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Liveblogging "One Life to Live": The Spawning, Part 3 - Where There's a Will, There's a Gay

As the search on Llantano mountain continues, will Oliver be able to hold his tongue from Rex?

Get your minds out of the gutter. You know what I mean.

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2:05PM EST: We start with Little Red Riding Ho wandering the mountain clutching the shoplifted basketball under her coat.

How adorable is FUB when he's bundled up? Rex asks "Why is Schuyler's name in Stacy's will? Oliver hems and haws.

Meanwhile, Sky , not having breadcrumbs, leaves a trail of blood behind him, mumbling "I'm the father".

McBaaain carries an unconscious Natalie into an abandoned shelter. OMG! They escaped the burning car!

Dorian sees an imaginary Mel and Charlie sees an imaginary Jared. Hey, aren't ghosts supposed to be naked?

2:10PM EST: Oh dear. Now Natalie is seeing Jared. Ooh, when do get to see those little squiggly demons from Ghost come up and take him away? After they rip his clothes off.

LRRH is still wandering around, but continues to spout helpful exposition. I'd say it was hypothermia ... but she always does that.

Rex suspects that Oliver know more than he's saying, but Oliver is all "What? Huh? Me? I not know". Rex says "You're a great cop, but you're a lousy liar".

LOL! Sky is still meandering around the mountain and if you look closely you can see him accidentally inhale a giant styrofoam flake.

2:20PM EST: Rex and Oliver see smoke, and deduce that a car must have gone over the edge. They investigate.

The Messenger tells Jessica that "it's what God wants", but she says 'I'm not sure it's what I want".

OKAY, HOLD ON SEC. So Charlie sees Jared's ghost ... who's wearing a Coat! Do they have Eddie Bauer's in the afterlife?

2:25PM EST: Natalie insists that McBain as Jared say "I love you", and McBain as McBain hesitates and then says "I love you" as Jared. But did he mean it as Jared or McBain?

2:35PM EST: Stacy is still wandering around when she takes a hilarious faceplant into the snow. Meanwhile, Rex and Oliver figure out that the burned up car belonged to Brody and McBain.

Jessica tries to escape, but The Messenger somehow always have a syringe of knockout potion.

2:40PM EST: Oh jeez. Stacy is buried underneath a pile of white feathers, which I think is supposed to represent Styrofoam, which I think is supposed to represent snow.

Oliver desperately tries to contact someone with his phone, and finally gets through to Dominos, where he voices his opinion about their new pizza. He then calls Marty and tells her there's been an accident.

2:50PM EST: Rex is strolling around shouting "Don't worry Stacy, I'm coming for you", and nearly trips on some pregnant woman covered in the snow. He keeps walking, oblivious.

Dorian sees the light thanks to Mel and rushes out into the blizzard to stop Charlie.

The Messenger lays next to Jessica, ready to ... whatever, when Brody bursts through the door with his gun raised.

Preview Time:: We're getting closer to the big moment!

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  • Joe's picture


    I noticed on Friday how incredibly clean-shaven Oliver was, and that pic just reminded me of it. He's usually sporting a 5 o'clock shadow. Just makes him all the cuter. And he is ROCKIN' that hat!
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    maskbear55's picture


    Cuteness to the nth degree....
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    Morgan's picture

    Oliver's Sensable Snow Suit

    It's so adorable how Ollie is dressed compared to the other characters. He's actually dressed for WINTER insteadof the runway of some second-rate winter fashion show.

    Like I said Friday even as the beloved FUB, his sexy natural body fur isn't enough to keep him warm :-p

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    isoron's picture

    How many deserted cabins are there..

    on these soaps?
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    maskbear55's picture

    I know this supposed to be High Drama

    But really.    I'm getting my laugh of the day so far.
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    JusticeGH's picture

    All that matters

    is that you're entertained.

    Well, and that sooner than later all these guys end up heading for the steam room to warm up after all this time in the styrofoam snow.

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    jmi2's picture

    they're supposed to be on a mountain...

    how much higher do you want them to be?

    besides it's in PA. 


    jmi2's picture

    how much longer is this story arc...

    supposed to take?

    i'm leaving to work in Central America for a week on Sun. i don't know if i can live with the suspense if it goes much longer than this week...

    and internet connection is spotty at best. 

    ceares's picture

    not that the actors aren't

    not that the actors aren't doing a good job but the ghost stuff and the vicky/clint/todd/marty et al stuff is some boring ass crap.

    also thanks Oliver for finally getting a signal and calling  Marty instead of a rescue helicopter or something for the at least 6 people lost up on the mountain. 


    since I seriously doubt if God would care about  Dprian's soul,Charlie's' soul or if someone killed the hell out of Mitch, my theory is, Jared and Mel are actually the First Evil trying to protect one of it's favored minions

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    Liz's picture

    damn dude

    that was a boring ass episode. i do love the fake snow though. cracks me up how obviously fake it is. ;-)

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    Cufflinksandtie's picture

    Snow? What snow???

