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15 January

PREMIERE: Adam Lambert’s “Whataya Want From Me” Music Video

Most of you won’t even read this copy and will go straight to the video. To those of you who do this: Shame.

To the rest of you (Hey Carl), thank you for your patience. You realize that when something as delightful as Adam Lambert’s “Whataya Want From Me” music video premieres, perhaps its best to savor every moment of anticipation before watching it, like slowly taking off the giant novelty bow on your brand new Mercedes. Especially when that video is beautifully shot, like a living painting, and gives you that angsty Adam you’ve all been waiting for…


Don’t forget to tune into the Critics’ Choice Movie Awards Live!, tonight at 9 PM on VH1, which will feature an appearance by Lambert and a very special guest presenter… YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS IT.

Oh, there’s also a pre-show starting at 8:30, where you’ll catch glimpse of all the fabulous celebrities before the show starts. (By the by, the line-up for the event is sick amazing. And we’re not just saying that because they’re paying us too. It’s real A-list business up in here.)

Bestweekever.tv will be live at the event! Check back here as we live-blog the show (and from the red carpet) with our partner sites, including AOL’s Moviefone, The Envelope, The Huffington Post, TheFabLife and fashion experts Refinery29!

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14 January

While You Were Having One Of Those “Let’s Pretend Pop Culture Matters This Week” Weeks

Beyonce Jay-Z NBA Game

  • Ivan Reitman confirmed he will direct a third Ghostbusters movie and hopes to begin shooting it this year. He failed to comment on whether the movie will be “odds-defyingly good” or “really disappointing.”
  • Beyonce and Jay-Z were Hollywood’s highest-earning couple in 2009, beating out Brad & Angelina and the surprise second-place duo of Harrison Ford and Calista Flockheart. Man, that Ally McBeal dancing baby just continues to be an annual cash cow.
  • This list of the 10 Worst Tree Removal Fails raises the question – are there any tree removal successes on the internet?
  • Despite various dramatic online rumors, police figured out that Heidi and Spencer have not been kidnapped after conducting an investigation. The investigation, of course, consisted of one cop thinking for two seconds and deciding this was obviously a frickin’ internet hoax.
  • And finally, Oprah interviewed Adam Lambert. What’s she gonna rip off from Michelle Collins next? Celebrity Math?
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13 January

EXCLUSIVE: “Whataya Want From Me” 2nd Preview Clip!

Here is the second clip VH1 was able to snag from Adam Lambert’s “Whataya Want From Me” music videa, set to premiere on VH1 in full on Friday morning between 6am-10am.

We sincerely hope these clips will ease you in to the full fan conniption you will experience on Friday morning.

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12 January

EXCLUSIVE CLIP: Adam Lambert’s “Whataya Want From Me” Music Video

VH1 has gotten their hands on a clip from Adam Lambert’s latest video for his single “Whataya Want From Me,” set to premiere on VH1 in full on Friday morning between 6am-10am. Here is a short but everlasting clip of the video to rev up your anticipation. Um, it goes without saying, fans of the man are going to flip their sh*t. Those of you taken aback by his blatant sexuality in the “For Your Entertainment” video should be pleasantly surprised, while the rest of you will be finding a way to turn the video into a giant poster to put on your ceiling, Tiger Beat style.

Anyway, this is no time for joking around, people, here it is!

We’ll have ANOTHER exclusive clip from the video tomorrow morning, so be sure to check BWE.tv half a million times each before noon! We’re hoping to get clips of the chorus next time around…

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22 December

Jeff Bridges Becomes 2009’s Most Fascinating Celebrity

Last night, I did something fairly out of character: My television tuned into NBC between the hours of 10 and 11, when The Jay Leno Show happens to air. My reasoning was simple: Adam Lambert fans were tweeting me in droves, telling me to tune in and catch his performance. Considering I was watching The Nutcracker on PBS (Sidenote: It’s terrifying?), this decision came easily.

Lambert was his typical charming self, and seemed to have even the unlikeliest of faces — that being the giant one of Leno’s — under his spell.

