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  1. Life After Labor | Finale Special

    Finale Special

    Watch all of the 16 and Pregnant families address the controversial topics that originated from Season One, along with updates on their 'lives after labor,' in the Finale Special, hosted by Dr. Drew.

  • Posted 7/24/09
  • Views 448,198


CarrieUFan94 (2/6/2010 6:18:22 PM)

I wish Whitney & Ebony was on Teen Mom.

Kaitlynn (2/5/2010 6:11:46 PM)

Dr, Drew you disappointed me in the Finale. He sat there and basically told everyone that teen moms should just drop out and not get their GED or high school diploma. This is BS. I just love it when "doctors" get on TV and down teen moms and coddle them with you don' have to graduated and you can be on Welfare for the rest of your life thats the way to do it. He is wrong. I was a teen mother at 16 I was a single mother with a dead beat ex boyfriend. I worked a full time job and went to high school full time. I graduated with 35 college credits under my belt. What he should have said is that its hard to be a teen mom. Not that its impossible to better your life. Remember that the better educated you are the better life for your child you will be able to provide. The government has programs for teen mothers to help them with paying for daycare to housing them if they get kicked out. THERE ARE OPTIONS. and it really upsets me because i thought the whole point of the show is to show other teens how hard it is to be a teen mom to maybe try and have safer sex. Or to show them their options if a teen pregnancy happens to happen. Not to sit there and put their dreams down and tell them that they cant do it. I'm so sorry but I for one cant sit around and watch more and more teen moms be on welfare their whole life because some "doctor" said they couldn't live out their dreams thanks Kaitlynn

Crystal (2/4/2010 10:18:55 PM)

me 222! :(

AcaciaJules (2/4/2010 6:27:32 PM)

I would have LOVED to watch Whitney, especially instead of the Caitlin/what's his name show.

XxTAAAAsHaaAAxX (2/3/2010 5:03:43 PM)

i wonder why ebony and whiteny werent on teen mom?

Meaghan (2/3/2010 1:58:16 PM)

What is that supposed to mean? Their child should love them.

Meaghan (2/3/2010 1:43:52 PM)

Spoken like a truely understanding person

Meaghan (2/3/2010 1:36:55 PM)

If you seriously think that her situation wasn't selfless, you're seriously confused. I think your outlook is seriously twisted,

Emily (2/2/2010 5:18:49 AM)

First I have to say..did anyone else feel like there was alot of segway and transitions to commercials then actual show? CONDOMS...I GET IT MOVE ON!!!! Second..I think that every single one of these women is so strong, and no they arnt perfect but they are learning and they are growing and lets face it..its hard!! Lastly I just gotta say omg how cute was that last shot when Leah steals Bentley's pacifier! They are my fave lil ones!!! Cant wait to see them continue to grow! Good luck to all the moms!

Jessica (2/1/2010 11:08:13 PM)

ok first of all if you were the same age as Farrah you would want to have a relationship with a guy who wouldnt just because you become a mom dosent mean that you become ugly and are dead to the world. She dose the best she can with what she can dont hate becuase your jealouse that sucks

Jessica (2/1/2010 11:04:25 PM)

personally i find ryan to be the biggest douche bag ever

Nihad (2/1/2010 10:36:24 PM)

i just hope maci and ryan get back together and be a happy family

Nihad (2/1/2010 10:34:10 PM)

Maci,Ryan,and Bentley are like the best i love watching them and i wish i can meet them in person one day......

Julia (1/31/2010 2:39:18 AM)

Tyler and Catelynn always make me cry. I love how they finish each other's sentences. They're so amazing and Carly is a beautiful baby.

Margaret (1/29/2010 6:48:48 PM)

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched; this we proclaim concerning the Word

Jasmine (1/27/2010 8:28:54 PM)

I AM GOING TO PETITION FOR THIS. TO the WHITE HOUSE STOP MAKING SHOWS AND MAKE A CHANGE.. • Two years of Parenting Classes Both for Mother and Father starting in trimester of Pregnancy. If there is a question from the father and he states he is not obligated to take classes or want to assure that the child is his than there should be paternity testing after the baby is born and than they can start parenting classes. • HIV and STD classes for both parents (3 month special curriculum for teenage parents) • If Mother and Father still in school to continue education if not in school than mother and father have to enroll in a 2 year college school (Counseling, Teacher, Medical, successful careers not six months trades) where they must finish there education so they would not be a burden to society. • If teenager Father is a drop out and has had minor contact with the law and has gang affiliation than he should join the military. If he (father of baby) is going on a path were he is quick to pick up a gun for the wrong reason he(father of baby)might as well learn some discipline and protect our country so he can pick up a gun and protect the citizens of the united states and help him pay for child support. • Have agencies go out into the school system and inform our Kids of the consequences if they decide to have sex at a young age. • The problem with many (father of many babies) is that we have taken out responsibility therefore protecting them and making them fathers of many other babies and this is not right. These Men need to learn responsibility and we (the parents) need to stop protecting our kids and make them into men. If they can not abbey by these rules than there should be penalties such us unable to graduate, no DL, incarceration for six month for first penalty, one year and three months for second offence and 18 months for third offence.

MommaBear24 (1/27/2010 2:45:05 PM)

What's the name of the song in the beginning of this episode?

BeautifulLilBitch88 (1/27/2010 2:31:16 AM)

I wanna say to all the moms I hope all of you have good luck and a great time with your babies. Yall are doing a great job!!!!!!

BeautifulLilBitch88 (1/27/2010 2:25:21 AM)

Wow. Never heard of that until now I always wondered why he was never in the picture and that they pretty much never mentioned him. But I honestly didnt get to watch alot of 16 and pregnant just of the Teen Mom episodes. But I will look that up and if thats the truth then I will loose alot of respect for her. If my man died before he knew I was pregnant I would completely lose it and if she kept lying to him....then thats even more worse. Thanks for the insight.

marilyn (1/26/2010 7:50:46 PM)

hope all of u can stay strong with ur kids and do wat ever u can to help them cuz someday they will thank you for everything i was 14 when i found out i was 5 to 6 month pregnant ..but everything when out good my lil girl is now 5yrs old and she is the best thing ever .... so if u farrah , amber , maci , catelynn ever need someone to talk TXT me any time im marilyn im 20 yrs old now and hope everythnig go well good luck to all of u (marilyngranados@ymail.com) (salvy19girl@hotmail.com) x.o.x.o

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