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Digital Publisher of the Year | Friday 25 December 2009 | Earth feed

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Earth is your source for environmental and green news, with information on global warming, pollution, green living and recycling, as well as tips on how to cut your contribution to climate change.

'Tough times not an excuse to avoid hard decisions'

Summit chairman Connie Hedegaard says leaders owe it to their citizens to take bold action to deal with climate change .

Q&A: the thinking person's guide

More than 16,500 people are gathering to discuss climate change. But why, and what can they achieve?

Living on the front line of climate change

If the scientists are right, Bangladesh will be one of the countries to suffer most from global warming, reports Louise Gray.

MP admits his Christmas lights are 'like Blackpool illuminations'

An MP who signed a pledge to tackle global warming has confessed on Twitter to lighting his house up like the “Blackpool illuminations” for Christmas.

Earth News

Locusts use guidance system

Locusts use a visual guidance system previously thought to be too sophisticated for insects, scientists have discovered.

Little egret arrives in Britain thanks to global warming

Little egrets and other birds from the Continent are spreading across Britain because of climate change, according to a new report.

Animals 'on the run' from climate change

Plants and animals will need to move at an average rate of a quarter of a mile a year to escape climate change over the course of this century, according to scientists.

Slop buckets are popular

The majority of households support Government plans to have a slop bucket in every kitchen in order to cut down on food waste, according to a new survey.

Sir David Attenborough: rainforest destruction must end

Continued destruction of the rainforests will have severe consequences, he warns

Swimmer takes campaign to Everest

Lewis Gordon Pugh is planning a swim up Mt Everest to highlihgt global warming

China's climate pledge

President Hu Jintao outlines China's pledge to cut its carbon emissions to the UN in New York


Little egret arrives in Britain thanks to global warming

Little egrets and other birds from the Continent are spreading across Britain because of climate change, according to a new report.

Animals 'on the run' from climate change

Plants and animals will need to move at an average rate of a quarter of a mile a year to escape climate change over the course of this century, according to scientists.

Slop buckets are popular

The majority of households support Government plans to have a slop bucket in every kitchen in order to cut down on food waste, according to a new survey.

UK wastes £15 million every day

Britain is wasting £15 million every day on energy bills because of leaky boilers, inefficient offices and draughty homes, business leaders have warned.

Eco-tourists blamed for melting polar ice caps

Eco-tourists travelling to Antarctica are adding to global warming which is melting the polar ice caps, new research has found.

Robins being killed and eaten

More than one million songbirds, including Britain's favourite Christmas bird the robin, are being killed and eaten every year in Cyprus, conservationists have warned.

Royal Botanic Gardens discover nearly 300 new plant and fungi species

Giant rainforest trees with exploding seed pods and minute fungi are among nearly 300 new species discovered by scientists from the Royal Botanic Gardens in their 250th anniversary year.

After the fiasco at Copenhagen, we must focus on energy security

The risks of electricity blackouts and gas shortages in the middle of the next decade are a lot more tangible than whatever will happen to the climate, writes Dan Lewis.

Copenhagen summit 'held to ransom', Brown says

Efforts to secure a legally-binding climate change deal failed last week because talks were ''held to ransom'' by a small number of countries, Gordon Brown has said.

Copenhagen climate conference: Who is going to save the planet now?

After the Copenhagen climate conference failed to stop global warming, the next big question for climate change is who is going to save the planet now?

Shooters complain of 'hysterical' police response to legal field sports

Field sports enthusiasts have complained that they are increasingly being targeted by armed police responding to panicky 999 calls from the public.

Mistletoe and its amorous powers

Jack Watkins looks at the festive plant's amorous powers

Paraglider's rare winter photographs go on display in London

Competitive paragliding pilot Kacper Kowalski braves freezing conditions to capture beautiful photographs of Polish winter from above.

What the Noughties meant for the countryside

Rural communities have survived the decade with renewed resolve, says Adrian Tierney-Jones.

Locusts use guidance system

Locusts use a visual guidance system previously thought to be too sophisticated for insects, scientists have discovered.

Animals eating each other

Python eats pet dog

Croc vs shark, hippo vs croc, bird vs snake vs fish and snake vs self.

Baby seal found in garden

A seal pup found by a family in their back garden 18 miles inland has been nicknamed Rudolph.

Wildlife picture of the year: was it faked?

Winning shot in Wildlife Photographer of the Year at centre of a fakery row.

Urban robins 'have to diet'

Robins living in cities have to diet to prevent themselves getting fat in late night binges, scientists have discovered.

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