But the REAL story on last night’s Leno was his interview via satellite with actor Jeff Bridges. It’s the kind of celebrity interview you so rarely see: Where the madcappyness remains intact for all the world to marvel at. He also brought to the table the sense of humor of a stoned 7th grader, which is secretly the most sophisticated kind.

Just how stoned? Take a listen to his favorite joke, for example, which is now ours as well:

Or his phobia, which involves both citrus fruits and human excrement:

He even threw in a VH1 reference as his guilty pleasure!


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10 December

Ladies of “The View” Fall Victim to Adam Lambert’s Charmicide

ADAM-AT-THE-ADLThis morning, hell got a little chillier as former American Idol star turned barometer for America’s sexual threshold Adam Lambert appeared on The View. This interview follows the gigantic upheaval caused by some man-on-man groping at the AMA’s cum television appearance cancellations via ABC.

But this morning, a tiny victory for Lambert, who stepped inside the country’s most beloved estrogen prayer circle that is ABC’s The View. The two segments would consist of Adam getting some coveted couch time with the coven (sans Whoopi, sadly), followed by a performance, this time without any simulation of Beejis & Kelly (a pun meant to imply simulated oral sex, with our without Regis Philbin, preferably without.)

Let’s begin with the interview. It went almost TOO well. Though rumor suggested that Elisabeth Hasselbeck was going to go straight for the jugular, instead she acted in an all too ladylike way, asking certain necessary questions but also showering Adam with praise. This was unexpected. Because of how graciously she acted, we would like her to know she was wearing a really great blazer. Velvet and a big ol’ collar? Consider us sold, Hasselbeck.

We’d also like to point out that the esteemed panel of The View seemed to be leaning in just a little. too. close. Especially Sherri, who looked like she was about to ask for a foot rub at any second. This would have made for great television, and is an opportunity forever lost. And kudos to Joy Behar for managing to drag a dreidel joke out of the guy that, contrary to every dreidel joke ever made, killed.

So did the ladies take it easy on Adam with the questions? Or is Adam so seasoned with the press that he handles himself with ease? Or both? Wait a second, I just realized, who cares? It’s a 9 minute interview on The View, chill out Collins.

(video via Rickey.org)

The real fun came after. Adam sang “Whataya Want From Me,” one of many catchy tunes off his new album “For Your Entertainment.” And holy god, this has to be the most flamboyant set The View has ever concocted in its 400 year history. The set was almost as G as the “One Night Only” lightsaber disco dance sequence in Dreamgirls… which means it looked fantastic. And Lambert, glowing in front of a giant neon “ADAM” sign, was in his truest form: Relaxed, dressed to perfection, and sounding beautiful. Of course, I thought it could have used a little more man-on-man makeouting, but that’s just me (= a whore).

HD Video of the Performance Ahead.


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10 December

BWE.tv’s Analysis of the 10 Most Fascinating People of 2009*

Barbara Walters LADY GAGA Fascinating People 1

*According to Barbara Walters.

Last night, television legend Barbara Walters revealed her list of the 10 Most Fascinating People of 2009. Part of the list had been revealed already, and parts were secret (namely, the most fascinating person.) And because we are nothing if not professional journalists, I sat through the entire episode, recording my thoughts live on each and every fascinating specimen Barbara put under her microscope. What follows is an extremely unthorough look at this yearly delight.

Before we get into the list, let us all agree that Barbara is looking fantastic in her black velvet (Is it velvet? We think it’s velvet) skirt suit. Nice half turn at the beginning Barb! Subtle and, dare I say, sensual

10. Lady Gaga: #10? Under Glenn Beck? Let’s just assume they’re kickin’ it off big style. And holy ess, are they ever. There they walk, arm in arm, Gaga and Barb. Gaga looks like Norma Desmond at the end of Sunset Boulevard. She is one turban and a monkey away from drowning in a pool of her own sorrow. Wearing an admittedly beautiful black Chanel suit,we couldn’t help but note that she also sported the very same glasses worn by Dwayne Wayne in a Diff’rent World (why didn’t she flip them up, WHY?) My love for Gaga is endless, truly, and I appreciate that she classed her crotchless act up for Lady Wawa. Then, BARBARA SAYS BLUFFIN WITH MY MUFFIN. This is a victory, though I’m not really sure why. We all won something at this moment. And hold on… did Baba Wawa just ask Lady Gaga out on a date? We think yes. And we say go for it ladies. You’ll have beautiful, 900 year old mummified babies together.

