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created on: 06/11/09
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Pregnancy Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most commonly-asked questions about pregnancy prevention. If you don't find what you're looking for here, you can submit your question to experts by sending an email to mtvquestions@thenc.org. We will not be able to post an answer every individual question, but we will answer the most common, so check back often.

created on: 06/10/09


What is the best way to make sure I don't get pregnant (or get someone pregnant)?

Well, the only 100% foolproof way of avoiding pregnancy is to not have sex. But if you're going to have sex then you need to make sure you use protection carefully, consistently and correctly EVERY SINGLE TIME. There are lots of methods of contraception available -- the patch, the pill, the shot, and condoms, to name a few. Find out about each of these and other methods at What Works/What Doesn't or talk to your health care provider to find out more about finding the birth control method that's right for you. Remember that only condoms will protect you from sexually transmitted diseases.




I think I'm pregnant. What should I do?

The first thing to do is figure out if you are in fact pregnant. You can take a home pregnancy test from the drugstore now, but you should also see a doctor/nurse/health care professional to be absolutely sure. The sooner you know, the better off you'll be. If you are pregnant, your health care provider will give you a lot of guidance on what to do next. If it turns out you're not pregnant, think about this experience as the best reason to use protection every single time you have sex -- or a good reason to wait. Call Planned Parenthood at 1-800-230-PLAN or visit PlannedParenthood.org to find a clinic or doctor right away.




I'm pregnant. What do I do now?

Find an adult you love and trust -- hopefully your parents, but if not, someone who loves you and will have your best interest in mind. This isn't something you should face alone. You also need to see a doctor or other health care professional as soon as possible to determine how far along you are in your pregnancy. One thing you absolutely cannot do is ignore the fact that you are pregnant. Call Planned Parenthood at 1-800-230-PLAN or visit PlannedParenthood.org to find a clinic or doctor right away.




Can you really get pregnant or get someone pregnant the first time you have sex or if you only have sex with someone once?

Yes, you can. Every single time you have sex there is a chance of pregnancy. The first time and every time. The only 100% foolproof way to avoid pregnancy is to not have sex. If you are having sex, it's important that you use protection each and every time you have sex. No exceptions. Visit Preventing Unintended Pregnancy for more on how to prevent pregnancy.




I'm not sure if I had sex or not. How can I tell?

You can get pregnant if you had vaginal intercourse -- which means that the male's penis goes inside the female's vagina. If he ejaculates while inside the vagina, or just after pulling out, the sperm can wait around for up to six days (which is why protection is so important). That's why "pulling out" isn't a reliable form of birth control. It's important to use a condom each and every time you have sex. No exceptions. Visit What Doesn't Work for more information.




Do condoms really break? What do I do if that happens?

If used correctly, condoms rarely break but not everyone uses them correctly. For example, it's important to make sure there's enough room at the tip, you have to roll it on so that there's no air trapped inside, you have to make sure that when you open the package you don't damage the condom with your teeth or fingernails. You also have to make sure you're not using expired condoms or lube that will break down the latex (petroleum jelly is a big no-no). And don't use two condoms at once -- the friction can cause them to break. Visit Condom Cues for more. If the condom breaks, you can get Emergency Contraception ("Plan B" or "the morning-after pill"). Take it right away -- the sooner you take it, the more likely it is to work well (within 72 hours of having unprotected sex). This medication has the same hormones found in birth control pills and it interferes with the fertilization process. It is not a replacement for, nor is it as effective using regular birth control pills or other contraceptives correctly. Anyone 17 years or older can buy Emergency Contraception at a drug store without a prescription; if you're under 17 you will need a prescription. To find out more about Emergency Contraception and how to get it, check out Go2PlanB.com or PlannedParenthood.org.




If I want to go on the pill do I have to tell my parents?

You can't just go into a store and buy the pill like you can with condoms and spermicide, but there are many health clinics where you do not need your parents' permission to get a prescription for it. In some states you can even get a prescription online, although in most places you will have to see a health care provider of some kind and get an exam in order to get a prescription. Once you have a prescription, you take it to a pharmacy just like for any other medication. Then you have to take it every day according to the directions. Call Planned Parenthood at 1-800-230-PLAN or visit PlannedParenthood.org to find a doctor or clinic.




I've had unprotected sex and I've never gotten pregnant. Does this mean I can't get pregnant?

No. If you are sexually active and not using protection, you have an 85% chance of getting pregnant within one year. Just because it hasn't happened yet is no guarantee that it won't. If you're in doubt, get checked out by an obstetrician/gynecologist, and use that as an opportunity to talk about the best birth control method for you. Unless you are actively trying to prevent a pregnancy, chances are good that you will get pregnant. The only 100% foolproof way to avoid pregnancy is to not have sex. If you hare having sex, use a condom each and every time you have sex. No exceptions. Visit Preventing Unintended Pregnancy for more on pregnancy prevention.




I tried the pill but didn't like it. What other options do I have?

Don't give up! There are nearly 50 different brands of pills and chances are there is one that will work for you. And if the pill isn't right for you, there are many other options. See below for some ideas and click on our links to find out more. Remember: if you're starting a new pill or are "between" contraceptive methods, either don't have sex at all or use condoms. All of the methods below except condoms require an initial visit with a health care provider.

The Pill: There are two basic kinds of birth control pills -- some contain two kinds of hormones (estrogen and progestin) and some contain only one (progestin). If you're having problems with one, make sure to talk to your doctor about working with you to find the right one. The pill takes about a month to kick in so you need to use condoms during that first month.

Depo Provera ("the shot"): Depo is an injection you get in your arm every three months and like the pill is up to 99% effective.

The IUD: The IUD is a small device put into the uterus by a doctor or health care provider that stays in place as long as 5 years and prevents pregnancy the whole time. You can get it removed by a doctor any time. Like the pill, the IUD contains hormones that help prevent pregnancy. More than 160 million worldwide use this method -- making it the most widely used type of reversible birth control in the world.

Nuva Ring ("the ring"): The ring is a plastic ring you insert into your vagina once a month. Like the pill, this is a hormonal birth control method.

"The Patch": The patch is like a band-aid that you stick on your belly or hip each week. Hormones from the patch are absorbed through your skin. It's comfortable and you leave it on while showering, swimming, etc. until it's time to change it.

Implanon ("the implant"): The implant is a small rod inserted into your arm by a doctor, and it can prevent pregnancy for up to three years. It is also a hormonal birth control method.

