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Monday 01 February 2010 | Comment feed

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Obama finds out who really holds power

On both sides of the Atlantic, the same group of people decide who wins elections, says Janet Daley

Trust has been the biggest casualty of the Iraq affair

Soldiers must believe in their government's integrity when they are risking their lives in war, says Richard Dannatt

Amazongate: new evidence of the IPCC's failures

The IPCC is beginning to melt as global tempers rise, says Christopher Booker.

Unlike our boys, Blair emerged unscathed

Tony Blair does conviction exceptionally well, says Simon Heffer. Those who know him knew he would not repent the war,

I used to be proud to be a banker

When I joined the profession, we bankers were poor but honest folk, says Terry Wogan

Inequality in Britain isn't down to class but brains

It's not snobbery but genetics that mostly determines how well we get on, says Alasdair Palmer

Brad and Angelina: the power couple who blew a fuse

As rumours surround Hollywood's most celebrated pairing, William Langley examines our fascination with Brangelina

If I were David Cameron, I know what I'd do first...

When you become prime minister, you can have round anyone you like, says Nigel Farndale.

Ordnance Survey: tracing the contours of a national scandal

It is high time map-making came of age, says Simon Heffer.

Don't panic!: Captain Blair gets away with it...

Colonel Chilcot's court-martial is getting steadily worse for poor Captain Gordon Mainwaring, says Melissa Kite

Taking a shot in the dark on MMR

Most parents are as ignorant as I am about vaccines, says Jemima Lewis

We need facts, not spin, in the climate debate

Telegraph View: the case that global warming is man-made needs to be constantly tested and credible

An overdue boost for our Forces

Telegraph View: The increased budget for troops in Afghanistan will go part way to recovering the Army's trust in Government

In the end,Tony Blair will be judged by history

Telegraph View: The great and unforgivable error was not the invasion of Iraq, but failing to prepare for its aftermath.

Sexed-up dossiers

Telegraph View: There's been a worrying outbreak of low thoughts in high places

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'My admiration for Kay Gilderdale'

Jeremy Vine recalls his emotional meetings with Kay Gilderdale before and after she was cleared of attempting to murder her ill daughter.

Why we need our wilderness

Government schemes that lay waste to vast swathes of countryside betray a terrifying insensitivity to nature, says John Lister-Kaye

Climategate: confusion over the law in email case

The Information Commission claims it is powerless to bring charges over the Climatic Research Unit 'conspiracy', says Christopher Booker

Salinger shows the best way to be noticed is to hide

The reclusive novelist could hardly have made himself more interesting if he'd tried, says Jemima Lewis

Give me unconditional love any day

Parental praise may hinder development, but I would not swap it for academic excellence, says Jemima Lewis

MMR: taking a shot in the dark

Most parents are as ignorant as I am on the measles triple vaccine, says Jemima Lewis

Heavy on eggs: should we sign up for the Thatcher diet?

Eggs have taken a beating over the years, but they are still the most versatile of foods, says Rose Prince.

You cannot stop the terrorist threat if you are unable to profile it

Tony Blair understood the scale of the terrorist threat, and the most effective way of preventing attacks is to target the most suspicious, says Charles Moore.

Thoughts of a middle-class mother to be

There may be no Peter Rabbit-themed nursery waiting, says Erin Baker, but, ultimately, only one thing matters: a healthy baby.

In the public interest

Telegraph View: There is a wider issue behind the lifting of the injunction against the naming of John Terry

Political heavyweights

Telegraph View: scientists suggest that voters prefer their politicians to be on the large side.

Barack Obama fails to rise to the occasion

Telegraph View: the US president's State of the Union address did little to reassure Middle America about either his foreign or economic policies.

MMR: a sorry episode

Telegraph View: the purported link between the MMR jab and autism has caused parents unnecessary anguish.

Prehistoric peacocks

Telegraph View: We must revise our view of dull-grey dinosaurs.

Build bridges in Sri Lanka

Telegraph View This is the best chance for years to unite Sri Lanka and rebuild its economy.

Labour's failures are breeding inequality

Telegraph View: Today's equality gap is not a problem that results from the rich getting richer.

Northern Ireland: a dreary spectacle

Telegraph View: the political parties remain incapable of sorting out their differences

If this is a recovery, it's a feeble one indeed

Telegraph View: the Chancellor's forecasts have proved excessively rose-tinted

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