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  1. The Ruins | Ep. 10 | Good Thai and Good Luck

    Ep. 10 Good Thai and Good Luck

    The Champions and Challengers face off in a nail-biting race for the three hundred thousand dollar prize and 'Ruins' victory.

  • Posted 12/9/09
  • Views 251,054


`~~Luv*u*Lotsz~~` (2/6/2010 4:09:54 PM)

"I feel like I'm eating the ___hole of the dirtiest bum I've ever met!" lmfaooo :]

Prep (1/19/2010 3:28:37 PM)

kellyanne was too slow on the balancing part. if it wasn't for that the challengers would have won.

єηνy (1/19/2010 1:49:15 AM)


BlueIce (1/16/2010 4:27:37 PM)

Great Show! The rules are a mixture of all past seasons, making it more awesome. But a Champions vs Champions would make this show a lot better, or Challengers vs Challengers, and give immunity to those who went to a face off, giving the chance to the others members to prove themselfs. The unbalaced situation of one powerful team, against a weak one it's fun to watch, but less competitive. Evan's quote: "Thanks girls... for make it easy!" And yes, Kelly A lost the game, lack of confidence in those bamboos! Tonya needs help! Veronica is still HOT (está riquísima), and Susie a princess with a powerful brain, awesome cast in general! Champions vs Champions for the Ruins 2, I wanna see Alton, Frank or Mark competing against the new generation, the most powerful dudes looks unbeatable for the new rookies.

liliblue (1/6/2010 5:41:18 AM)

i lied johnny did win a one-on-one barely

liliblue (1/6/2010 5:38:06 AM)

why is the ex-fatty the meanest of the bunch. he acts like he was never picked on. and why do people let johnny and kenny rule this ****. notice that neither ***** ever actually goes into the ruins. it's like that for every season. if they're so big and bad why don't they prove it. the only thing i like about this challenge is that johanna had to finally had to go in by herself. i was so tired of they way she slept her way into the top and that ***** was so dirty to Wes

THIAGO SILVA (1/5/2010 2:33:36 AM)

yes they are douchbags

CaliBred510 (1/4/2010 2:21:32 PM)

yea - i am really sick of the same people winning too. they are such douchebags. earned it my azz.

Charlot (1/3/2010 5:02:52 PM)

i wish sarah cuda joined the guys' team. then everyone who shoulda won did! I love Sarah, and I totally know how it feels. Friends outside of school that tease me don't get that the jokes they make hurt cause thats the jokes people make in school. I'm more of a fighter than a faker, but smile it off girl! you're too pretty <3

MedusaQ (1/3/2010 3:27:32 PM)

Why didn't KellyAnn & Sarah team up with Suzie to let the Challengers win? They could have given Suzie a third of the winnings and a) Suzie could have made more that way and b) those boys wouldn't have won another dollar! GRRRR.

Stephanie (1/2/2010 2:32:45 PM)

damn it!!!! the girls deserved it soooo much more and I agree it sucks that the same people win every time -__- and seriously Kenny get it together!!! he is such a f****** moron. everytime I see him I want to punch him straight in the face. poor sarah, she's so cool and such a better person than kenny will ever be. kenny, just go back where you came from and push some hay bales around, at least then you have an equal opponent. I never want to see him again on a challenge!!! gah! ok, my rant is done. props to sarah and kellyanne

Charlot (1/2/2010 1:52:43 PM)

Love Evan and Susie the most.

Charlot (1/2/2010 1:51:46 PM)

I was so rooting for Evan, Kenny, Johnny, Susie and Derrick to win it <3 But how come we can't see Ep. 9 ._.?

Damned In Reverse (1/2/2010 7:10:06 AM)

The Ruins=Epic fail. I agree morena. I'm sick of those ass holes winning money. They should probably, at least, try to make the teams fair. I've watched this show enough to know that the champions team was STACKED! Normally it's always Vets against Rookies, but this time, it wasn't a competition. It was a SLAUGHTER. Kellyann and Sarah put up a good fight. This season just wasn't very fun to watch.

mesokoo (1/2/2010 4:27:45 AM)

She didn't hold her own she had to have the boys carry her most the time. and girls are just weaker than boys. KellyAnn and Sarah should have won it would have been better. But i am glad Derrick won for his son that was cool.

morena (12/30/2009 11:36:33 PM)

I'm sooooooooooo sick of the same people winning or getting to the finals...IT'S BS...they should change the rules of the game and not let them compete again so other people can have a chance to win....IT'S JUST NOT FAIR....what is the point of this game??? it's not worth watching anymore

angelatomate (12/30/2009 6:26:24 PM)

i hate how sexist the guys are. what makes susie any less strong than johnny OR kenny? she proved that she can hold her own even tho i still dont really like her personality

foreverfree (12/30/2009 11:01:59 AM)

I agree with you completely. The design of this finale was soooo set up for the girls to win. If Kellyanne would have moved fast on the poles they would have won for sure because they would have had more time to figure out the puzzle or run out of time on the puzzle. If they would have run out of time they would have finish at the same time as the champions and it would have been a run for the finish.

`~~Luv*u*Lotsz~~` (12/30/2009 10:10:55 AM)

I was rooting for KellyAnn and Sarah. :[ Well even though they lost, they put in a lot of effort.

Cristina (12/28/2009 11:16:05 PM)

the girls deserved it more

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