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Watching the Real World/Road Rules Challenges is like eating potato chips — once you start, you can’t stop. And since Wednesdays (at 10pm) always seem so far away, we’ll be sifting through the Challenge Dailies every weekday afternoon to give you your daily dose of The Duel 2. You’re welcome.

Despite Rachel (a.k.a. Purple Sweater), Diem and Brittini's best efforts, Jenn's grabbing the Dailies mic to make an important (albeit inebriated) PSA involving one Kenny Santucci. (You remember Kenny, challengers. Tall, narcissistic, sleeps with Batman sheets? Dated Johanna, effed Paula over on The Island?)

Anyhoo, Jenn wants the world to know, once and for all, that Kenny did NOT "tap this." Ya heard?! Hmm, on second thought, it actually works better if you watch the clip and SEE Jenn jam her thumbs towards her uteral region when she says "this." And again while screaming "DON'T CLAIM YOU'VE BEEN HERE IF YOU HAVEN'T." Yeah, Kenny. Don't.

This week's City ended with a sorta confusing relationship convo in which Jay told Whitney (who may or may not be his girlfriend) that he wasn't looking to rush into anything.

But, oh, what a difference a week makes! Next Monday, Whit's label-averse rocker pal is suddenly all about taking things to the next level. And we're sure the fact that Whitney's been seeing other dudes (and rubbing elbows with socials!) has absolutely nothing to do with it...

Coming into this season's Real World/Road Rules Challenge, no one would have predicted a close friendship between girly-girl KellyAnne and tomboy Evelyn. But while they were both being used as punching bags by Johnny Bananas, EvelAnne formed the only true alliance that existed on The Island. Their loyalty to one another withstood more than a few tough tests (and bullies).

As Paula learned the hard way, alliances can be broken when its members are feeling threatened. Especially if said members have shown prior proof of *slumbaggishness. So while the supposed female shoe-in was alternately bawling and bitching out her traitorous besties during the Reunion Special taping, KellyAnne and Ev were blowing kisses at one another. And counting Ev's money. Watch the below video to see the only peaceful interaction from last night's event.

*KellyAnne coined the term "slumbag" during the Reunion Special. It's my new favorite word.

We'd forgotten just how many times Johnny called Ev a "dumb b-tch" until we watched that painful video montage during last night's Island reunion special. And while we hadn't forgotten about the whole Kenny/Walnuts boat betrayal, we had underestimated the number of casties who came away from the Island with a Kenny-sized chip on their shoulders.

Sure, Bananas is the one who came across as some sorta angry chick-hating misogynist, but he says he got unfairly cast as the villain this year (possibly to fill in for resident Challenge badass CT). More surprisingly? The girls -- Robin, KellyAnne, and Jenn -- actually seem to agree with him.  According to the ladies, Kenny was a traitorous trash-talker -- and, consequently, the bigger "chump" of the two. And all three (plus Paula, in between hiccuping/gulping/crying) agreed the cameras should've shown less of Kenny's nice guy act -- and more of his backstabby, behind-the-scenes behavior.

Natch, we feel like our whole world's been turned upside down (Is Kenny not the dimply mama's boy we thought he was? Does Johnny (gulp) actually have a soul? Did Dunbar not have the 'Biggest Jerkface' title on lockdown??) so we figured we'd let you guys settle this one once and for all. Take our poll and tell us who YOU think was the worst overgrown frat boy in all the land.

What does it take to win a Challenge? For starters, ya gotta be willing to sell your soul. It helps if you have experience lying through your teeth and betraying the trust of good friends. Throw in a few jumping jacks and you've got yourself a winner!

We interviewed the four castaways who took home 75k each, and although they claim there were other strategies involved, they certainly didn't deny sinking to low levels to nab their hard-earned victory. Check it:

One Island. Lots of hatred. Between Johnny's verbal war with Evelyn, Kenny's underestimation of Robin's IQ and an incredibly bitter feud between Kenny and KellyAnne (over Johnny's banana!), it goes to show these RW/RR Challenges aren't exactly bonding experiences for the cast.

We pulled the usual suspects aside before the taping of their Reunion Special to see if any  of them were ready to make nicey. Unfortunately, our interviews were interrupted by yet another sparring session... Remember when Kenny swung by our hood to vlog about his Island adventure? Well, KellyAnne didn't take kindly to him spreading worldwide Web rumors about, ahem, getting her hands dirty with Johnny, so she took a good chunk of time backstage telling him where he can stick it. Behold:

KellyAnne wasn't the only girl who came back from The Island wanting payback. Robin wants y'all to know she's not a pig, certainly not a duck and definitely not a sucker!

And finally, Ev gets a little emotional thinking back to how awful Johnny treated her ... and Johnny, well, he says he really feels for her now. But still no apology. Take a look:

This season's Real World/Road Rules Challenge certainly called for more mental than physical endurance. Some people drank and boned their way through the stress, others argued it out of their system. And then there were the ones who just plain cracked. As Johnny told us during his pre-Reunion interview, everybody dealt with The Island conditions in their own way, but he's definitely not proud of his own d-baggy behavior. In fact, given a little time to reflect, Johnny admits his social skills have some room for improvement. Just don't ask him to apologize -- that's where he draws the line!

Sure, we all watched last week as Ev sold her soul to the Devil (or at least to Johnny Bananas), bounced Paula out of the winning boat and led the guys to a smooth-sailing victory. But it's not like that's the ONLY thing that went down this season.

And since we happen to have photographic memories (and all the episodes at our fingertips) we've decided to relive the craziness by taking a look back at some of The Island's craziest moments. Starting with...#12.

#12. Hi Tonya! Bye Tonya! The hot-tempered Challenge vet quickly got into with an argyle-clad Kenny (Remember that sweater?) and was back on the boat to civilization before you could even say "Episode 2."

#11. Hey, remember how tough Dave was on Real World: Hollywood? Yeah, not so much on The Island. Witness his major meltdown (Dude, what's your malfunction??) and read his mostly nonsensical explanations for his subsequent self-removal.

#10. Awww, look! It's Robin accusing Johanna of "f---ing" her way to the top. Later, Joey would try and take back what she said about weaseling out of faceoffs but hey, that's what the rewind button is for.

Keep reading the Island's Top 12 Moments, after the jump!


We did a major doubletake when Evelyn breezed into MTV's Times Square studio two weeks ago. It was Reunion Day for The Island's ex-castaways and the only thing bigger than Ev's hair was her 75 thousand dollar smile.

According to Ev, the glam look she was rockin' isn't necessarily a new thing. Hard to believe, but when the Challenges are over the visor comes off! Just don't assume it's off for good this time. In the below video, we asked Ev to explain her self-proclaimed "hideous" choice of headwear once and for all!

Real World/Road Rules Reunions are notorious for getting a little rowdy, but next week's Island special goes above and beyond the call of duty.  Aside from the non-stop slinging of "shut the f**k ups" (refer to video below), prepare to see a parade of four-inch heels, mascara-stained tears and a major confrontation between KellyAnne... and, well, everyone else on set. Holla!

Here, watch our heavily bleeped montage of the show's trainwrecky highlights: