart, if more than 3 people are telling you that you're a ***** mom than it's likely they are right; even one dude that you went o visit was drilling you about being w/ your baby. The other 2 girls were desperate! And their babies respond to them and are happy kids! You truly suck and I feel bad for your daughter! I'm not this mean but I had to say something! You even actually told Dr. Drew (who laughed at you when you said this)"I don't like time limits!" Put the diva schtick down and damn love your baby! You said you didn't like it when your mom wasn't home and you stayed w/ Grandma but at least she didn't go out but had an excuse-WORK!You are not that cute so I suggest you work on your personality to get guys in the future! Getting pregnant should've made you so cautous, nervouse maybe not even want to date a guy but it made you desperate for one! Your mom is so right!!!!I'm 32yrsold and I don't just drop my son off, even for long periods, not telling my parents where I'll be, and above all expect my parents to tke care of MY CHILD! You even told your mom that if she didn't watch her than you'll have someone else do it, are you that depserate? I don't leave my son w/ just anybody! Bentley's mom was missing her friends and being a teenager however, her friends cme to her in the middle of the day, they went to dinner but she always had Bentley by hr side! Grow up, stop being a **, stop fighting w/ your mom (YOU HAVE NO GROUNDS, SHE'S RIGHT, YOU JUST LEAVE YOUR DAUGHTER BEHIND!), stop acting like a damn diva (esp.when you don't havce the goods) BE A MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!!1

Brandy (2/5/2010 12:26:24 AM)

You should have a time for yourself, but your TiME iS LiMiTED! you Cant take as much time as you want cause after you have a baby its not about you anymore! Amber really knows wat she tlking about when she says "Level out with baby and other time" and you cant always do things for yourself, its good to do that somethings but not ALWAYS... Maci is a good mom on TV but her advice is not so good, but they all do a good job as mothers. Farrahi thinks needs to stop asking her mom to babysit so much, i understand that she still wants a life, but her mom already did her time raising a kid, now its Farrahs turn.

<3 Samantha <3 (2/4/2010 7:27:08 PM)

I'm excited about the second season but I am really going to miss the "GIRLS" ! I got pregnant when I was 18 and I became obsessed with the show .. my little boy will be 4 months old in 9 days and it's like I can relate to alot of the things yall go through. My babys father is not in our lives and I stay with my mother. I also go to a Community college so it's like I am all the girls combined. I hope that season two is going to be just as great.. Thanks for all the advice girls <3

Ariana (2/4/2010 4:09:10 PM)

me too!

foxxyroxxy10 (2/3/2010 12:45:04 AM)

im under tha empression that u want attention so u g against tha grain to seek it out...grow up, ur soooo corny. signed 16 & pregnant and Teen Mom #1 fan

rae30 (2/2/2010 11:20:50 PM)

i loved watching teen mom, i' m gonna miss these girls. i hope they do updates thru the next season. i was 15 when my son was born and 18 when my daughter was born. now at 29 i watch the show every week and cry. you girls are awesome. please don't forget that!

Destini (2/2/2010 12:34:34 PM)

i really loved watching this whole show i think ryan does not know what he has in front of him macy is a great mom and she is a awsome girl. i was so glad to see farrah changing towards sophia she finally realized that she can not be a teen anymore she is now a mother i am also a teen mom of 2 and i sometimes have a hard with that. amber i am so glad that you finally got to feel indepent i have that problem also.. for tyler and catlynn i am glad you are gettiing through giving carly up do not punish yourself people are all different in different situations. well to all the girl i would like to say god bless and take care and i wish you all well in the future keep your heads up and keep doing what you do best. i have a great connection with all of you and that is why i kept watching this show.

shantell (2/2/2010 12:36:17 AM)

it good to see the girl giving advice to help other teen mothers

Albert (2/1/2010 11:28:59 PM)

Id Definitely Would Be Glad To Be With Maci Or Farrah . . . .

Britta Bby (2/1/2010 10:51:22 PM)

I am glad to see all you girls learning from this expierience. I have a 11 month old babygirl and I am married...it's difficult but not impossible. And people shouldn't judge you just from the tv show. They don't know you off camera or much less in person. Just thought I would throw that out there. But you girls keep up the good work and GOOD LUCK!!! PS: I want to give a special shout out to Farrah because you have really stepped up to the plate and taken more responsiblity in being a mom ;]

Daria (2/1/2010 7:03:22 AM)

I do not agree with MTV with getting 10 girls for this season. I feel 6 is enough. Does MTV offer these girls some type of birth control counseling after they have their babies? I was watching the preview and Amber said she may be pregnant again!

Miranda (2/1/2010 1:53:19 AM)

well first of all im inspired by all of you girls. I am 18 and i have a baby on the way. My ex is not in the picture hes a complete jerk. We broke up when he found out and his mother blamed it all on me simply because he is still a mamas boy. I'll always regret not dumping while we were going through a bunch of crap in the first place. But i look at my unborn baby as a blessing him being the father or not.

Elizabeth (2/1/2010 12:29:29 AM)

Farrah don't feel bad because a guy will come. Catelynn you go girl i can believe you and Tyler are getting married congrats. Amber you shouldn't get back together with Gary unless you are positive that he is matured Maci you shouldn't be upset that Bentley doesnt get to have his parents together. I would suggest doing the same thing as Farrah and waiting for a new guy to come around. All of you need to be more focussed on your studies like Farrah. Amber and Maci I know haven't been doing so well but extra time for studying could work. Caitlynn you did the right thing to give Carly up for adoption keep up the good work!!!

Kelly (1/31/2010 11:45:00 PM)

I wish the best to Tyler and Catelynn.You guys made a choice that most adults don't like to make.Even though you two are so young,I really think your gonna make it!I hope you one day start a family and enjoy being parents.Good luck.Love Kelly,Ohio

Mrs Heather (1/31/2010 9:41:45 PM)

Seriously? I'm starting to think you're obsessing a little too much over these Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant shows. Go attack an issue that is an even bigger deal than these Teens taking responsibility for their actions.

Mrs Heather (1/31/2010 9:39:49 PM)

I'm glad they gave advice to the new teen moms. But,in all honesty I still don't think Farrah should be giving it but receiving the advice.She recently "changed".So too early for her. & I also have to say I can relate to these girls so much. I get into these shows so much emotionally that I actually cry with them.I know exactly what they're going through.

Kayla (1/31/2010 6:20:37 PM)

I love watching this show!!! I defiantly like Farrah and Maci

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