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Wednesday 10 February 2010

Jobs at Telegraph

Monday, 8th February 2010

Brown’s personality defines the character of his government

David Blackburn 10:59am

David Cameron will re-launch his election campaign with a personal attack on Gordon Brown. Cameron will embark on the straightforward task of proving that the Road Block is not a moderniser – the Prime Minister’s sudden avowed passion for PR is merely a marriage of electoral convenience. Cameron has led the expenses reform debate and will use Brown’s dithering over the latest furore to condemn him as a ‘shameless defender of the old elite’. According to Francis Elliot, Cameron will say:

“There is no chance Gordon Brown will do what is right and put the public interest before his own political interests. He cannot reform the institution because he is the institution: he made it. The character of his Government — secretive, power-hoarding, controlling — is his character.”

I agree and would certainly add ‘incompetent’ to that list of shared attributes. Yet Cameron wastes his zeal on the observant. Brown makes Neville Chamberlain look like the Sun King but ad hominem appeals predominantly to those whose minds are already settled. Cameron’s vitriol will not be as affecting as the spectre of Brown welling-up (cynically or genuinely) for victory - this is the age of Jordan not Auberon Waugh.

The briefing whispers are that George Osborne has won his battle to articulate specific pledges to Conservative leaning voters. That is welcome but the Tories will open the week with a Punch and Judy show. However, as the speech will be made in the back and beyond of Beckton there’s a chance no one will see it.

Filed under: 2010 Election (41 more articles) , Conservatives (484 more articles) , David Cameron (254 more articles) , Electoral reform (11 more articles) , George Osborne (96 more articles) , Gordon Brown (430 more articles) , Labour (598 more articles) , MPs' expenses (64 more articles) , UK politics (1021 more articles)

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February 8th, 2010 11:26am Report this comment

If the Conservatives cannot show they are tough they will lose. The world is a dangerous place, we need a tough leader -not a sneak like Brown. Personally I believe the word" incompotent" should be used as the adjective for labour whenever it is used.


February 8th, 2010 11:30am Report this comment

'As the speech will be made in the back and beyond Beckton there's a chance that no-one will hear it...'

Is that why it was leading BBC bulletins this morning? Get on that ball, David!

- Hearing that Dave had actually sunk his rubber teeth into Bruin's ankle for once cheered me immensely. It's better than the vow of Omerta he has taken over most of Bruin's other sins. I don't think the great British public are going to start feeling sorry for Bruin, despite his public blubbing. So more Punch and Judy please : that's the way to do it.


February 8th, 2010 11:37am Report this comment

PS: Liebour have just suspended the 3 MPs who are facing charges - a definitie hit for Dave, then.

Fergus Pickering

February 8th, 2010 11:41am Report this comment

I think I agree with Vulture. 'Punch and Judy politics' was always a fatuous phrase. I presume it originated with the Liberal Democrats. A bit of teeth-sinking there would be appropriate. Boris has the right idea in today's Telegraph. The Lib Dems are silly, silly people voted for by other silly, silly people who know nothing about politics but like to think they are 'progressive'. Faugh! and likewise Phooey! Get stuck in, lads. You don't win by dijhthering nicely. Think of the great Martin Johnson when he was the England captain. Whack 'em!


February 8th, 2010 11:43am Report this comment

Polling shows that people like his party much more than they like Brown so all Cameron is doing is concentrating on their biggest weakness.

It'll be fun watching all those in the media who liked Brown's ad hominem attacks on rushing to criticise Cameron.

Any Colour but Brown

February 8th, 2010 12:25pm Report this comment

PMQs, DC "Can the Right Honourable Gentleman confirm to the House that, in the upcoming screening of his interview with Piers Morgan, he will not be attempting to use his children as props for political gain?"

Lord Boyders

February 8th, 2010 1:00pm Report this comment

I object to your Neville Chamberlain / Gordon Brown comparison. There is no comparison; Brown should be in prison for deliberately shafting this country whilst Chamberlain did his best to save us from war and in doing so bought a time for us to have a better defence capability. So there.


February 8th, 2010 1:20pm Report this comment

Any Colour but Brown - Pot kettle black. A couple of years ago rare was the day when David Cameron hadn't managed to place a shot - or aat least a mention - of his disabled child with an editor. Why he thought this would resonate with the public and persuade them that this made him prime ministerial material puzzled and irritated me at the time and is one of the many reasons he will never have my vote.