The Diaphragm and Cervical Cap: These are both flexible barriers that you insert into the vagina before having sex each time. You usually use spermicide with them. These are not hormonal birth control methods.

Condoms: Condoms are available in drug stores without any sort of prescription. They are the only form of contraception that protects you from sexually transmitted infections and diseases, so even if you use the pill or the patch or the ring or the shot or something else, it's good to use condoms too. Having condoms handy doesn't make you pushy or easy -- it makes you smart.

Check out What Works/What Doesn't or talk to your health care provider to find out more about finding the birth control method that's right for you.




What if I think I want to get pregnant and have a baby?

Remember, it's all about timing: preventing pregnancy now can help you be the best parent you can be later in life, when you're emotionally and financially ready. Most teen moms say they love their children but wish they'd waited 10 years. Babies are wonderful, and they need and deserve adult parents who are willing and able to do the demanding and lifelong work of raising a child. Babies require unconditional love 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They give a lot of love back, but they depend on you for everything. Babies need parents who are committed to each other and their families. Having a baby often leads toa lot of problems in a relationship -- it usually won't strengthen a relationship or necessarily lead to marriage. In fact, 8 out of 10 fathers never marry the teen mothers of their babies. Raising a child is hard. Raising a child alone is even harder. Being a teenager is a great time for growing up, getting an education, meeting new people and having fun -- not pregnancy and parenthood. Visit Planned Parenthood's Teen Talk to learn more about teen pregnancy and parenthood.



created on: 06/10/09

More Resources

Still have questions or need to know where to go? Check out these trusted sites and hotlines:

Think you might be pregnant or need to find a clinic? Call Planned Parenthood at 1-800-230-PLAN or visit PlannedParenthood.org.

Questions about Plan B / Emergency Contraception? Call 1-888-NOT2LATE or visit Go2PlanB.com.

Want more facts and tips on teen pregnancy and how to prevent it (waiting, contraception, talking with parents, talking with peers, etc.)? Check out StayTeen.org (for teens) and TheNationalCampaign.org.





  • kandixox
    kandixox posted on 06.28.09 at 04:31PM

    how do you know if you are pregnant and you are on birth control?

  • jade47325
    jade47325 posted on 06.28.09 at 09:24PM

    I'm on the pill but for some weard reason fell pregnant, could that really be whats happening?

  • lg0626
    lg0626 posted on 06.30.09 at 11:41AM

    to this girl kandixox, you get a test.


  • marinebaby09
    marinebaby09 posted on 07.01.09 at 01:53PM

    Im still having my period but I'm getting bigger and bigger. I'm also not having morning sickness. Am I pregnant?

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.02.09 at 09:10AM

    To Marine baby 09

    You can be pregnant and Not have any sythoms at all, you could still feel completely fine but nine months later theres the baby.. its not really rare its a little uncommon but normal your best bet is to go to the doctor something might be wrong where you have a tube baby and that could kill you..so it be really good if you went to the doctor


    and Kandixox you can still get pregnant on the pill it doesnt hurt the baby at all but its highly possible the effect chance that birth control helps you is 99.9 right? well no thats not true either its actually a 80% chance thats why always use the pill && a condom


    but do get a test and be safe then sory but the PILL DOES make you FEEL pregnant the pill tricks your mind into feeling like your pregnant so you cant get pregnant see what im saying?  so you may feel it but your more then likely deffinetely NOT pregnant


    its really not nice to call people names were all young here and its frightening to think about :)) thats why we come here for help and i hope my advice could be helpful.


                                                                             Kneeke Sexx<3



  • navyfiancee09
    navyfiancee09 posted on 07.02.09 at 07:37PM

    i took a pregnancy test two months after the last time i had sex and it came up negative but i still have all the symptoms, could i be pregnant?

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.03.09 at 11:06AM


    Sorry i love answering baby Questions...


    Yes you could still be pregnant a pregnancy test isnt always accurate. when my mom was pregnant with me she got 2 negatives before a possitive all in the same week. with out having sex that whole time..

    your best bet is to A buy atleast 2 more tests and see or B. go to a doctor

    if you think your pregnant its best to go check it out :)) stay safe then sorry..

    I like helping people<3 so plz Doctors dont always have the Straight forward answer id love to help




  • Alan_J_Aponte
    Alan_J_Aponte posted on 07.05.09 at 08:43AM

    The home page of this site claims that by the age of 25 1 in 2 people will have an STD. Does anyone know the sources for this "fact"?

  • GoodGirlGoneBad2009
    GoodGirlGoneBad2009 posted on 07.05.09 at 06:21PM

    i had sex about three weeks ago for the first time with this guy my period was due a couple of days ago and i still havent gotten it (its been three days)...can your period become irregular after having sex or no?

  • GoodGirlGoneBad2009
    GoodGirlGoneBad2009 posted on 07.05.09 at 06:23PM

    to add on to my comment...the first like 10 minutes he didnt use a condom i then told him i wanted him to wear protection which he then got a condom.. could i be pregnant?? or is my period just becoming irregular?

  • feliciap
    feliciap posted on 07.05.09 at 06:49PM

    my boyfriend likes having sex i dont mind it but he HATES USING CONDOMS and when we argue about him wearing one he gets UPSET so i just have sex with out one. is there anything i can do to get him to wear one because he is a sophmore and im a junior we are both 16 and TOO YOUNG too have a baby.

  • xilovehimx
    xilovehimx posted on 07.05.09 at 09:54PM

    well i had/have almost all of the symptoms of being pregnant, but i took a test & it came out negative. but i'm still worried, so what should i do?

  • babbi_gurl91
    babbi_gurl91 posted on 07.06.09 at 10:22AM

    i havnt gotten my period for 3 moths(i get irregular periods every months).... im i pregnant???

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.07.09 at 07:42AM

    if your boyfriend wont put on protection after you ask him to then he doesnt respect you enough and really isnt worth it, the best thing to do in that case is to not have sex with him till you both have an understanding. because if your not ready for a kid then you need to suit up.



    bc at hottopic? thats a new one ive never heard of i dont think so but you can easily go on hottopic and look it up? everytime iv ben there iv never heard that usually its only in paramacies.



