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    An unofficial guide to the shape and content of David Cameron’s programme for government.

    ConservativeIntelligence.com's comprehensive guide to the Tory manifesto for the 2010 election.

    The guide will analyse every Conservative policy on a portfolio-by-portfolio basis. The analysis will be written by independent commentators who are expert in their fields.

    The Manifesto publication will be made available to all delegates attending the conference and will also be available to purchase online through a number of outlets.

    The manifesto's content will not be finalised until early January but listed below are some of the already confirmed chapters:



    Iain Anderson of Cicero Consulting: Financial Policy and Welfare Reform
    Steven Baker and Andrew Storey: Defence Policy
    Douglas Carswell MP : The Constitution, Democracy and Political Ethics
    Alex Deane, former Chief of Staff to David Cameron: Civil Liberties
    Duncan Flynn of ConservativeIntelligence: Think Tanks and a new Conservative Government
    James Forsyth, Political Editor of The Spectator: How the Conservatives will run Whitehall
    Dr David Green of Civitas: Immigration Policy
    Andrew Haldenby of Reform: Health Policy
    Daniel Hannan MEP : Localism
    Dr William Inboden of the Legatum Institute: Foreign and Security Policy
    Jonathan Isaby of ConservativeIntelligence: The First 100 Days of A Conservative Government
    Graeme Leach, Chief Economist of the Institute of Directors: Fiscal and Growth Policy
    Martin Le Jeune of OpenRoad: Media Policy 
    Dan Lewis of the Economic Policy Centre: Energy Policy
    Gavin McKinnon of Policy Exchange: Criminal Justice Policy
    Tim Montgomerie of ConservativeIntelligence: Compassionate Conservatism, Conservative Priorities, European Policy, Family Policy and The Indispensable Frontbenchers
    David Orr of the National Housing Federation: Housing Policy
    Cllr Harry Phibbs  of ConservativeIntelligence: Local Government Policy
    Ben Rogers of Christian Solidarity Worldwide: Human Rights Policy
    Stephan Shakespeare of YouGov: The Post-Bureaucratic Age
    Matthew Sinclair of The TaxPayers’ Alliance: The Quangocracy
    Professor Roderick Smith of Imperial College: Transport Policy
    Rachel Wolf of the New Schools Network: Education Policy
    Representative of the National Association of Pension Funds: Pensions Policy.


    One complementary copy of the publication will be given to all conference attendees’. Further copies will be available to buy on the day at a discounted rate.

    Attendees to the Conference will also receive a complimentary briefing via email as soon as the actual Tory manifesto is published covering any subsequent major policy announcements.

    If you are planning on attending the Conference please order extra copies of the Manifesto publication when booking your ticket(s). If you are unable to attend the Conference but wish to purchase the publication please fill out the below form.

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