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Tell Dennis Everything... "Pretty" Premiere

If you can't turn away from Toddlers and Tiaras, then you'll love Pretty, a new web series from out writer/director Steve Silverman. The project is set in the sick, sparkly world of kiddie beauty pageants. Our own Dennis Hensley attended the show's L.A. premiere and learned that comedy may not be pretty, but Pretty sure is funny.

Dennis talks with Silverman and his cast, including actor Sam Pancake, who you might remember from the brilliant but all too brief Lifetime series Lovespring International.

Check it out after the break!

The hilarious first episode of Pretty is now up at PrettyTheSeries.com

MustBeSaid's picture

Love me some Pancake

Oh wow, I checked out Pretty and it's a hoot. Highly recommend it. Sam Pancake's character is very similar to the one he played on Lovespring International, only there instead of kiddie pageants he was into building miniature furniture.Wonder if he ever feels typecast?