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It's common Ruins knowledge that KellyAnne dated Cohutta, went steady with Wes and (apparently) got down with Adam. But for some reason, she's freaking out over rumors that she got busy with Dunbar back when they shared a house (and, more importantly, a hot tub) on Real World: Sydney. Naturally, she won't let it drop, despite the fact that a) nobody cares, and b) her team's only two losses away from the biggest landslide in RW/RR Challenge history. Check out these scenes from next week's Ruins and watch as Brad tries to stop his feuding teammates from destroying each other -- and taking the rest of the Challengers down with them.

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: neither Johanna nor Susie has any desire to take on KellyAnne in The Ruins. So who would the Challengers' powerhouse pick if she had her choice? Well, according to Sarah, KellyAnne would have to go with Susie (a.k.a. the one who didn't almost marry her boyfriend). But since it's unlikely that KellyAnne will ever get to choose her own opponent (if her team wins, they'll be gunning for Casey instead), she's apparently hit on an alternate strategy: convince the Challenger girls to take out Johanna for her.


Watching the Real World/Road Rules Challenges is like eating potato chips — once you start, you can’t stop. And since Wednesdays (at 10pm) always seem so far away, we’ll be sifting through the Challenge Dailies every weekday afternoon to give you your daily dose of The Ruins. You’re welcome.

There's a reason KellyAnne's name keeps coming up week after week in the Champions' deliberations. (And no, it's not JUST cause she's Wes' girlfriend.) Quick, strong and always up for a fight, KellyAnne's the one chick on the Challengers team who has seasoned vets like Susie and Johanna running scared. So what do her own teammates think about The KellyAnne Factor? According to Sarah, it was intimidation at first sight. Hear Sarah recall what it was like seeing KellyAnne (and her six-pack!) across a crowded airport for the first time, plus listen up as the ladies discuss KellyAnne's most important physical asset: a thick skin.

As evidenced by tonight's episode of The Ruins, KellyAnne's a lot more fun to be around when her "change"-demanding, challenge-throwing maybe-boyfriend isn't hanging around. What, you didn't notice KA's happy face, calm demeanor and sharp wit? (Just kiddin' about the last one.) Well, Johanna, Kenny, Evan and Ibis were totally taken aback by the formerly needy Wes-magnet's chilled 'tude and ability to adapt in Casa de Ruins once the grinch was sent packing. Check it out:

Watching the Real World/Road Rules Challenges is like eating potato chips — once you start, you can’t stop. And since Wednesdays (at 10pm) always seem so far away, we’ll be sifting through the Challenge Dailies every weekday afternoon to give you your daily dose of The Ruins. You’re welcome.

Sure, Cohutta's a little on the scrawny side, but there's another reason Wes wanted to take him out last week: the dude's CLEARLY still got a thing for KellyAnne! Natch, Wes was completely understanding 'bout the whole awkward sitch (translation: he called the guy pathetic and tried to take all his moolah), but all that trash-talkin' made us wonder: why exactly did KellyAnne and Cohutta break up in the first place?

Well, with Wes outta the house, KellyAnne and Cohutta finally got a chance to clear the air -- and address a few of their unresolved issues. Hear why the couple really split (he says she cheated, she says they were non-exclusive), plus tell us whether you think these two exes still have chemistry!

The Champions have a lot going for them. They've got the big-name talent, the experience that comes from being two and three-time vets and the swagga that comes from having won this game before. On the other hand, they've also got a shady code of ethics, a long history of throwing their friends under the bus and a nasty habit of counting their chickens before they hatch.

So what do the Challengers bring to the table? Youth and inexperience, mostly, but what they lack in basic game strategy they make up for in heart, grit and determination. Despite having lost half their team (including strong players like Diem and Brianna), they've also managed to pull off a few major upsets, proving that nice guys don't always finish last.

+ Wanna see Evan, Kenny and the Champs take home another first place finish? Or is it time for a new regime (led by Cohutta and his scrappy team of underdogs)? Take the poll and tell us who you'd like to see get the gold.

Over the years, we've seen lots of Real World/Road Rules incestuousness. And since we're having trouble keeping track of it all, we thought we'd make this handy-dandy hookup chart to help remember who's (allegedly) gotten it on with who. Here's what we have so far, based on past episodes, exclusive cast interviews and our own dirty, dirty minds. Check it out and feel free to add your own theories, rumors and corrections in the comments!

(Quick disclaimer: We've done the best we could, but mistakes are inevitable. The more speculative hookups are outlined in red, but we're not willing to bet our lives on any of the black-lined ones, either. Our point? Take this all with a grain of salt, and believe what you want. There ARE NO GUARANTEES, people! Except for Kennyhana. You KNOW they did the dirty dirty.)

Watching the Real World/Road Rules Challenges is like eating potato chips — once you start, you can’t stop. And since Wednesdays (at 10pm) always seem so far away, we’ll be sifting through the Challenge Dailies every weekday afternoon to give you your daily dose of The Ruins. You’re welcome.

Earlier this week, humble, soft-spoken Cohutta surprised everyone including himself when he took on Wes in The Ruins and lived to tell the tale. And while KellyAnne (and, apparently, Johanna?) took it hard, everyone else skipped the anger/grief/denial phase and went straight to the post-elim celebration. Check out Johnny, Evan, Derrick and Syrus' solemn farewell song (and dance!), plus watch as Cohutta the Conqueror gets a hero's welcome for slaying the red-headed dragon ... after the jump.


Um, did that really just happen? Did Cohutta REALLY just boot Ruins rival Wes outta the game in total David vs. Goliath style? Wethinks it did!

There have been some pretty amazing lil' guy victories throughout Real World/Road Rules Challenge history, but we gotta admit, none has made us so proud as Cohutta's win against the undefeated (in athletics and romantic relationships) and super sneaky player, Wes. Not only was it a proud evening for all the underdogs out there, but now we'll finally get some peace and quiet with Wes no longer around to bitch about 'making a change.'

In the video below, check out Cohutta's slick moves all over again and share your thoughts about his bully beatdown every step of the way! Plus, after the jump, watch our Ruins Replay of Kenny, Johanna, Ibis and Evan discussing why Cohutta deserved to stay in Thailand.


Kenny and Evan have no problem pressuring the girls (and the weaker guys) to prove themselves in The Ruins, but when it comes to stepping up themselves? Not gonna happen. Sure, Wes' constant whining/moral superiority complex was kinda annoying, but he was right when he said this game's anything but fair. And as long as Kevan's team keeps winning challenges -- and controlling the majority vote -- the godfathers can just sit back and relax while some other dudes sweat it out on the brink of elimination. Right?

Well, not so fast.

With Wes and Ibis gone, Kevan just lost their sacrificial lamb and one of their most loyal minions. And with dwindling numbers (and the absence of a common enemy), it won't be long til paranoia sets in -- and guys like Darrell and Syrus start wondering why they're risking everything so these fat cats can reap all the benefits.

+ Think Kevan's me-first mentality will eventually lead to a power struggle? Or will the Champ's de facto leaders be able to maintain their ultimate control? Tell us whether you think Kenny and Evan have the staying power to keep themselves out of danger -- while keeping the rest of the team in line.