
Europe’s fascist network series.


Briefing for 22.10.09 Question Time – 10 questions to ask Nick Griffin MEP

10-questions-to-ask-Nick-Griffin (.pdf)

Background materials to the Nothing British campaign

A fresh approach to combating racism and extremism (.ppt)
A fresh approach to combating racism and extremism (.pdf).

New PictureThis presentation outlines the threat presented by the BNP and their associated groups, and how Nothing British seeks to address the bona fide issues that drive the sort of anger and frustration that leads to racism and extremism.

Background briefing on Andrew Brons

Gaffe-prone neo-fascist loose canon” – Andrew Brons briefing (.doc).
Andrew Brons MEP – briefing (.ppt)
Andrew Brons MEP – briefing (.pdf)

Brons briefingAndrew Brons is a life-long neo-fascist steeped in the ideology of White Supremecy. Cooped up by his BNP minders, he hasn’t had a chance to express himself since his election. However, the gaffe-prone former-teacher is bound to show his true colours before long. This presentation provides background on his career for anyone interested in holding to account the European Parliament representative for Yorkshire and The Humber.