    UNprotected sex or sex in genreal WILL mess up your period. if you think you might be pregnant get a test or dont worry about it till your next period if you miss 2 then you have to worry.



    get a blood test for a hospital its the fersure way to tell. a at home test is only 80% accurate and wont always pick up the hormones.



    there are certain points where women miss there periods from 1-6 months with out there being any sign of anything wrong but after 2 months i freak out. the best thing to do is see a doctor her a pregnancy tests by them then have an ultrasound done. it only takes a week.

    there are many sythoms that seam like pregnancy.

  • babygirl12009
    babygirl12009 posted on 07.07.09 at 07:55PM

    i hade sex with my boyfriend a month ago. and he didnt use a comdum an im not on the pill. i took a test and it said negitvie. i had alot of syptoms. but i started my period. and its been werid. it wil stop completly at night and then start at around 2pm in the day. it never does that. and i never get sick on it either. but 3 or 4 times this week iver woken up an felt like i was going to get sic.. could i be prego?


  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.10.09 at 08:01AM


    when your pregnant you can still bleed. go get a blood test from a doctor if your still worried its the best option really. you can bleed from the implantation of the embrio (sp?) or you can have a light period through your whole pregnancy its really uncommon but possible. go to a doctor get a blood test and put your worries away. in a month you wouldnt be getting many sythoms but people vary. you should be fine its probably just your nervous.ness reacting.


  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.10.09 at 08:35AM


    my first comment didnt go through


    when you have sex it messes with your period schedule so dont freak out to much if your worried go get a blood test. yes you still could be pregnant you can bleed through your whole pregnancy but its very uncommon if its only been a month you shouldnt have many sythoms. but people vary. now the best thing to do is go get a blood test.


  • kavitaagarwal
    kavitaagarwal posted on 07.10.09 at 09:56PM

    about one month ago i had a sex with my partner for a very short period. now i am having a menstaul problem. it has been delayed by 10 days and till now iam not having it what to do. when i was doing sex the penis of his has not entered my vaginaa fully but some of the drops of siemens were poured ,so please give some hints to prevent myself from being pregnant .and also give me some hints to check my pregnancy as i am feeling no symptoms . i also want to know whether it will be useful to take some contraceptive pills at this moment.

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.11.09 at 08:31AM


    Some Facts you should know for future worries. Sex messes up your period. always wear a condom and always take a pregnancy test if your worried


    if it comes up negative and you have no sythoms please see a doctor you probably have nothing to worry about but girls normally have a messed up period whether its late or lighter or heavier because of sex especialy seamen will cause this doesnt exactly mean your pregnant just means be more careful. go see a doctor get a test. im not sure which kind of pills your meaning but i wouldnt take anything other then aspirin and iburprophen (sp?). if you were pregnant youd be feeling tired head aches stomach cramping shortness of breath irritation abit emotional so early youd might be getting a more full bladder but thats it right now. good luck


  • Minnie_Vinnie
    Minnie_Vinnie posted on 07.12.09 at 02:35PM

    I'm kind of asking Kneekesexx, she seems to know what she's talking about :]

    During teh past week, I met a guy that I have beeen talking to for a few months. It was our first time meeting, to clear that up. I liked him a lot, and he liked me a lot. As you can guess, we ended up haveing sex. Which was fine with me. What wasn't fine with me was teh fact that he idin't use any form of protection. After maybe 10 minutess he used a condom, but I was still worried. Throughout teh course of the night, and the rest of the week he wus here, we continued having sex. My reasoning was that since he hadn't used protection the first time, why make him the other times. He never finished inside me (that I know of). But I found out yesterday that the days we had sex, were my peak days to get pregnant. I've been sick everymorning since teh first night. As weel as tired, pretty over hearted, dizzy, and throwing upp. I'm extremly worried. We don't even like in teh same area. There is no waay that we could make tis work. Basically, do you believe I could be pregnant? :[

  • Minnie_Vinnie
    Minnie_Vinnie posted on 07.12.09 at 02:36PM

    my question was directed to Kneekesexx  by da way.

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.12.09 at 05:50PM


    well sweetie 10 minutes is plenty of time to get pregnant it takes 30 secs for the average boy to pre ejaculate. and 4-5 minutes to actuly "finish" but thats average. just because you dont use protection once you should always be safe then sorry and do it everytime.

    but to answer your question in a week its really hard to tell you can go see a doctor go to planned parent hood or a gyno ask for a pregnany test and they will tell you. if you have sex during your ovulation time its very likely atleast 80% likely you will get pregnant but if your throwing up right away its not that. you dont throw up for a few months during a pregnancy. you will feel tired hott dizzy head aches little cramping achne and sometimes hunger but in a week your babys smaller then a dime and youll hardly know. From the sythoms you are having it does sound like a possible reason. but i believe youll be ok just go get checked out wait for your period, you have nothing to worry about till then.after that comes the tender of breasts and if you suck in your tummy and feel a bulge then you got a baby. i hope this helps a little please stay safe and get a test from a doctor.


    if you have any more questions i could help you with feel free to message me on myspace/tis_nicola



  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.12.09 at 11:19PM

    Kneekesexx, I hate to be contradictory in my second post on here, but nausea and vomiting are among the first symptoms to show up in pregnancy. They usually appear between 4 and 6 weeks of pregnacy as dated by your last menstrual period. If anyone feels like they might be pregnant, or have produced a positive home pregnancy test, go to the doctor ASAP. You need a blood test and an ultrasound to confirm and date the pregnancy. If you are having sex, you can get pregnant!

  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.12.09 at 11:24PM

    Minnie- usually it is too early to tell if it's only been a week. Implantation can take anywhere from 6-12 days to occur, and you won't start producing hCG to get a positive result (if you are pregnant) until after implantation is established, and your hormone levels are doubling (usually around the time you expect your period to arrive). Wait until you miss your period and take a home pregnancy test. If it is positive, go to a doctor or to Planned Parenthood right away for more thorough testing. If it comes back negative, wait a week, and if you still haven't started your period, retest. If that is again negative, go to the doctor.

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.13.09 at 08:17AM


    as im happy you responded to me i must disagree when your pregnant it happens in stages. first the little things thats why even with a missed period some women dont know there pregnant till after a few months when you start getting bigger then comes the nausea. now some women are different yes but most women are average and throwing up so early could be something wrong. i always recomend having safe sex and seeing a doctor right away. :)



  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.13.09 at 03:25PM

    Knee- I am 24 years old, have been pregnant (though it ended in an early miscarriage) and am currently trying to conceive a child with my husband. In an average woman, nausea and vomiting appear sooner rather than later. If you are young, you may attribute the sickness to something other than pregnancy, but the rampantness of hormones in the 1st trimester (approximately weeks 1-13) cause the nausea and vomiting. You don't have to have a baby bump to be sick to your stomach. Usually by the time you start getting the baby bump, your hormones have settled down and you don't have as many problems with morning sickness.

