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We've got a winner, folks! Liz, the sweet country gal with the powerful pipes, was crowned a star on tonight's finale, and she just couldn't be more delighted. Check out Liz's update below to find out her thoughts on the entire Starmaker experience!

What a ride it has been. Out of 14 singers in the pack, Diddy picked me -- the COUNTRY artist -- to represent BadBoy. I’m the happiest girl in the world!

I knew when I entered this competition that it was going to be tough, but being myself and staying true to who I am were key ingredients to the top spot. I have taken all the criticism from the Starmaker judges and turned it into positive advice to help further my career. And I feel blessed to have had the chance to work alongside so many great individuals, each with their own unique talents.

The Starmaker stage was nothing short of AWESOME. The moment I walked out with adrenaline pumping through my veins, the crowd cheering my name, I knew this was only the beginning of my journey!!

I want to thank Diddy and Mark Burnett for making such an amazing program! Also, the house band who rocked it out every week; vocal coach Romeo Johnson, who had the best techniques; Laurie Ann Gibson because she is such a motivator!; Tamara Conniff, who offered the best advice; and last but definitely not least, Rodney Jerkins, producer extraordinaire.

To all the people who have goals and dreams: Shoot for the **STARS** because you only live ONCE ... and DREAMS DO COME TRUE!

Now, as I sign with BadBoy I have just three words to say: Let’s make history!


P.S. You can keep in contact with me through my Twitter and Myspace.

At the end of the Starmaker journey, it came down to two very talented singers ... and as with most competitions, only one person could win. Of course, Todd was disappointed when he wasn't picked, but that hasn't made him any less grateful for the experience of being on the show. Check out his update below...

Well … I had a good run. I wanted to win, and didn't -- but staying to the end allowed me to gain a great deal of knowledge and experience.

When I first met the cast, I knew the competition would be tough. The level of talent was exceptional, so making the Starmaker finale was a win in itself. I wish Liz the best. She is a talented performer and deserving of her success.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow cast members. Despite the negatives that competition can bring out, I know we shared a lot of laughs and a camaraderie that will live on.

Thank you Rodney Jerkins and Tamara Conniff for the positive comments that helped build my confidence week after week. Thank you Pete Wentz, Nicole Scherzinger, Lady Gaga, and Kelly Rowland for taking time out of your busy schedules to give us valuable advice. Thank you Romeo Johnson and Johnny Wright for being coaches, and also for your support and counsel. Thank you Laurie Ann Gibson for bringing out a side in me that I wasn’t sure existed.

I would also like to thank MTV, Mark Burnett and Diddy for giving me an opportunity to showcase what I do.

Know that the journey does not end here. I’m very grateful for being a part of Starmaker and am excited about what comes next. The van is gassed up and ready to hit the road. Stay tuned …

Please visit toddsarvies.com, myspace.com/toddsarvies or twitter.com/toddsarvies to see what happens next.

She may not have been the evening's big winner, but Melody is now giving thanks to all the people who helped her get so far in the Starmaker competition. Check it out:

First of all, I’d like to thank God for blessing me with not only this great opportunity, but also for a Mother that has always been there for me. She raised me right, and I thank God for her everyday of my life. I’d like to thank P. Diddy and Mark Burnett for being the first people to ever give me a chance. I’d like to thank the judges Rodney Jerkins, Tamara Conniff and Laurie Ann Gibson for making me feel like I belonged in this music industry. I’d like to thank my vocal coach on the show Romeo Johnson -- he was the Friend I needed and the teacher that showed me the way. I’d like to thank my stylist Gamila for being the brains behind every outfit I wore and for being the Coolest Lady I've ever met. I would especially like to thank my friend and mentor (Super Manager) Mr. Johnny Wright for his guidance and  wisdom. And from the bottom of my heart, I want to congratulate Liz Davis for a job very well done.

The future looks mighty bright for yo girl Melody Angel. I am truly humbled and blessed for all God has given me. To all my fans, thanks for watching, listening and supporting me. I Love You All and I’ll See You Soon.

Competition was so stiff this season that we couldn't even predict the final three! But after watching Todd, Melody and Liz sing their hearts out last week, we can't think of anyone who deserves it more. So who's got what it takes to come out on top?

With only two days to go til the big Starmaker finale, we thought we'd put it to a poll -- and let you guys decide! So step into the driver's seat and tell us whether you're Team Todd, Manic for Melody or Lining Up for Liz, then tune in Sunday night at 10pm to find out whether Diddy got it right.

Fourteen singers started this journey, but only three will take the stage in Sunday night's Starmaker finale. So who's gonna walk out with Diddy's undying respect -- and a contract at Bad Boy records? Take a look back at how far Todd, Melody and Liz have come since the series premiere (wait, was Todd even on that episode??), and tune in this weekend to find out which of these talented hopefuls will hit all the right notes and earn a place in the Bad Boy family.

