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Mel Gibson Calls Reporter “A–hole”

Ok, yes. Mel Gibson called Chicago entertainment reporter Dean Richards an “a–hole” at WGN-TV yesterday. But let’s acknowledge the circumstances that led to the Edge Of Darkness star’s profanity.

  • Mel was tired. First thing Richards does is thank Mel for appearing for a live-via-satellite interview so early in the morning. While visibly a little edgy, the actor laughs and flashes his coffee cup. Pleasant enough.
  • Mel was called an old man. Richards opens the interview by saying the film was “like visiting an old friend” and asking if it was tougher to do stunts now. Mel diplomatically admits it “always gets harder” and that you don’t “bounce back” as easily, and makes a chiropractor joke. See? He didn’t start pissed off.
  • Mel kind of already answered the question. When asked why he stopped starring in films after 2002’s Signs, Mel says he had some “bad habits” he wanted to shake off, and says he hopes “maturation has done its job in another way.” Kinda vague, but he’s earned a nice, puffball question, right?
  • Mel kind of already answered the question twice. Richards asks him if he thinks he’s a better person than he was four years ago, following a lot of “ups and downs”—what are you, Barbara Walters, Dean?—and Mel gives an honest reaction, saying it’s been a “real rollercoaster” but that “time teaches and you learn as go.” Time to talk about the movie again, right?
  • This guy really was an a–hole. Refusing to drop the subject, Richards asks if Mel thinks the public will accept him after the “drinking problems…anti-semitic rant.” Classy! “That’s almost four years ago, dude,” the star responds. “I’ve moved on, I guess you haven’t.” Dean asks again. “I certainly hope they have. I’ve done all the necessary mea culpas. Let’s move on.” Rather than move on, Richards ends the interview with a loaded “good to see you back in the saddle and doing what you do best” (which apparently isn’t directing blockbuster epics like Passion Of The Christ). Mel gives him a thumbs up and a “bye bye” before muttering “a–hole.”
  • So was the network. In the aired interview, posted after the jump, WGN apparently excised Mel’s parting gift to the reporter, only to publish it online when they realized what a score they had. While no one denies Mad Max is a hot head with some less-than-lovable traits, it’s hard to call his actions here anything more than justified.

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Mel Takes New Mama Oksana To Darkness Premiere

Oksana Grigorieva & Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson took girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva to the premiere of Edge Of Darkness last night in LA. Not only was it her first red carpet appearance since giving birth to their daughter Lucia just before Halloween, the movie marks the first time Mel has starred in a film since 2002’s Signs. It seems unlikely the dark thriller will top that film’s $227 million domestic gross—let alone the $370 million his 2004 directorial effort Passion Of The Christ brought home—but pulling even half that would qualify as a commercial comeback after his infamous DUI arrest in 2006.

Among those joining Mel and Oksana at the event were co-star Bojana Novakovic, Jodie Foster, Joe Jonas (enough plaid for you, dude?) and Antonio Sabato Jr., accompanied by a woman who most definitely did not win My Antonio last year. Take a closer look in the gallery below.

[Photo: Getty Images]

Report: Mel Gibson’s Girlfriend Gives Birth


Good times for Mel Gibson. That DUI “Sugar Tits” incident now never officially happened, and he’s become a dad for the eighth time. RadarOnline claim that the diminutive star’s girlfriend, Russian musician Oksana Grigorieva gave birth to a baby girl last Friday, a few weeks early. No official word from the Gibson camp as yet to confirm the birth, but the website claim mother and baby are already home from hospital.

Congrats to the 53-year-old on those wailing newborn nights ahead of him! [Photo: Getty Images]

Mel Gibson’s DUI Erased From Record

mel gibson

Hey, remember when Mel Gibson got pulled over for reckless driving and went on a drunken anti-semitic tirade, even calling a policewoman “Sugar Tits”? No, you don’t, because it didn’t happen—at least as far as his record is concerned. Aside from knocking up his mistress and agreeing to make The Beaver, Gibson has kept his nose mostly clean during the three years since his arrest (maybe he realized he was rich enough to be driven home from a bender in a poodle-drawn chariot made of gold). Having completed probation, Gibson asked to have his crime stricken from the record and—voila!—it was done.

Thankfully, TMZ doesn’t have to turn over those handwritten notes infamously taken out of the original police report, including such memorable lines from Gibson as “You motherf—er, I’m going to f— you,” “F—ing Jews…Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world,” “what the f— are you doing?” and “my life is f—ed.” No, those won’t be leaving the public record any time soon.

[Photo: Getty Images]

Uh, Is Mel Gibson Drunk Again?

Mel Gibson

That’s the question that popped up our in head after seeing this pic of wacky actor Mel Gibson with a beaver puppet on his hand. We figured out the answer, and now you can do the same. In this picture, is Mel:

  • a) Sauced out of his brain and running around trying to get sober while showing off the latest innovations in prosthetic limbs?
  • b) Shooting a scene in the Jodie Foster-directed movie, The Beaver, about  a man who “walks around with a puppet of a beaver on his hand and treats it like a living creature.”
  • c) Preparing for fatherhood by pretending this stuffed beaver is his baby?