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.13.09 at 09:59PM

    MrsMiller I respect your point and ill make a note of it from my further advice iv been around many pregnant women who never had morning sickness till about a few months in but considering how you do have personal expeirence and iv learned from doctor notes and family members thank you and ill keep that in my advice. :)


  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.13.09 at 11:20PM

    Knee- though it is true that some women don't experience morning sickness at all, or experience it later in pregnancy, it's usually a first trimester bother that plagues the majority of women. I was 22 when I had that miscarriage, and didn't even consider the fact that I was pregnant because I was on the pill. Even at that age, I overlooked the morning sickness, the tender breasts, the darkening areolas and the frequent urination. I attributed the symptoms to my pill, as I had just switched brands. So as a teenager, I could certainly see people misreading those symptoms to be something else. I didn't want to come off as argumentative, but having gone through early pregnancy (I miscarried around 8 weeks, and didn't even know I was pregnant until the miscarriage), I have had some experience. I am also studying to become a nurse-midwife so that I myself can care for pregnant women and deliver babies. I just don't want these ladies to have misconstrued ideas about pregnancy, as it is very easy to write the symptoms off as something else.

  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.13.09 at 11:28PM

    Knee- I just also wanted to say that I appreciate the fact that you recommend seeing a doctor ASAP if pregnancy is suspected. Pregnancy is hard enough on the body of a woman who is fully developed. It's even harder on a teenage body that is still developing, so prenatal care is of the utmost importance. It's important for every pregnant woman, but especially so for teenagers and women over 35. Most of your advice that I've read seems to be very sound, it was just the nausea and vomiting thing that threw me off. Do a little research, and if you're particularly interested in the aspects of pregnancy, I recommend that you read "What to Expect When You're Expecting." It taught me a lot when my husband and I first decided to start trying to have a baby. (Which was before I entered nursing school. LOL)

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.14.09 at 08:30AM

    Ms Miller. Thank you ill be sure to read it iv been interested in pregnancies my whole life iv always wanted to be a mother though my profesion is more with animals id love to learn more about babies and womens bodies as well. Some girls get so Nervous they throw up then think oh im pregnant i just want Girls to Understand thats not always the cause but if you believe it is go see a doctor. i dont want any one to get mixed up and then make a mistake :) but thank you for the advice its very welcoming.

  • amp051987
    amp051987 posted on 07.14.09 at 07:35PM

    mrsmiller is right morning sickness can happen alot sooner then some people think.When i was pregnant(before i had my miscarriage)the first 3 months i had morning sickness all day.Everyones bodies are different.

  • zedny
    zedny posted on 07.15.09 at 04:13AM

    after my period me and my boyfriend had sex.Do i do going


  • zedny
    zedny posted on 07.15.09 at 04:21AM

    im 16 yrs.old first time to had sex with my boyfriend,what

    do i do if ever my bf to had makinglove with me,what i going to

    take for not get pregnant...?i really need your advice,what do i do..?

  • zedny
    zedny posted on 07.16.09 at 12:21AM

    what is the best thing to do that you not get pregnant if i had sex with my


  • zedny
    zedny posted on 07.16.09 at 12:25AM

    miss nicola,can i ask you one question?

    what are the symptoms of going pregnant..?


  • zedny
    zedny posted on 07.16.09 at 04:15AM

    when i had sex with him on july 4,2009,.we do not use any

    protection,this is my first time to had sex with my boyfriend,

    but he try to take wedrual both of him,there is a result to take wedrual..?

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.16.09 at 09:27AM


    im not sure what wedrua means? with drawl? you could still get pregnant if he pulls out because of the pre ejaculations


    theres really no way to prevent a pregnancy after so late, if you had sex on the 4th youd be about 2 weeks pregnant (if) so youd be feeling tired hungry head aches stomach cramping and very irritable as ms. miller said some women do throw up this early so youll also or might not be feeling dizzy over heated and nasea


    the only fur sure way to tell is dont freak out relax and just wait till your missed period. if your impatient being that you are two weeks a gyno can tell so please see a doctor go to plan parent hood or any kind of doctor to get checked out.

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.17.09 at 07:44AM


    13 years old
    KANSAS CITY, Missouri
    United States

    You sent me a Message Regarding your Cousins Pregnancy but i can not respond to you until you add me. i know how important this is so please get back to me

  • myvalentine
    myvalentine posted on 07.17.09 at 10:26PM

    Can there be signs of pregnancy within the first week after intercoarse?

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.17.09 at 10:49PM


    well people vary, youll know theres something 'up' with your body

    you might feel yourself breathing about harder and seeing how little things might make you a little more tired but its hard to tell so early

  • hurleygirl600
    hurleygirl600 posted on 07.20.09 at 06:54AM

    me and my boyfriend started haveing sex 3 or 4 months ago and we use a condom everytime but to be sure nothing happens he pulls out before he cums and jacks until he cums but everytime we have sex i always feel like im goin to be pregnant...should i worry? or not?...is what we are doing safe or not?

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.20.09 at 07:25AM

    hurleygirl, its not easy to say how full proof your guys "techique" is it sounds like you should be pretty safe but that doesnt mean anything to make sure you wont get pregnant get on the pill and use a condom everytime and then you have nothing to worry about. aslong as you take the steps and wait awhile before having sex you should be pretty well equiped but there are always ways a condom can rip even the smallest hole and once he ejaculates its more then likely it will slide in if you get what i mean. so please for all the precautuions get on the pill and use a condom

  • hurleygirl600
    hurleygirl600 posted on 07.20.09 at 08:14AM

    kneekesexx, everytime he goes to do it i always pull away from him and put my underwear on..and i have talked to my mom about putting me on the pill and she said no cuz she said i was too young and tht she wants me to be in a serious relationship..well tht was about 4 months ago and me and my bf are still together..what do i do?..i don't want to tell her tht im having sex cuz she will freak out and not let me see my bf as much...me and my bf don't have sex everytime we see each other but we do have sex..idk what to do im soo confused

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.20.09 at 02:14PM



    well sweetie how young are you? well my advice is even though you might not like it. is tell your mom you are having sex sit her down and tell her " hey mom im having sex and if you dont want to be a grandma i need the pill" some places like planned parent hood or other female clinics will alow you to get the pill with out adult permission if you can call around. my best method is to not have sex, or atleast dont let your bf, completely ejaculate around you always ALWAYS wear a condom or tell your mom the truth which might lead to a little lecture abit of yelling and then a trip to the doctor to get you some pills.  right now until you can decide please dont have sex i hope my advice helped.