    Is that what it sorta looks like?  We just have sand- it's sorta white-  



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    md1347's picture

    Lucky you. We are getting

    Lucky you. We are getting another foot+ of snow on top of last weeks 2+ foot.


    I have to say that I haven't been watching. I find this whole mountain thing to be kind of a waste of time. Just get back to the sex already.

    Psionycx's picture

    This is all very timely

    Considering that we had an actual blizzard this weekend it adds a certain sense of truth to the whole scenario.

    And I must say that Little Red Riding Ho is the best nickname you've come up with since Sin-dirella.

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    maskbear55's picture

    I second that


    ITA with Psionycx...I think "Little Red Riding Ho" is one your best nicknames....Today's episode provided the just the right amount of humor and absurdity that these soaps reach for sometimes.   But Oliver is masterly cute in that cap....


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    NC Guy's picture


    Agreed. I involuntarily snort every time i read "Little Red Riding Ho"

    Just effin BRILLIANT, Snicks.  This is why we love you.  (this and the fact that you're in hock for 80's toys....)

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    jsg03jd's picture

    The snow job on OLTL is

    The snow job on OLTL is actually quite decent compared to other soaps' winter styrofoam wonderlands.

    I'm getting sick of Ollie Bear being such a wuss about not coming forward as a contender in the Guppy lottery.  Man up, dude.  If you can't do it, then let the boss of you, Kyle, handle the matter!

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    Psionycx's picture

    Given Oliver's conservative upbringing...

    Given Oliver's conservative upbringing I'm sure he's feeling tons of guilt. After all, pre-marital sex is wrong to conservative Christians (except when attempting to exorcise oneself of homosexuality). Fathering a child out-of-wedlock is definitely a no-no and would normally result in a shotgun wedding, which in this case wouldn't happen because Little Red Riding Ho ain't no deflowered virgin girl looking for just any man that will have her.

    But still, I'm sure that this one puts Oliver into sensory overload. Bad enough he's a gay. To have fathered a bastard child, while drunk, on a woman of loose morals whom he will not be marrying because she wants another man and so does he, would just wash away any minimal progress he might have made in getting his parents to answer his phone calls. 

    Plus, Oliver is not one to take fatherhood lightly. He would want to be responsible, involved (especially if Sin-dirella was the probable babysitter of choice). That's a HUGE responsibility and I'm sure the thought terrifies our poor innocent little FUB.

    Besides, he and Kyle have just started having sex together. A baby would totally bring an end to that!

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    jsg03jd's picture

    I get...

    ...the sensory overload and his uber conservative upbringing, and I do agree that Oliver is not one to take fatherhood lightly.

    Therefore, it boggles me why the possibility that Oliver is a father is something that he is consciously ignoring despite Kyle's encouragement and support for Ollie Bear to step forward and raise his hand that he may be (well, actually is) the father of Stacy's Spawn.  Sure, he slept with the Whore of Babylon during a drunken stupor, but even the most conservative Christians preach that all children are gifts from God, so Oliver on some level must know that the right thing to do is to be a real father to a baby that might be (and really is) his, especially now that our FUB knows firsthand what it's like for parents to turn away from their children, as Mr. and Mrs. Fish effectively did to him in the fall.

    Yes, the sex thing is gonna be an issue.  So essentially, Kyle and Oliver will have to deal with this baby just as any couple would with an unexpected pregnancy and baby and everything that comes with it.

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    isoron's picture


    Psionycx wrote:

    Besides, he and Kyle have just started having sex together. A baby would totally bring an end to that!

    I suspect that many Kish fans haven't thought the total repercussions through. Having had sex once, they are supposed to be a family? Sorry had four brothers and sisters and can't see the romance. Are we to assume that Kish will the the basically sexless gays in "Modern Family?"

    Reads more like a "Lifetime" movie. Have sex once - become a Daddy and raise the child while being a single pop.

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    jsg03jd's picture


    ...those are a lot of assumptions.  I doubt we'll get the daytime version of MODERN FAMILY or some cheesy Lifetime Network for Women and Gay Men movie of the week for these characters.  At least, I hope not.

