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February 12th, 2010

365 Gay: News

Tuesday watercooler: Dan Choi back on duty

, 365gay.com


With the annual day of love and cheesiness next week, the folks at Archies, India’s biggest greeting card maker, rolled out a new line of gay greeting cards. The company is taking the opportunity to capitalize on last year’s ruling that decriminalized gay sex.

“We have been toying with this idea for a while and then came the court judgment in which it was clearly said that it’s legal to be gay,” Archies company spokesman Yohan Arya told AFP. “So we felt this was the right time to add these cards to those we already have for the occasion,” he said.

The greeting cars – two aimed at gay men, two aimed at lesbians and one gender-neutral – were distributed to 500 stores across India.

Although I admit I’m not a fan of their misspellings on the cards (“totully gay” – come on!), it does seem like it’s easier to get a gay card in India than it is in the United States.



When Lt. Dan Choi didn’t make it to a scheduled appearance at the NGLTF Creating Change conference, he had a pretty good reason. It appears he was called back to duty. And boy does he have the big guns. The Bilerico Project posted exclusive photos Choi sent of his training this past weekend.



The New York Daily News reported Monday that Anne Hathaway is losing her religion, or more accurately, ditching it altogether. After her brother came out of the closet her whole family left the Catholic Church in protest.

“The whole family converted to Episcopalianism after my elder brother came out,” Hathaway told the Daily News. “Why should I support an organization that has a limited view of my beloved brother?” Amen.



The International Gay Polo League announced their first tournament is set for April 3. The tournament, made up of four GPL teams will play in Wellington, Fla., north of Fort Lauderdale. The players, mostly gay and lesbian, will come from across the world to take part in the tournament. Admission to the event starts at $20, but bring your own lawn chair.



In light of the Westboro Baptist Church protest in San Francisco outside the Twitter offices, I found a nifty little site that allows snarky folks to make their own signs mocking the “God hates …” slogans WBC members tote across the country. Now, go make your own WBC mockery.


‘Gays Too Precious To Risk In Combat,’ Says General

And because I love me some faux news, here’s this week’s Onion broadcast saying “gays are too precious to risk in combat.” We wouldn’t want their delicate psyches to exposed to the horrors of war, would we?

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  • Facebook User Said: February 9th, 2010 at 2:11 pm
    • NOTE: Clarification from commentor on TBP. This is just his regular annual National Guard Duty. So he will be back among us when the ? month or so is over.

  • SteveMD2 Said: February 10th, 2010 at 3:30 am
    • He should be demanding discharge under DADt, and asking all the gay people in the service to do the same.

      What is the difference if the maniacal Muslims extremists take over her, vs the same type mentality found in a number of so called christians.

      America doesn’t deserve the service of these gay men, driven into just another variant of the satanic churches closet of fear and shame.

      But really what would happen is that the law would be repealed. very very quickly.


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