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Entries for January 2008

LSU Talks Sex in the Dark

January 31, 2008 03:25 PM ET | Go, Alison |

Embarrassed to air your sexual predilections in public? Wish that old-school MTV show Loveline was still around so you could call in with your most scandalous questions and comments? Louisiana State University's decidedly low-tech solution to squeamishness is to turn out the lights—just enough to ensure anonymity, the Daily Reveille reports. "We designed this program to give students a chance to ask questions and talk about whatever they want to talk about without being afraid of having people see them ask questions." Which is exactly what the Internet is for....

Tags: Louisiana State University

Washington Says No to Obama-rama

January 30, 2008 05:46 PM ET | Go, Alison |

Washington University in St. Louis recently denied Sen. Barack Obama a February 2 visit, citing concerns about its tax-exempt status, the Student Life reports. "In order to open our doors to one candidate, we are obligated to open our doors to all candidates," said a school official. "In order to minimize disruptions, the university has made the decision [not to invite any candidates]."

This all-or-nothing approach has upset a number of students, most of whom support Obama. As is the trend these days, disappointed students formed a Facebook group—now at least 1,000 members strong—to petition the school to bring the senator to campus. "I understand there are logistical hurdles and concerns about neutrality," said the student government president. "But at the same time, I was disappointed when I heard the decision. Hosting Barack Obama could have been a great opportunity for both the school and the students."

Tags: Washington University in St. Louis

Michigan Sort of Reverses Commencement Decision. Students Sort of Happy

January 30, 2008 05:40 PM ET | Go, Alison |

In response to an outcry over the relocation of the University of Michigan commencement to Eastern Michigan University, the university announced it will hold the ceremony somewhere on campus, the Michigan Daily reports. The news appears to have tamed the angry Wolverines, as proved by the lackluster attendance at a "rally" to get the event back into Michigan Stadium. Said one organizer: "There were over 200 confirmed guests on Facebook, for what that's worth."

Tags: University of Michigan | Eastern Michigan University

Much-Maligned Penn State Student Loses Job

January 30, 2008 05:37 PM ET | Go, Alison |

Whether you're the vindictive type or not, it's interesting to note that one of the Penn State students who dressed up as Virginia Tech shooting victims at Halloween was fired from his Bank of America job in December, the Collegiate Times reports. Maybe I'd feel worse about this if he didn't then try to sell the controversial costume on eBay. The online auction company quickly took down the post, proving that a multibillion-dollar tech firm has more class than this dude.

As for the female student, she apologized. Lucky for her, I'm the forgiving type.

Tags: Virginia Tech | Penn State University

Books Are Expensive, Especially for Wannabe Lawyers

January 30, 2008 05:35 PM ET | Go, Alison |

Same old story: Textbook prices are completely ridiculous, but some have it worse than others. At the University of Nebraska, business law students take the largest hit—with one new required textbook costing $170. One law student claims the cost of her books for the year equaled $1,400. That, plus tuition, and the whole eating and living thing? No wonder there are so many corporate lawyers: Textbook companies need them to fend off angry grad students.

Tags: University of Nebraska

Kansas State Says Goodbye to 'Willie' T-shirts, for Now

January 30, 2008 05:32 PM ET | Go, Alison |

Squeamishness has spread to Kansas State University, where university administrators have told its Sexual Health Awareness Peer Educators to stop production of its current "Protect your willie" T-shirts, the Kansas State Collegian reports. Complaints from alumni prompted the decision, but the group plans to produce new shirts that won't feature the school logo. The shirts, which will say, "Don't be Forward with your willie, guard it," have been OK'd by the school. "It's a great campaign," said the university's director of licensing. "[We just] didn't want the logo to seem as if we were endorsing intercourse."

Tags: Kansas State University

Richard Gere Plays Professor at Rhode Island

January 30, 2008 05:27 PM ET | Go, Alison |

In what could be a breakout role in a future American cinematic classic, University of Rhode Island students are being called upon to play extras in Richard Gere's latest film venture, Hachiko: A Dog's Story, the Good 5 Cent Cigar reports. Based on a true story, Gere plays a professor with a hyperloyal dog, whose trips to the train station have elevated the canine into legendary status. It's a can't-miss. Take that, Yale!

Mexican School Reinstates Scholarships After Protests

January 29, 2008 06:05 PM ET | Go, Alison |

Universidad de Las Americas-Puebla—the Mexican sister school of Texas Christian University—has reinstated 571 scholarships after three days of protest, the Daily Skiff reports. On Sunday, the troubled school announced a "restructuring" of its scholarship program, which canceled hundreds of scholarships and prompted hundreds of students to take to the streets. "For now the demonstration has ended," said a student involved in negotiating the return of the scholarships. "But there are still many things to solve and many things to improve."

