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You've already watched The Island trailer, tested your RW/RR Challenge IQ and pre-programmed your DVR for September 17th. So what else can you do to get ready for the newest, and most Darwinian of all challenges?

How about watching two sworn enemies go at it in a no-holds-barred beach brawl -- where hair-pulling, sand-throwing and two-legged takedowns are not only allowed, but highly encouraged? Rewatch the battle of the century, where Coral takes on Beth in last season's Gauntlet III, catch up on other Challenge highlights and get ready for the Island, where it's every man for himself.

MTV isn’t wasting a second with the audition process for America’s Best Dance Crew Season 2. Time to retool your Chinese Typewriters and get with the program. To find out when ABDC will be in your hood and get your application info, click here.



Trimming the fat and general bitchassness were popular themes throughout last night's Gauntlet III Reunion. Diddy would be so proud. Big Easy defended his big body, yet some of the Vets were still sore about that $300K (ahem, Ev). Coral also defended her, um, boobs with a peep show and about a zillion "f*cks," "s*its," and "b*tches." Katie was a close second in the swearing olympics.

Perhaps the most exciting part of the evening was the "Where Are They Now?" roundup of Mexico hookups: While Frank and Jillian are still America's Most Boring Couple, and Brad and Tori are still up in each other's grill, there were a fair share of relationship R.I.P.'s... CT and Diem: Done! Johanna and Wes: Done! Brooke and Ev: Done!

One "relationship" that went under the radar? Rachel and Big Easy, caught with their pants down by the camera crew. Cuz even quitters need love.

Eric in the ER

“I could bench press two of these guys.” – Danny, right before losing the Ball Brawl to Adam.

“I’ll drown you.” – CT to Big Easy, as he floated like a dead fish in the ocean.

“I can’t breathe.” – Big Easy to the rest of the chain gang, as they dragged him through the dirt.

“Let him choke on his own vomit.” – anonymous.

“The guy’s weeble-wobbling all over the place.” – Brad, in an attempt to knock some sense into the rest of his team.

“This is costing us $300,000!” – Ev

“This is the worst thing that’s ever happened in my life.” – Frank, on thinking he’s lost the game to the Veterans. He didn’t. Big Easy never made it across the finish line.

Frank Ep. 4

Jill and Frank go into - AND WIN - the Gauntlet… again. I like to write down my thoughts as I watch the episode and here they are...

1- MJ is on the team, glad to have him… I think.

2- Car Push:
The vets kick our ass… again. MJ tried his best to push that car the whole way but only made it about 10 feet on his own. Then Derek said he pushed it the whole way, which was surprising given Derek's personality...


Frank and Jillian

Hey everyone. Jill and I wanted to say that first of all we are SO overwhelmed by the support you guys have shown for us. We’re really happy to get messages from all of you, and although we may not get back to everyone, we will absolutely read any message you send.

Secondly, since we’re still together (SPOILER: don’t tell anyone) we thought it would be fun to write a blog together. So this is our first attempt to write to all you guys about some funny stuff we remember from Puerto Vallarta. Tonight’s subject is, Behind the Scenes!... Read more...


So I thought tonight’s episode was really cool. They showed a little bit more of me and Jill, but like Tyler said “we’re the most boring couple on TV” so we will probably get eclipsed by other people acting up. Tyler’s a douche bag by the way. And isn’t what he said kind of a compliment? If you’re not boring, then you usually make an ass out of yourself, right? Oh well.

Props to Nehemiah for standing up to Beth...