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Wednesday, January 6, 2010


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Posted April 15, 2008

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Robert Schlesinger

Robert Schlesinger

2010 Is Not a Rerun of 1994

The Democrats can still hold their majority.

Washington Book Club

Sex, Lies, and Parchment

Thomas Fleming discusses The Intimate Lives of the Founding Fathers.

The Year in Cartoons: 2009

Editorial Cartoon

Recall the year 2009 through editorial cartoons.

Thomas Jefferson St.

Opposition Grows to Secret Health Meetings

Playing "ping pong" will hurt Democrats.

Conservatives Should Stop Ignoring Iran

We should all be cheering for the resistance--especially by women--in Iran.

Heads Should Roll at White House

It used to be staff who messed up would fall on their swords.

Palin, Clinton and Political Sexism

Anne Kornblut's "Notes from the Cracked Ceiling" looks at how far America has not come.

'War on Terror' Is Cheney-Bush's Mess

Mr. President, please don't say the former VP's three favorite words.

C-SPAN Wants Open Doors on Healthcare

The nonpartisan media group questions Democrats' secrecy on reform bill.

Pelosi, Reid Keeping Secrets

The two are setting up a protracted game of ping-pong from the House to the Senate.

Freeing Gitmo Prisoners Feeds al Qaeda

There's no reason to release any more detainees from terrorist-training nations.

Your Photos

President Barack Obama speaks about combat troop level reductions in Iraq as he addresses military personnel at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.

Obama in Your Town

Has the president visited your town? Send your photos to obamaphotos@usnews.com, and we'll post our favorites online.

Courtesy Greg Meinert

Thousands cheer as Obama becomes the 44th president.

Your Inauguration Photos

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A baby kissing an Obama poster for Washington Whispers.

Your Campaign Photos

We asked to see your personal election pictures and you delivered.

Public Opinion

Should Healthcare Talks Go Public?

So far, Democrats are keeping doors closed on reform legislation talks.


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