Barbara Walters JENNY SANFORD Fascinating People 1

9. Jenny Sanford, South Carolina’s First Lady: The thing about Governor Mark Sanford is he was born with a creep’s face. Sadly, Jenny Sanford did not sense this when making her vows oh so long ago. We like the subtle Christian buttons on her blazer. Barbara claims that this woman is fascinating but frankly, I’d rather see her interview Elliot Spitzer’s sex socks. Is the interview worthwhile? Sorta. MOST FASCINATING OF 2009. Get that ish right outta my face and get Sandy B-Lock on the phone.

Barbara Walters TYLER PERRY Fascinating People 1

8. Tyler Perry: Here we go. Gettin’ to the good stuff. America’s favorite drag act, Tyler Perry. I’m just gonna say it: I’ve always been weirded out by his leeeeyups. Glad that’s out of the way. Here is where I will admit something shameful: I have never seen a single Tyler Perry movie. I know!! I’m the worst. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I’ve had plenty of people reenact them for me in full while out at a bar, where the beating scenes get a big awkward. Point being, a lot of this interview is lost on me. Well, everything but his mention that his mother always wanted to be MISS CHANCELLOR. And gurl, if you do not know who this woman is, then you clearly do not know a gay man. Or Tyler Perry. (Separate things.)

Barbara Walters KATE GOSSELIN Fascinating People 17. Kate Gosselin: You might not like Kate, but you can’t deny that she’s been one of the most fascinating people of the year. Because, as far as I know, there is no special called the 10 Most Fascinating Birth Canals of 2009, so we settle for this. And what do we even say about this phony bitch? He’s awful, she’s awful, everybody loses and nobody wins. Especially America, who should as a country file for joint custody of those adorable children because, technically, this is all our fault country. Also, is it just me, or has Kate put her eyes through the ol’ “Asia-o-matic.” They’re so cat shaped! Wait wait wait wait. Hol’ the eff. UP.


Lethal injections, don’t fail me now.

6. Glenn Beck. Glenn Beck’s head is the human equivalent of corned beef and cabbage. I realllllllllly hate this guy’s face. It’s like the Tempur-Pedic® people made their own mattress Golem. On the plus side, Barbara’s bangs look fabulous. And it is here we learn that Glenn was a child magician. A magician!! How much better would the world be if Glenn Beck was a MAGICIAN? Answer: It would be much better. It’s all very sad about his Mother (who died when he was only 13), but it does sort of explain a lot of those anger issues. Also, Great Guy Alert Ladies: When his first wife stopped him from drinking himself to death, he sobered up. Then promptly got divorced and married someone else. Fascinating indeed.

SIDE NOTE: Is Barbara filming a separate show called “The 10 Most Fascinating Dramatic Camera Turns” tonight? Because if so, well played. She could have filmed an hour of only segues and dramatic turns and I would have been psyched.

Top 5 after the jump:


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8 December

Hasselbeck Won’t “Pull Any Punches” with Lambert; Will Remain Giant, Ignorant Bitch


Elisabeth Hasselbeck, a woman whose claim to fame was looking like me in the 6th grade, showing her 1400 abs off in a Survivor buff back in 2001, and marrying a football player, is sharpening her claws for Adam Lambert’s Thursday appearance on The View. The controversy, which children forgot about 2 f**king weeks ago .9 seconds after the performance took place, is apparently still on the minds of those fine ladies over at The View. (We say this with no sarcasm about everyone save Elisabeth.)