Any Colour but Brown

February 8th, 2010 2:09pm Report this comment

David Cameron hadn't managed to place a shot - or aat least a mention - of his disabled child with an editor. Why he thought this would resonate with the public and persuade them that this made him prime ministerial material puzzled and irritated me at the time and is one of the many reasons he will never have my vote."

....and one of the reasons that he was criticised for using his child for political gain........by Gordon Brown.

Constantly Furious

February 8th, 2010 2:20pm Report this comment

Verity. Name 5 different papers, on 5 different weeks "in the last couple of years" where these pictures appeared, or admit you made that up.

I'm not a big fan of CallMeDave, but one thing that's worse are these NuLab Rebuttal Unit lies.

Ivy Eileen

February 8th, 2010 4:09pm Report this comment

Constantly Furious - I hope you get a reply.

Some months ago, I was required (sic) by Verity to "give one, just one" example of a point I made and with which she disagreed. So, I gave her two examples. Result ? - deafening silence.

Don't hold your breath chum.

old fogey

February 8th, 2010 4:41pm Report this comment

"Secretive, power hoarding, controlling"...why did DC not mention deceitful,resentful and profoundly malignant, for they would equally applicable.


February 8th, 2010 7:46pm Report this comment

Brown is mentally unstable; his condition seems to deteriorate with time; he is in denial about it; and those around him are aware of the situation yet are afraid to do anything about it. This alone should be enough to disqualify him for the highest office in the UK.


February 8th, 2010 8:04pm Report this comment

I always thought Clarkson's description of Brown was spot on - a one-eyed Scottish Moron. But I suppose we could extend it and agree that Brown is:

an incompetent, secretive, power-hoarding, controlling, one-eyed Scottish Moron. Mind you, that leaves out bullying .....


February 9th, 2010 12:58am Report this comment

Constantly Furious - Can't. Didn't keep obsessive notes.

All I know is I was constantly assaulted with Dave's disabled son in a stroller, at breakfast in Dave's house with the windmill on it, and Dave's son being taken into/out of NHS ambulances.

His other children weren't promoted, just the sympathy child. (Can any of you remember what Dave's other children look like? No? Can you remember what Ivan looked like? I suspect yes, vaguely. In other words, could you recognise one Cameron child in the street? I doubt it.)

I make no apology for remembering this, which I found disquieting at the time.


February 9th, 2010 4:50am Report this comment

Constantly Furious - Not being an obsessive, I didn't save clippings. I was repelled rather than having an interest in keeping a record.

BTW, who has a name like "Ivy Eileen" these days? No offence to your lovely communist parents, Ivy Eileen, but it's usually only Americans of a certain class who use two Christian names simultaneously. As in Mary Jo. Billy (Billie) Joe. Billy Bob. Joe Bob. Sue Ellen.

As ghastly as those names are to the outside ear, at least they scan. Ivy Eileen doesn't scan. It's clumsy. You clearly don't have an ear for fakery. (I opened a door for you here, and I am sure you will come bounding heavily through for our entertainment.) And are there really people called Ivy? I would suspect your parents had named you after a restaurant but ... nah.

Major Plonquer

February 9th, 2010 6:52am Report this comment

I always think there's something fundamentally disturbing about people who can't even spell 'incompetent'.

Perhaps its one of the mystical universal paradoxes - like why is the word 'dictionary' in the dictionary? If you don't already know what the word means how would you know where to look it up?

Or like asking a woman, 'If a woman says "no" does she really mean "yes".' If she says 'no', how can you believer her? Does she really mean 'yes'? Good grief, is that the time?


February 9th, 2010 10:56am Report this comment

Speaking of attacks the one on gordon's private slush fund at the beginning of pmq's last week left him looking like a cornered rat.I would suggest a follow up question this week "as the prime minister did not answer the question last week could he inform the house what he spent the continuously topped up £50,000 pot on which Peter Watt mentioned"???????

Ivy Eileen

February 9th, 2010 6:48pm Report this comment

Verity - bit late in reading your reply, have been at work so apologies for that.

However, your reply suggests my previous comment hit a tender spot. This is also the second time you have accused me (or now my parents) of being left-wing - even now communist. As I posted when you made this allegation before, you couldn't be more wrong. Why do you make wild (as in having no connection with the topic), unsupported (as in no evidence) and ridiculous (as in bizarre) allegations ? It serves no useful purpose to the Coffee House topic.

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