  • hurleygirl600
    hurleygirl600 posted on 07.20.09 at 02:53PM

    im 16..im not really afraid of my mom being upset..im just afraid tht she wont let

    me see my bf as much...it did help thanks

  • maddison-momma
    maddison-momma posted on 07.22.09 at 02:45AM

    i just turned 18 on may 8th and my baby girl was born on the 7th you know how they say being young and having a baby messes up your lfe! well for one thing there wrong im still goin to school and graduating, then after i graduate i am planning to go to college it doesnt mess up your life inless your wanting it too, im doing good! my sister and her husband had a bby young too and they have a huge house and they graduated it didnt mess up there life. but make tht right choices and wait, it does get hard but you will pick up the pase and it will get easier!

  • maddison-momma
    maddison-momma posted on 07.22.09 at 02:50AM

    to sedny, i wouldnt worry much i dont think u are prego bcus if you just got off your period , there no possible way u can be prego, its ussl12-14 day untill your period b4 you most likely can get prego ,... u can only get prego 2 times a month ... pleae use protection!!

  • maddison-momma
    maddison-momma posted on 07.22.09 at 02:50AM

    i mean zedny

  • ad816
    ad816 posted on 07.23.09 at 03:18PM


    I'm really concerned with the advice your giving these girls. Although you have said some very smart things (like to always use protection), some things may not be as accurate. For example, saying...

    "You can be pregnant and Not have any sythoms at all, you could still feel completely fine but nine months later theres the baby.. its not really rare its a little uncommon but normal "

    It IS rare to have no signs or symptoms, not just a little uncommon!

    I was also wondering where you got the information that the pill was only 80% effective. I have never seen this before, including on the directions that come with the pill I use, which lists the percentages for most birth control methods. It states the pill has a 99% effectiveness rate.

    Another thing: Where did you get the information that sex can cause your period to be irregular. I haven't heard this either so I was wondering if it's really true.

    And a lot of people keep asking if they're pregnant after 2wks. It's very hard to detect a pregnancy this early on, especially if you haven't missed your period yet!

    Hot Topic doesn't sell the pill! That's crazy! You need a percription for it, and Hot Topic is no pharmacy. If they're selling it at your local Hot Topic, DON'T TAKE IT.

    Ask a professional these questions, not people on the Internet!

  • ad816
    ad816 posted on 07.23.09 at 03:19PM


  • bunnylolo
    bunnylolo posted on 07.23.09 at 03:24PM

    could i be pregnant on birth control

  • jazmun-baby012
    jazmun-baby012 posted on 07.23.09 at 07:19PM

    Well i wanted to know why did u give yo baby up to them other people,and how do yall feel about the situation of giving yall child up.

  • YourLeastFavorite
    YourLeastFavorite posted on 07.23.09 at 07:26PM

    What do you make of increasing public health support for "pulling out," aka the withdrawal method?  Information on the surprising effectiveness of pulling out can be found in this recent New York Times; HEALTH article:


  • Mimi4ever91
    Mimi4ever91 posted on 07.23.09 at 08:54PM

    Im 17.. now me and my boyfriend hardly use comdom.. i scare for my life that i might be pregant. ..  my boyfriend and i. spoke about the situation if im pregnant.. and already made plans.. what   should i do.

  • tiarralynn09
    tiarralynn09 posted on 07.23.09 at 09:08PM

    im am not exactly 16... but i found out when i was 19 that i was pregnent. its lind of scarey. i was on the birth control pill but did not use condoms with my boyfriend now i am 24 weeks pregnent and i watch the 16 and pregnent show. i talk to my sister now all the time bacause she is 16 and i see how young girls are starting to have sex. so i just hope ppl think b4 they do something because birth control does not always work.

  • littlebeast88
    littlebeast88 posted on 07.23.09 at 09:28PM

    i got pregnant no the birth control. so it does happen. i miss one period. though it was stress. nope now i am 15 weeks. and people think no sex means no baby thats not true. if a guy comes on or near it you can still have a baby. plus some times girls have are not adle to say no. it happento me a long time ago.

  • Cambree21
    Cambree21 posted on 07.24.09 at 01:41AM

    I have a question... Can you get pregnant by anything other than having sex?

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.24.09 at 10:07AM

    Well I have two Nurses In my Family and one Doctor as i am studying to be in the medical life myself, tese facts are true maybe i dont word it correctly but i can guarentee that everything i have said and told these young women are true.

    even doctors have said that a condom isnt as safe as it says a label is just a label would you believe that over a doctor? and you can get pregnant with out missing your period

    im not here to argue or lie iv helped many girls and continue to help as much as i can

    iv done a pretty good job so thank you. kksx

  • ad816
    ad816 posted on 07.24.09 at 01:09PM


    Like I said before, some of the things you said seem to be very true. I've heard of people not missing periods when they're pregnant, but saying "its not really rare its a little uncommon but normal " isn't very accurate as most women do not get their period at all during pregnancy. It is definitely something a doctor should check out.


    And honestly, I believe every doctor has their own opinion, but labels on perscription medications provide facts that have been repeatedly tested and included for liability reasons. Therefore, I would rather trust the label. That's just me personally.


    I still would love to know where you got the information that sex can cause your period to become irregular and the pill is only 80% effective. I'm very curious about these topics.


    Just because people in your family are in the medical profession doesn't mean you're accurate about everything. I'm sorry. But like I said before, most of the things you've said seem to be correct and you have given some good advice. Just make sure you're telling these girls exactly what you know based on proven FACTS. These are women's lives and potentially their babies' lives as well.


  • ad816
    ad816 posted on 07.24.09 at 01:14PM


    I was just wondering if you took your pill at the same time everyday or did you  forget occasionally?

  • tmweston
    tmweston posted on 07.24.09 at 05:30PM

    Me and my fiance had sex for the first time last month. My sister, 15, just had a baby and she saw my stomach. She said the bottom of my stomach was getting bigger and she bought me a pregnancy test..it came out negative but why is my stomach getting bigger? My fiance believes i've been eating a lot more, and that's whats causing it, but deep inside i just have that feeling..can you help me??