+ Still pissed that Lauriana didn't make it to the finals? She's not! Read what she's been up to since the show plus find out how many of your fellow fans wanted to see her make the top three!

With just one last chance to land a spot in the Starmaker finale, Rodney Jerkins said sayonara to Lauriana on Episode 9 and 'hey, hey, hey' to Todd, Melody and Liz. Check out Lauriana's update below to find out why there are no hard feelings...

First of all, I want to thank God for these blessings. Even though Badboy is a great label and they gave me a wonderful opportunity to reach a wide audience, I came on Starmaker to showcase my talent so that I could sign a contract with a label that understands me as an artist.

I've gained so many supporters and believers from this experience, and I'm so thankful. Do I feel like I deserved to advance? Yes. But did they make a mistake? No. I know who I am as an artist already, and it's hard to make people see that when there are only a couple songs to choose from and minimal rehearsal time.

The week I did an original song was my favorite because that's what this is all about for me. I am currently in the studio writing and recording my album with some very talented producers. It's a style of music where classic jazz and rhythm and blues meet contemporary hip-hop and R&B. I'm so excited about it and I can't wait for you all to hear it and love it as much as I do. In the meantime please visit myspace.com/laurianamae for previews and updates!! Also, follow me on twitter.com/laurianamae so that you can always hear it first :)

Last week, Melody wowed the judges with her new look. This week, she changed her image from the inside out. Shedding her tough-girl skin, Melody struck an emotional chord with her surprisingly soulful rendition of "How To Save A Life," leaving Tamara Conniff with chills -- and us wondering whether we'd finally seen the real Mel. Think underneath that tomboyish, take-no-prisoners exterior lies a vulnerable vixen? Sound off in the comments and tell us whether you think Mel's a secret softie!

Over the course of the season, the Starmaker judges narrowed down the field from fourteen wannabes to three finalists. But when Todd and Lauriana ended up in the bottom two tonight, the panel was forced to make their toughest decision yet. Think Rodney made the right call by saying sayonara to Lauriana? Or was it Todd's turn to hang up the mic? Take the poll and tell us who you think deserved a spot in the finale.

This week, we said goodbye to not one but TWO outstanding performers. And while we were sad to see Omotayo (and Monet) go home, the big guy wants you guys to know he's not ready to give up on his dream. Hear what Big Sexy's been doing since the show and find out why he's lookin' to drop an album (and become your brand-new cuddle buddy!) ASAP.

I definitely didn't want to go home. It was really challenging to compete against people of other genres when most of the songs I performed were out of my comfort zone. But it is what it is, and I am grateful that Diddy chose me out of thousands of singers to compete on Starmaker.

I don't feel bad about getting cut because if I had to choose someone other than me to win, it would have been between one of the singers still in the house. I have lots of love for each and every contestants on the show and learned a lot from being in their presence. I hope to work with them down the road, when all's said and done.

The judges may have given me the boot, but you damn sure ain't seen the last of Big Sexy!!! I'm recording my first album as a solo artist and am planning on releasing a single in the near future!! Thank you to all my fans that have sent support and love to me and my daughter along the way. I've been dreaming of singing my whole life and you all make me believe my dreams can be real!!! Much LUV!!! So, bye bye for now...until we meet again!!!

P.S. I'm single ladies, so if you looking for someone to cuddle up with, Holla at Big Sexy!!! ;-)

We're getting down to the wire, which means some really talented people are beginning to be eliminated from Starmaker. And last night, one of those people happened to be Monet. But don't cry for her -- so many amazing things have happened for this singer since she left the show! Check out Monet's update below...

As I stood on the Starmaker stage for the last time, I looked into the audience and heard them cheering my name. I had dreamed of a moment like that since I was little -- and it had finally come true...

Even though my time on the show is over, my dream is only going to grow and grow. Did the judges make a mistake by sending me home? No. I was not the type of artist that Bad Boy Records was looking for, and I am more than okay with that. I did what I came there to do, and I have absolutely no regrets.

I gained more from this experience than I ever thought I would: a vocal coach (Romeo Johnson) who believed in me from the very beginning (even when it seemed like no one else did), an amazing manager (Johnny Wright) to guide me through the process, a chance to be judged by some of the industry's most respected individuals and a bunch of amazing new friends. A beautiful transformation took place because I now know who I truly am as an artist, and I have Starmaker, P. Diddy and Mark Burnett to thank.

After I got off the show, things started happening immediately. I got a call to sing back up for Lady Gaga at The Tonight Show, which was an extremely amazing experience. I am also very proud to announce that I'm now represented by Johnny Wright and am officially a part of the WEG family. I actually just got back from spending time in Florida recording a song at the WEG compound with multi-platinum record producer Gary Carolla.

My dreams of becoming a star are finally coming true. I will never stop pursuing them! I hope I proved to the world that ANYTHING can happen ... so NEVER give up!

I hope to see you guys at a concert someday soon! You can keep in contact with me on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and YouTube.

Xoxo Monet