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February 9th, 2010

365Gay Agenda Blog

Thursday’s Watercooler: Obama’s gay one-liner

By Emma Ruby-Sachs, 365gay blogger 02.04.2010 2:23pm EST
Entertainment & Sports

• This morning President Obama gave the gays another one-liner. In his prayer breakfast address he stated:

We may disagree about gay marriage, but surely we can agree that it is unconscionable to target gays and lesbians for who they are – whether it’s here in the United States, or, as Hillary mentioned, more extremely in odious laws that are being proposed most recently in Uganda.

Quite an auspicious start to our morning and today’s watercooler.

• Because we care about politics, but also love time on the couch, here’s a little tidbit about the hit show Jersey Shore ( I was at a comedy show last night where, I swear, every other joke was about this show and so I’ve decided it’s newsworthy). Jersey Shore scares me, a crazy collection of violent young adults, but none scares me quite as much as Snookie. However, Inside edition has decided that Snookie can be rehabilitated. And voila… turns out they are right!


Have you ever seen anything THAT stylish?

• If you weren’t watching Jersey Shore reruns on television last night, perhaps you caught the series of television slams of John McCain and his flip flop on Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Last night, Steven Colbert jumped on board with this hilarious attack:

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• John McCain isn’t the only person terrified of serving with gays and lesbians. Natalie Portman reported that she was “in a state of inner terror” when she had to kiss her female co-star in her new film Black Swan. But seriously, who could be anything, but excited to make-out with this woman?

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• No way to cut cleverly to this one, but Fox News (which, while claiming to be fair and balanced, clearly isn’t) has just clued in to the fact that being a gay teenager is pretty hard. In fact, they are reporting (reporting, that means they think this is brand new news) that lesbian and gay teens get bullied more than heterosexual teens. Congratulations on joining the 21st century Fox. Glad you could make it to reality.

• As a final note: Here’s a great video from last night. One more reason we should all hope to be famous (and all love and adore Sarah Silverman). Enjoy the day!

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  • DeGuyz Said: February 4th, 2010 at 7:48 pm
    • With John McCain, you almost have to have a sign on your back. He wouldn’t know a real “queer” if he tripped over one. Imagine all the LGBT members of socieity he is in contact with on a dailey basis and hasn’t a clue.

  • footwork61 Said: February 4th, 2010 at 10:58 pm
    • @DeGuyz: Which might be exactly the point. Guys and gals in the trenches aren’t going to notice that they are working shoulder-to-shoulder with a gay person unless and until one of them specifically brings it up.

      I can’t imagine the amount of stress that must be involved in the constant hiding: never being able to sign an e-mail with an “I love you;” or keep a picture of a boyfriend or girlfriend when the people around you are displaying theirs; or even being able to say in a group, “Yeah, I really miss my boyfriend today because it’s his birthday.”

      What a waste of energy and focus for these people that need their energy and focus for the dangerous job at hand.

  • robertocucina Said: February 5th, 2010 at 12:24 pm
    • Hmmm, let me get this right. Obama says…”We may disagree about gay marriage, but surely we can agree that it is unconscionable to target gays and lesbians for who they are…”. Well, he’s doing just that when he opposes marriage equality isn’t he? Targeting one group to prevent them from marrying is nothing more than that. He’s a hypocrite and master of the double standard and needs to be reminded.


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