  • wannagirl
    wannagirl posted on 07.24.09 at 11:01PM

    ok i had sex for the first time and i missed my period for two months and when i went to take my pregnancy test i started my period and i dont know what happened.! like it didnt hurt or anything except i was walkin up steps and had some cramps but it was regular cramps and i was confused.! can you help.?

  • wannagirl
    wannagirl posted on 07.24.09 at 11:07PM

    i forgot to mention i went to the emegency room with my dad and the doctor came in and said i was boarder line pregnant and i dont know how that happened but it did.! so please give me some answers.! afert all this and what happened in my past i want a baby and i know all he things that go along with it and i still want one and i dont know why.!! its so frustrating i want to but i dont.! ughhh.!!

  • smellslikejuicy
    smellslikejuicy posted on 07.25.09 at 12:14PM

    I'm on birth control. But I've missed a week && a half, my boyfriend still finished in me. && Does it all the time. How are you suppose to know your pregnant if your still on the pill. I'm feeling sick, but never throw up && I'm always sleepy now? Uggghhh Idk what to do?

  • smellslikejuicy
    smellslikejuicy posted on 07.25.09 at 12:15PM

    I'm on birth control. But I've missed a week && a half, my boyfriend still finished in me. && Does it all the time. How are you suppose to know your pregnant if your still on the pill. I'm feeling sick, but never throw up && I'm always sleepy now? Uggghhh Idk what to do?

  • mzgraduate09
    mzgraduate09 posted on 07.25.09 at 05:43PM

    im still young and i have a boyfriend and i dont now if he wants to have sex with me. but when the time come what should i be prepared with and how to hadle it. because im going into high school and theres going to be alot of things im going to have to handle? please help me.

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.25.09 at 07:47PM


    Sex can make your period late or early a few days it can also make it lighter or heavier.

    i never told anyone what i say is exactly whats going to happen and condoms and pills arent as effective as you think every doctor has told me this..

    now im making women double up on protection based on my facts i never said im a hundred percent right but wouldnt you rather be safe then sorry


    i wish to not argue so i will not respond to you thank you for you comments and concerns.

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.25.09 at 07:48PM


    The best thing to do is use a condom and get on birth control after taking the pill wait 2 weeks till you have sex and always use protection

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.25.09 at 07:50PM



    for your situation you must see a doctor its not impossible to get pregnant on the pill

    as some people would argue with this fact, say if you missed a day you can get pregnant but other wise you can not the pill tricks you to think your pregnant. or say if you just got on the pill and had sex with in two weeks you can get pregnant.


    just see a doctor and ask for a pregnancy test a gyno will know what theyre doing but please for now on use a condom

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.25.09 at 07:54PM



    boarder line pregnant? wel iv never heard that before. its possible instead of your period it could be the placenta attaching wich will cause some blood and cramping will occur itll feel like a period but i would take another pregnancy test in a few weeks to see if its positve


    if you want a baby the only advice i have is some people take fertiality drugs which is based on having twins. but it could help you get pregnant the blunt way to say it is just have sex while your ovulating

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.25.09 at 07:57PM



    i apologize for my last message i know you are concerned about what i tell most girls but i would never say anything to hurt anyone or there baby i want everyone to be careful and know all of the signs and all the possible things that can happen, it is hard for me to explain and help while i am dealing with my own teen pregnancy and my own issues and id still love to help women its my gift so please


    if you dont know what it is im trying to say or how im trying to help message me myspace/tis_nicola you must add me first ( i know everyone and there myspace)


    but there i can try my best to explain things to you with out arguing that you

    Kneecole! i apologize my last post was rude

  • Kneekesexx
    Kneekesexx posted on 07.25.09 at 08:00PM



    did you take the test after your pissed period? it always comes up negative of in accurate unless you miss your period, did you have sex with out a condom or are you on birthcontrol?


    there are many questions you have to answer in order to get an idea if it could be pregnancy please see a doctor that is always the best option.

  • tmweston
    tmweston posted on 07.26.09 at 06:58AM

    i didn't have a condom & i stopped birth control about a year ago. so my best bet is to wait and see about my next period?


  • mmlixx130
    mmlixx130 posted on 07.26.09 at 08:15AM

    wannagirl- i am a physician- what most likely happened is that you had what is called a missed abortion in medical terms.  You may have thought it was your period but it was actually a miscarriage.  Its very common- 1 in 7 pregnancies end in miscarriage for the majority unknown reasons- and they are not even caught because women think it was their periods coming late.  You can definitively find out for sure by obtaining your medical records frm the emergency room and bringing it to your primary physician or ob/gyn.  Whoever posted that they never heard of a little pregnant is not in the medical field and should not be giving information.  I hope this was useful.

  • beatingheartx94
    beatingheartx94 posted on 07.26.09 at 07:57PM

    created on: 07/26/09I am 15 years old and i am sexually active. Everytime i have sex, it never feels good. Is there something wrong with me? We try all different things but nothing feels good. I am on birth control and use a condom mostly everytime. Please help.

  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.27.09 at 12:55PM


    If sex is not feeling good, it may mean that your body just isn't ready for it. It is good that you are on birth control, but please, use a condom every time! They will not only protect against pregnancy, but STDs that may rob you of your fertility later in life when you are ready for a baby. If you feel that you must have sex, try a lubricant such as KY or Astroglide, and see if that makes things more comfortable and pleasurable for you. Please continue using birth control as directed, make sure to get yearly Pap smears, and get tested for STDs regularly.

  • ad816
    ad816 posted on 07.28.09 at 10:51AM


    It's fine. I understand you're just trying to help people. Good luck with the pregnancy! Do you know what you're having?

  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.28.09 at 05:45PM

    I recently read a thread in another discussion forum posted by a guy who seems to think that men have no responsibility to tell their female partners about STDs they may have. Guys also seem to think that contraception is solely up to the female, so make sure you are on a hormonal birth control and use condoms EVERY TIME YOU HAVE SEX! Don't wait for the man to "own up" to any sexual health problems he may have. Ask! And always carry a condom (or condoms) with you if you know or even think you may be having sex! And then insist that the guy wear one. Sure they may have less sensitivity, but this is your life we're talking about! Condoms not only protect against pregnancy, but they also protect you from STDs that may rob you of your fertility later in life, when you are ready to have a baby. Protecting yourself now can prevent a lot of heartache later when you want to have a baby, but discover you can't, because you contracted an STD when you were younger.