    Besides, the only person who's constantly having sex on OLTL is Blair, who has 4 kids while Kyle and Oliver aren't humping every time they're onscreen.  I wish!

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    Natalie's picture


    Oliver looks so cute in his hat,now you can see better how beautiful his eyes are, i miss Kish scenes though,Oliver will need warm up after all this frozenness,Kyle's hot body would be very preferable for this ... god i need my Kish dose desperately ! :)


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    Paswede's picture

    Kyle and the snow

    Well first, I wish they would show more of Kyle with worry about FUB being lost up on them there mountain. They already had Kyle express concern about his job and the dangers and besides, I miss him!

    Secondly, I live in PA.... We just got a lot of snow... but funny thing is, our snow melts when it touches warm skin. <heehee> I guess Llanview snow is heartier? 

    Thirdly, as someone who loves looking for inconsistencies, boy soaps are a easy!  But I know, it does not have to be perfect or accurate, it is story telling.

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    Morgan's picture

    Strange weather these days

    The snow on Llanview mountain is heartier but the air is warm enough you never see anyones breath. You'd think Stacy would be in a fog of breath with all the hot air she puts out.
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    jonnymohio's picture


    Oliver does for skull knit caps, what Ali McGraw did for them in Love Story. Makes them cute.
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    Geoff's picture


    Oliver finally gets a signal and he calls Marty?  Really? 

    Brody just needs to shoot Mitch already.  Thankfully we didn't have to see Jessica's bio-dad kiss her.  Ugh!

    And where was Gigi today?  Will she trip over Sky or Stacey's snow covered bodies tomorrow?

    Oracle's picture

    MOAR FUB!!!

    When do we get to the part where Fish & Rex need to use each other's body heat to stay warm? My finger has been hovering over the popcorn button on the microwave for, like, a week. ;Þ
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    Sparky's picture


    That about made me spit out my dinner.  *high five*
    Psionycx's picture

    OLTL Fables

    Well, this is getting to be like a right old set of fables. We have Sin-derella, Little Red Riding Ho, the handsome young King and even a Fairy Baby Daddy.

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    NC Guy's picture


    "Fairy baby Daddy"   Does he get a wand and a tiara?
    FakeName's picture

    I thought he was a

    ...Furry Baby Daddy.
    Morgan's picture

    A Mountain-Range of Emotions

    Right now Gigi, Rex, Schyler, Charlie, Oliver, Brody, Stacy, Dorian, & Natalie/McBain are all wandering around roughly the same area of Llanview mountain. You'd think one of them would have come across another just by accident at this point. I think we were supposed to forget about Brody and be shocked when he rushed in on Mitch, but how could we forget about BRODY!?

    McBain pretending to be Jared is even more bland than McBain being himself.

    Speaking of Jared, his ghost appears to only be visable to others by the snow on his head. The OLTL FX department should have done a better job with this! I'm sure they are busy, what with keeping the robot that plays Todd oiled and reasonably lifelike, but Jared should have been less snowcovered.

    The only thing worse than being your fathers *shudder* Vessel is doing it dressed like you're ma Ingalls on "Little House On The Prairie".

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    Bill S's picture

    Brody to the rescue

    I was so relieved that someone interrupted Mitch before his attempted rape of Jessica. Those scenes REALLY made me squirm.

    I've never been so happy to see a FULLY CLOTHED Brody.

    Y'know, when straight actors play gay, people always ask, "What was it like?", but I think playing a character like Mitch would be a lot more unsettling. As an actor playing a role, you wanna do a good job playing someone so loathesome. But on the other hand...do you really WANT to be convincing playing a man who sexually assaults his own daughter? I'd feel like puking after the camera stopped rolling.

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    Cufflinksandtie's picture

    It's pretty easy to screw your daughter

      on TV because she's just another actor, and isn't really related!

    Now, if it were Jon Voight and Angelina Jolie.... 



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    j U d E's picture

    I don't know..

    .. if it's that easy, but I'm not an actor.

    Though I'm with Bill S on this. Imagine being an actor having to portray a pedophile convincingly.... I'd be puking for sure after the camera stopped rolling. ..

    I remember an episode from "Without a Trace" where actually the character of Anthony LaPaglia had to puke.. because he had to play nice with a pedophile. Must have been easy to fake the puking, I'm saying!

    Cufflinksandtie's picture

    Officer-involved shootings

    usually require a break from duties.  That mean that the Fish and the Kyle can try to reproduce themselves for a while.  



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