Tags: Texas Christian University

Condom Vending Machines Up for Debate

January 29, 2008 05:59 PM ET | Go, Alison |

The University of South Carolina is debating the installation of condom vending machines in dorm restrooms, the Daily Gamecock reports. Some school officials are worried that the vending machines may present "a negative image of our university to families, friends, and prospective students." On a related image note, may I reiterate how awesome the name of USC's mascot is?

Tags: USC

Trail Mix: The Polar Bear Plunge and a BYU vs. Gold’s Gym Update

January 29, 2008 05:52 PM ET | Go, Alison |

* In toasty 47-degree weather, a record 502 people attended East Carolina University's 12th annual Polar Bear Plunge last week, the East Carolinian reports.

*Update: Gold's Gym is honoring the requests of Brigham Young University students to get rid of profane and sexually explicit media from workout facilities near the campus. The students in turn thanked the gym by standing on an intersection with signs like "Cleaner Videos Rock" and "Honk For Decency." Maybe they even upgraded their gym memberships.

Tags: Brigham Young University | East Carolina University

Our Contest Is Almost Ending

January 29, 2008 12:19 PM ET | Go, Alison |

Two more full days of voting left! Before the polls close at midnight Thursday, we offer a quick roundup of blog chatter, especially about the Best Alternative Media Outlet category:

* The Colonialist has indulged in trash talking, while the Bwog keeps it civil and Gadfly encourages the antivote.

...continue reading.

Vote for Obama, Save the World? And Some Whales?

January 28, 2008 06:03 PM ET | Go, Alison , Garber, Kent |

Barack Obama held a rally today at American University in Washington, D.C., where he was endorsed by Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy. Big deal? Maybe.

More important, Obama seems to have the support of one of Hollywood's most attractive political pundits: namely, Hayden Panettiere of Heroes fame, who attended the campus event. Turns out the little activist was already in D.C. for a Save the Whales campaign. Does anybody care that she's 18 and has never voted in a presidential election before? Nope. She's super hot!

If you don't believe us, here's some exclusive video from AU, taken by video-handy U.S. News reporter Kent Garber.

If you listen closely, you can hear this gem of an exchange:

Police: "In terms of meeting up with him, we would have to wait for the staffer."
Hayden: "That's fine. Let's at least try."
Escort: "I think if they understand who she is they'll probably go and talk to her."

So the celeb's escort may have been referencing her involvement in a youth vote campaign and not her superior television skills, but whatever. At least the Obama people let her in when they figured it out—unlike the two students standing nearby who mistook Panettiere for "that girl from The Hills."


Tags: American University

Chelsea Clinton Stumps for Mom on Campus

January 28, 2008 05:37 PM ET | Go, Alison |

Chelsea Clinton has been all over the campaign trail and especially on college campuses, most recently making visits at the University of Missouri, Boston College, and Arkansas State University. "I'm here because I do think this is the most important election in my lifetime and I do love and support my mother, and I do believe she will be the best president for our nation," Clinton said at ASU. "Anything I could do to make her my president, I will do."

Tags: Clinton, Chelsea | Arkansas State University | University of Missouri | Boston College

The Sex Workers Show Will Go On

January 28, 2008 05:32 PM ET | Go, Alison |

A sex workers speaking tour is creating a furor at the College of William and Mary after the student government approved $1,450 for the event, the Flat Hat reports. The show, which is part of a tour that will visit a number of other campuses including Duke, George Mason, Harvard, and Michigan, features workers from the sex industry who discuss their work and lives and has been criticized as pornographic and immoral. "I think that it is irresponsible for the Student Assembly to throw its monetary support behind something that is obviously so controversial, divisive, and to many, offensive," said one critic.

Tags: College of William and Mary

USC's Right to Party vs. LAPD Riot Control

January 28, 2008 05:28 PM ET | Go, Alison |

Not exactly the Rodney King L.A. riots, but drunk University of Southern California students staged a 100-person "sit-in" at a rowdy block party this weekend. According to the Daily Trojan, nine people were arrested after at least 75 Los Angeles Police Department officers in riot gear used clubs, smoke bombs, Tasers, and pepper-ball guns to control a crowd that ballooned to around 1,000 partygoers.

"Two cop cars were in the middle of the street and people were dancing and singing around them," said a USC senior. "When the cops told us to leave, we staged a sit-in. They just sat on the street and refused to leave." Fight the power, dude. Fight the power.

Tags: USC

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