The answer is: b) Shooting a scene in the Jodie Foster-directed movie, The Beaver, about  a man who “walks around with a puppet of a beaver on his hand and treats it like a living creature.” Somehow that only makes us more creeped out.   [Photo: Splash News Online]

Mel Gibson’s Lover Can’t Stop Going On About Mel Gibson


Ping! An email arrived in TheFabLife’s London inbox breathlessly announcing the release of one Oksana Grigorieva’s new album. And why should we care? Why, because she’s humping Mel Gibson and is knocked up with his baby. And if we weren’t aware of this fact, the press release makes it abundantly clear.

“Beautiful Heartache is the debut album from classically-trained musician and songwriter Oksana Grigorieva, released by Mel Gibson’s Icon Distribution …  the Mel Gibson-directed videos for “Say My Name” and “Beautiful Heartache” are currently available for free download… Actor/Director Mel Gibson heard her perform and was astounded by her skillful mastery of the keyboard, saying, “My jaw dropped as I watched her perform Chopin and Rachmaninoff effortlessly.”…Soon Gibson’s Icon Distribution stepped forward with a deal and work started on what would become Beautiful Heartache,” it reads. Believe us, it goes on a bit more than this.

Aw. It’s as if we’re led to believe classical fan Mel just couldn’t believe the amazing body talent in front of him, and magnanimously has brought her music to the world, to share with us. Isn’t he kind? And not blinded by sex at all! [Photo: AFP]

Oksana The Knocked Up Lover Speaks!

Oksana Grigorieva

Oksana Grigorieva was nine years old when Mel Gibson and his wife Robyn got married - she couldn’t have known then that she would someday be famous for breaking the marriage up. Now, the woman best known for getting knocked up with Gibson’s eighth child has spoken out about wanting fame on her own terms. Grigorieva started dating Gibson in 2006 after his drunk driving arrest. She told Reuters, “How can I be judged for falling in love? We live in the same city. I don’t control who I meet. I meet many people in art and music and film, but love is inexplicable.”

She also explained that their relationship wasn’t the cause of Mel’s divorce, saying, “I thought he was happily married until I was reassured otherwise.” And then she got knocked up. Funny how Mel, well known for his Catholicism, upholds the no condom rule but the cheating on the wife even if the marriage unhappy rule is flexible. ANYway.

The real point of the article though, is to point out that Oksana is a classically trained musician with an album being released on iTunes, so if you remember one thing about her, it’s that she makes music in addition to babies. “I’ve been working on my music all along, but eventually art has to be shared,” she says. “My heart is in writing and creation, but of course only when you share it with others, do you feel fully happy or fulfilled.” [Photo: GettyImages]

Mel Gibson’s Gal Pal: Music Video Fail

Remember back a few weeks ago when this video of Heidi Montag singing on I’m A Celebrity…Get me out Of Here was the worst thing your ears had heard since, well, since forever? It’s time to get your ear plugs ready, because Mel Gibson’s knocked up girlfriend has the God-lovin’ Hills star beat.

Oksana Grigorieva, Mel’s post-divorce rebound, has just released two songs off her upcoming album, Beautiful Heartache. She’s even done the video for her song “Say My Name” (watch it above), a  breathy, wailing catastrophe which she co-wrote with Mel. We could go on and on describing how terrible it is, but all you need to do is watch the video above to understand. See if you can make it to the end - we only lasted 90 seconds.

Mel Gibson’s Girlfriend Posts Song They Wrote Together

mel gibson & oksana grigorieva

Mel Gibson has told Jay Leno (and the rest of us) what a wonderful musical artist his pregnant girlfriend Oksana Grigorieva is, and now we can hear for ourselves. The singer has posted her first single, “Say My Name” on her website and, well…we’ll let you decide just how good or bad it is, though we’re kind of bummed it’s not a Destiny’s Child cover.

“It is the first and one of the simplest songs on the album, but also one of the most intimate,” Grigogireva—who collaborated on the lyrics with Gibson, told People. “It is naked, intimate, raw emotion, little more than piano and voice as if it is a cry from the soul.” The singer plans to release more songs from her upcoming album, Beautiful Heartache, in the weeks to come. Wonder what she’ll rhyme with “sugar tits“?

[Photo: Getty Images]

Halle Berry, Jamie Foxx Make Out At Guys’ Choice Awards

jamie foxx & halle berry

The Spike Guys’ Choice Awards, held in LA Saturday, won’t be airing until June 21st. But judging from the photos, it looks like it will be worth the wait. Brad Pitt called a viking-helmet wearing Mel GibsonSugar Tits,” Bruno got impressively close to Clint Eastwood (though not Eminem close), and winner Halle Berry made out with presenter Jamie Foxx. And we mean made out. Hand on ass, tongue down throat. We’re basically cool with all of this.

Check out the gallery to see some of what we can look forward to later this month.

[Photo: Getty Images]