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Posts Tagged ‘online campaigning’

News round-up: 12yo girl burns golly at BNP rally | BNP launches facebook app | Italy urges the EU to address illegal immigration

Monday, August 24th, 2009

Young girl burns golly at BNP rally12 Year old girl burns golly at BNP rally

An undercover reporter for the News of the World attended the BNP’s Red White and Blue festival and recorded disturbing images of a young girl burning a golly after a mock trial where the golly, named Winston, is charged ‘with being black.’ The article also reports other racist and pro-Nazi behaviour at the event.

This follows last weeks news that a 14 year old boy, claiming to be a BNP supporter, pushed a young schoolgirl to the brink of suicide with racist taunts.

BNP launches Facebook applicationBNP Facebook application

The BNP is continuing its substantial online campaign with the launch of an ambitious Facebook application. Supporters can download the application to their Facebook page where it prompts people who view their profile to join the BNP mailing list and donate online.

The BNP are continuing to take the online initiative, spreading its message using popular social networking sites. The party has even developed its own social network site. Nothing British believes that the fight against the party could be won or lost via the internet, and encourages other political parties and movements to invest time and energy into expanding their online campaigns.

Italy urges the EU to address illegal immigration

Reuters reports: Italy called on Sunday for a common European Union solution to the problem of illegal immigration, days after the latest reported drownings of migrants in the Mediterranean.

“We must consider this a European problem. The EU has made many statements… but has not yet said just what should happen when a group of migrants reaches the borders of Europe,” Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini told a news conference.

And finally….. BNP rally hotel licence revoked

A Blackpool hotel which plays host to the annual BNP conference has had its entertainment and alcohol licence revoked for posing a risk to public safety. The New Kimberley hotel has hosted three annual BNP conferences since 2006.

The Blackpool Gazette reports: Gareth Shaw, spokesman for Blackpool Council’s Health and Safety Enforcement Section, said: “We have had many unpleasant dealings with the people responsible for the New Kimberley.”

After hearing the news last week that the BNP are having to look for a new destination for their Red White and Blue rally, Nothing British is hoping that the trend will continue and the party will run out of places to convene!

UPDATE: BNP webmasters and South African racists

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Speculation over what happened to the BNP’s website continues.

Anti-fascist sources claim that Simon Bennett, the BNP’s webmaster, was sacked before the Red, White and Blue festival (Nothing British were unable to corroborate this). The BNP website is said to be now in the hands of another South African, Lambertus Nieuwhof.  Nieuwhof is accussed of attempting to bomb a mix race school in South Africa. (Nothing British were unable to corroborate this).

If true, Nothing British believes this is evidence of how changes to the BNP are largely comestic and that beneath the modern veneer exists an ultra-racist core.

“Cyber-terrorism” and the BNP website

Monday, August 17th, 2009

Simon Bennett, BNP Webmaster

Simon Bennett, BNP Webmaster

The BNP’s website was embarrassingly down during the busy RWB weekend.

The BNP blame its opponents for trouble with its site. In an email to registered users, Nick Griffin blamed the black-out on a “cyber-terrorist attack” for the DDO action. Simon Darby, BNP Deputy Chairman, has suggested on his blog that an “anti-British” individual  has paid Russian criminals to hack into the BNP. In May 2009, Lee Barnes blogged that he had told the “counter-terrorism unit, Scotland Yard and MI5″ that one of the largest attacks in cyber-warfare history was underway against the BNP.

In the past, BNP critics have suggested these cyber-attack stories were a convenient excuse for BNP internet incompetence (no trace of Lee Barnes’ complaint could be found by anti-BNP activists).

Either way, Nothing British happens to believe that taking down your opponents’ website is not as effective as winning  the arguments.  And the BNP’s lauded website savvy is not all it’s claimed to be.