According to Popeater:

Of all the fabulous argue-happy ladies on ‘The View,’ the conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck is the one that is most excited about controversial singer Adam Lambert’s taping today … because she smells blood in the ‘View’ water. “She can’t wait to bait Adam about his infamous inappropriate performance,” an insider told me, “and don’t expect her to pull any punches. She’s going for the kill.”

Oh, you best believe we will be live-blogging this sh*t. The segment was pre-recorded, as ABC wanted to take precautions in case, what? In case the guy sang into someone’s D like a microphone? Anyway we assume Adam made it out alive, and can only hope he served it right on back to her. Check in with us tomorrow morning as we liveblog the antics.

PS: Nice cameltoe presentation, Hassy.

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4 December

Will ABC Now Cancel All of Rihanna’s Upcoming Appearances?


The above image, courtesy of TMZ, shows pop superstarlet Rihanna shooting a scene for an upcoming music video, wearing nothing more than a bullet bra and Mickey Mouse helmet. And wouldn’t you know it, one of her ammunipples simply busted out of her Rambo-esque unmentionables.

Can you imagine? Here she is, dressed like slutty Mickey Mouse headed to some sort of apocalyptic topless battle. The face of the Disney Corporation — and, by default, the ABC Network — dressed like their mascot, naked, in some sort of hopeless war.

Which makes one wonder: Given that ABC has canceled 3 of Adam Lambert’s appearances following his controversial AMA performance (specifically Good Morning America, Jimmy Kimmel, and New Year’s Eve with Ryan Seacrest — arguably the gayest show the network has ever put on), what sort of consequences will Rihanna face given the above photo? Not that they should, mind you, but it just seems fair given all of their “High and Mightiness” as of late. Fake oral sex and a gay kiss has GOT to be as bad insinuating that your company’s mascot is some sort of totalitarian Big Brother with a bonus areola hangin’ out of a bullet belt bra, right? Right?!?!

Well, in a perfect world, probably. But in the world we live in today, probably not. Double standards, hypocrites, and all that jazz hands.

We’re just hoping the network doesn’t fire Dick Clark for having a name that could also easily be a term for a dirty gay sex act. (Usage: “Don’t you just love it when your man finishes your day off with a Dick Clark from behind?”) In other news:


Check out our interview with Adam Lambert after the AMAs here.

UPDATE: Adam will be appearing on ABC’s The View on Thursday, December 10. As well as the Barbara Walters’ “10 Most Fascinating People of 2009,” set to air December 9, aka “The Day 10 Fascinating People Will Cry on National Television.” So… (long pause)… I guess we can all get on with our lives now? Hoorah. (Not to be confused with “Prostitution Hoorah.”)

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25 November

Adam Lambert: On The AMAs, Makin’ Out, Gaga, and Glee

MICHELLE AND ADAM LAUGHING 2A few months ago, my personal world was rocked when American Idol’s Adam Lambert stepped off of his mirror-balled spaceship and stepped onto the very ground we VH1 immortals tread, pausing briefly to give us an interview that would forever change our lives.

Much has happened since that innocent time. Lambert has released his first album, For Your Entertainment, already a hit on Itunes and on our own personal media players. He went on to put on a shocking performance at the American Music Awards which part-titillated, part-infuriated this great nation of ours. The resulting media firestorm surprised perhaps no one more than Lambert himself, as Good Morning America canceled his performance. (Kudos to CBS for letting our wild flower bloom free.) It’s been, clearly, a busy week for the guy.

Still, he took time to head over to VH1 and continue where our first interview left off. Here is “Martini Minute”, my first of hopefully many celebrity interviews where we ply our beloved guests with both booze and investigative questioning. You’ll note that I barely let Adam peep out a word for the first solid 2 minutes of the interview… what can I say, something takes over me when I get around the guy. That something being love. Enjoy this “Director’s Cut.”

(You can also watch the interview here if the above gives you problems.)

Be sure to check out Lambert’s music video for his first single “For Your Entertainment”, as well as his stunning performance on the CBS “Morning Show” from earlier today.

You can also hear Adam talk about being a role model over at Popeater!

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