  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.28.09 at 05:47PM

    I recently read a thread in another discussion forum posted by a guy who seems to think that men have no responsibility to tell their female partners about STDs they may have. Use condoms EVERY TIME YOU HAVE SEX! Don't wait for the man to "own up" to any sexual health problems he may have. Ask! And always carry a condom (or condoms) with you if you know or even think you may be having sex! And then insist that the guy wear one. Sure they may have less sensitivity, but this is your life we're talking about! Condoms not only protect against pregnancy, but they also protect you from STDs that may rob you of your fertility later in life, when you are ready to have a baby. Protecting yourself now can prevent a lot of heartache later when you want to have a baby, but discover you can't, because you contracted an STD when you were younger.

  • denisee1
    denisee1 posted on 07.28.09 at 06:30PM

    hello im denisee and i really need some advicee okay here it goesss im 16 i have a wonderful boyfriendd we have been havin sex without using a comdom sincee the lasy day of school i started my period late after 5wks later it came late after my period  that day we had sex againn lets just say he lives with me and we do it everyday without protection i haven't started my period in 1monthh but yesterday i was spotting and now today i woke up this morning feelin sick dizzy tired back hurting and i was on my period .could this be my last period i haven't been checked my boyfriend says i am pregnant and so does my sister HELP!!!!!!

  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.30.09 at 09:36PM

    denisee: Take a home pregnancy test or go to the nearest clinic for a pregnancy test RIGHT AWAY. The only way to know for sure that you are pregnant is to produce a positive pregnancy test. It is important to find out early so that you can get prenatal care, which is of the utmost importance for you and your possible baby. Hope that helps! Good luck.

  • -karlaa
    -karlaa posted on 07.30.09 at 10:15PM

    okkayy well i have had sex a couple of times;; we had not used protection the first times we just barely started using one;; i have not had my period for about 3 to 4 months [my periods have not always been regular] i am worried i already took 2 pregnancy tests and they both came out negative should i be worried?

  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 07.31.09 at 11:37AM

    karlaa: If you suspect pregnancy, but keep getting negatives on home pregnancy tests, go to the doctor for a blood test and internal pelvic exam. These will tell you definitively whether or not you are pregnant. Hope this helps! Good luck!

  • shysz
    shysz posted on 08.01.09 at 07:27PM

    im 15 n im wondering if i could use birth contral

  • denisee1
    denisee1 posted on 08.01.09 at 07:33PM

    mrsmiller84 well i lasted my period for6days should i still get testeddd its really weird causeee my boyfriends  has been nuttin in me for 2months and ughh i dont knoww i feel like i cant have kidsss

  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 08.01.09 at 11:28PM

    shysz: You can either go to Planned Parenthood or to a low-cost clinic and get on birth control for free or very low-cost without anyone else having to know.

    denisee1: How long ago did you have your period? No matter the duration of your last period, if it's been more than 20 days since you first had unprotected sex, and you have not gotten a period, you probably need to go ahead and take a pregnancy test. FYI: even normal, healthy, adult couples who are trying to have a baby and actually tracking their cycles to maximize the chances of conception can take 6 months to a year to conceive a baby, even when they are having sex right before and during ovulation (which are peak times to conceive) So there is no need to think there is something wrong with you just yet. Besides, a lot of teen girls don't ovulate every cycle just yet because your body is still trying to develop. If you have irregular cycles, it's even more likely that you're not ovulating every cycle. If you have problems with irregular cycles, I HIGHLY recommend you have a blood pregnancy test done by a doctor and if you are not pregnant, get on the birth control pill. The pill will not only protect against pregnancy, but also make your periods predictable. And always, always use a condom! While you are getting your blood test for pregnancy, also get tested for STDs. Using a condom will give you double protection against pregnancy and protect you from STDs. STDs can harm or even rob you of your fertility. Protecting yourself from them now can save you a lot of heartache in the future when you are ready to have a baby, but find you can't get pregnant because of some STD you contracted when you were younger. I hope this helps! Good luck!

  • mrsmiller84
    mrsmiller84 posted on 08.01.09 at 11:41PM

    Kneekesexx: Haven't seen you post in a while! Is everything going ok with your pregnancy? You're usually very actice on here... just thought something might be up!

  • kris1042
    kris1042 posted on 08.06.09 at 09:03AM

    hi i had sex without a condom for about 3 minutes and my boyfriend didnt get close to finishing. and he also didnt finish inside me and it was the day after my period ended. is there still a chance i could be pregnant?

  • soulavramNAGEM
    soulavramNAGEM posted on 08.08.09 at 10:21PM

    I'm tring to get preganant but its not working what can I do to get preganant.  My husband and I have been tring for the past year and a half, the doctor says we should be able but its still not working..any tips? 

  • Kalebs_mommy112909
    Kalebs_mommy112909 posted on 08.12.09 at 02:28PM

    you dont throw up for a few months during a pregnancy. you will feel tired hott dizzy head aches little cramping achne and sometimes hunger


    That is NOT always true. I'm 24 and half weeks pregnant and before I found out I had no symptoms at all besides my missed period. I had taken a test the night before I got a positive one and that one had come out negitive. Sometimes your hormones just aren't high enough to get a positive result [if you are] Your best option is to go get a blood test those are the most affective and can roughly tell you by the hormone level how far they think you are.

    I had a previous pregnancy when I was also just 16 had no clue I was pregnant until I bleed for 2 months straight went to the er and found out it was a "spontaneous abortion" I wanted a baby so bad I had unprotected sex for 3 years and thought for sure I couldn't get pregnant and little did I know after deciding to wait a few years [cause we just bought our first home and getting settled down] A week before we moved into this place I was pregnant. I wouldn't change it for the world, he isn't even born yet and I love him so much already. But this pregnancy truely has changed my life. I can't do the things I use to anymore. I use to party with my friends all the time now they don't talk to me at all. Use to work full time and buy things for myself. Now I got to buy a crib and diapers. I do truely believe you should all wait until you have the money time and dedication to have a child. Finish school go to college better yourself so you can better your child. I wish I had gone to college and gotten my degree.

    Don't just use the pull out method, always always always wear condoms! You might not just get a baby but also an std which u can possibly give to your baby!

    and birth control is not always affective so don't just think that's going to keep you safe use condoms too!

  • Kalebs_mommy112909
    Kalebs_mommy112909 posted on 08.12.09 at 02:31PM

    soulavramNAGEM- don't try. They say the harder you try the less likely it is to happen. Just give it time. When you least expect it, it will happen. But you can also try fertility drugs they have them for both male and female. Or you could change ur diet, eat lots of fruits and veggies, exercise, drink water or flavored water. stay away from the soda!

  • teriza
    teriza posted on 08.28.09 at 09:59PM

    i dont think i can got pregnant ............how do i no 4 sure

  • teriza
    teriza posted on 08.28.09 at 10:47PM

    i dont think i can got pregnant..................how do i no da 4 sure

  • darknlovley
    darknlovley posted on 08.29.09 at 10:19AM

    okay.......when i was 13 years old and  this boy who liked me and lives in the same apt complex as i do and he came to my house and had a condom with him and we went in my room and started kissing then he tried to take it farther and when i said no he said i wont get pregnant ....((i was young))but know im 16 and im pregnant my son is 2 but i just thought i should share this with ppl whos thinking about having sex use protecion.

  • Ashley2Marie
    Ashley2Marie posted on 09.07.09 at 06:53PM

    well lets just say, i know that you can still get your period when your pregnant, but i also know its not usually as long as if you werent to be pregnant! my last period was 4 days as to the usual 6-8 days! there has been a couple mornings i have felt as if i was going to get sick but, i didnt! and everyday i have been super tired, i could sleep until 3pm and still be so tired!  i have gained weight for no reason! and i have been going dizzy and this one time i ate an apple and it didnt agree with my stomach  so well! i took a test but it came out negative and i know that home pregnancy tests arent always the most accurate thing! my bf and my sister both tells me to go to the doctors! but i need another opinion! cud i possibly be 16 & pregnant?

  • christian5206
    christian5206 posted on 09.08.09 at 09:01AM

    Ashley2Marie... As I was 16 and pregnant it is possible.. and I know it seems very scary.. And I'm not a doctor but I will try to give you some advice. When I was pregnant I realized there was this light brown line under my belly button towards the pubic area and my mother of two told me that it was a sign. Also if you are getting a bigger like close to you pelvic, like where you bladder would be, that also was a sign for me. But My greatest advice is to get a blood test cause those to me are the greatest pregnancy test. Also if you are don't think your life is over, Because it's possible to have an amazing life and still have a child at a young age. Im now 21 and graduated high school on time, married the father of my child and will be graduating from college in 13 weeks.  But just be safe and get tested so you can be healthy as you can be if you are to be pregnant

  • BrianaF
    BrianaF posted on 09.08.09 at 10:21PM

    OKay so im 17 and  a couple weeks ago i had intecourse with my bf and the condom broke and  and ive been starting to get some symptoms like back aches, feeling warmer than usual, headaches, cravings, fatigue, and big mood swings im not sure if its something else or if i am pregnant, and also he wants me to get an abortion but i dont want to cause for me the thought of killing my child basically dosnt sit well with me and im not sure if i should do what he says or do what i want and give it up for adoption to a nice loving family, ya but im very confused and im not sure what to do.

  • SexiiThing
    SexiiThing posted on 09.08.09 at 11:19PM

    Okay so i am 16 me and my ex boyfriend were going off and on for 2 years and when we finally got everything straight we both ready to have sex for the first time we were at his dad's house and after that every weekend he went to his dad's house i slept over and we kept doing it then his mom and dad got into a fight so he wasnt allowed to see his dad no more so that ment i didnt get to see him for 2 months we were fine i guess but then i started seeing him more and more and his mom would leave us at his house for a bit we would do it but after 8 months of being togethe he brokw up with me after that his mom and his uncle went on a road trip after his grandfather died so that was the only time i could see him so we both were chilling with no one knowing, we were at his uncles we had the house to our selves we were talking the got in to it after we talked and i cryed and stuff and the after all that i went home but then 2 days before his mom came back i went and seen him again cause i misses him and we had sex and the condom broke but we didnt know and we kept going and its been like a month and i forgot to mention i just got off my period before all this so now i dont know what to do iv been sick, im not allpwed to have any contact with him any more tho because his mom doesnt want us talking so i dont have him on facebook or msn so i have no contact with him. and he knows that i could be prego so what should i do ?? PLEASE HELP ME !!

  • educatednursemother
    educatednursemother posted on 10.24.09 at 10:32AM

    oops. i meant Kneekesexx doesn't always know the facts.

  • hottie93
    hottie93 posted on 11.22.09 at 02:07PM

    okayi am 16 and this is my story.... so me and my boyfriend had sex like 2 and a half months ago and at first i though i was pregnant, so he went ot the store and bought me a home pregancy test. well i took it  and it came back negative... well i still have started and like i said is been alomst 3 months. i am really worried. what should i do? some plzzzz give me some good advice. i should ahve started a long time ago... yes it was unprotected but the test was negative... someone help me please!

  • hottie93
    hottie93 posted on 11.22.09 at 02:08PM

    that was suppose to say that i still havent started...

  • Sounexspected
    Sounexspected posted on 12.23.09 at 01:19PM

    Can you be pregnant and still get youre period?I mean Me and my ex boyfriend had unprotected sex the last two times and I ve been nausea and dizzy and my feet swelled up or atleast I think they did but I ve gotten my period after both of them and still have those symtoms...so could I be pregnant even though I  still have my period ??And if so how would I get a gyn tp confirm it for sure because I dont have one of those doctors yet??

  • lovelymex3
    lovelymex3 posted on 01.01.10 at 04:14PM

    Kneekesexx this question is for youuu.. ok first of all i lvoe your name haha but me and my boyfriend have unpretected sex like on the reg. i know its bad but i have already been preg once so were just like f it. i had a miscarriage though. but my period was a few days late and when it came it was like off and on for like four days. it was kinda heavy for not even a day then it was bearly there the other three days. i knw i needa take a test but when is a good time?

  • Sounexspected
    Sounexspected posted on 01.04.10 at 06:37PM

    Oh if it helps my question was directed to Kneekesexx

  • Dallasjohnson
    Dallasjohnson posted on 01.05.10 at 10:07AM

    Im 17 and 3 months pregnant ive been having really bad headaches iis this normal?

  • lovelymex3
    lovelymex3 posted on 01.06.10 at 06:54PM

    hottie93 : first of all it could take  like three or four pregency tests to have one finally come up possitivee.. my bestfriend had to take three when she was preg. and if you think you are go to the doctorr they will tell you.