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April 19, 2004
Calgary, Alberta CANADA
Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler

    • Chuck Palumbo defeated jobber -dark match-;
    • Grandmaster Sexay defeated Wavell Starr (OVW Trainee);
    • Sylvain Grenier w/Rob Conway defeated Rosey w/The Hurricane;
    • Lance Storm defeated Steven Richards;
    • Shelton Benjamin defeated Rhyno;

  2. OPENING MATCH: Chris Jericho vs Christian w/Trish Stratus..
    • Chris Jericho hit a double-arm suplex from the top rope, and appeared to have injured his knee..
    • Trish got on the apron and got knocked down by Jericho, distracting the referee briefly..
    • A mystery bald man (OVW's Travis Tomko) appeared out of nowhere and kicked Jericho flat in the face!
    • Christian covered up and scored the pinfall to win the "rubber match" between the two..

  3. BACKSTAGE: Christian & Trish Stratus..
    • Christian introduces Trish Stratus to the "problem solver" Tyson Tomko..

  4. IN THE RING: Chris Benoit + Shawn Michaels + Eric Bischoff/Johnny Nitro..
    • Chris Benoit says his career all started in a place every wrestler knows -- the Dungeon in Calgary!
    • The crowd began a "Stu! Stu! Stu! Stu!" chant..
    • Chris Benoit says that Stu Hart springboarded his career into pro-wrestling and now he's World Heavyweight champion..
    • Chris Benoit says he wishes Stu Hart was around today so that he could thank him for everything he's done..
    • Chris Benoit says that from the moment he left the Dungeon, people said he'd never win "the big one"..
    • Chris Benoit says he prooved them wrong at the Royal Rumble, again at Wrestlemania XX, and again at Backlash!
    • Chris Benoit says he also prooved that WMXX wasn't a fluke by making Shawn Michaels tap out to the Sharpshooter..
    • Shawn Michaels (arrogant heel mode) then came out to a round of boos from the still unforgiving Canadian fans..
    • Shawn Michaels says that he's always thought Benoit was "for real" -- as the crowd chants "asshole"..
    • Shawn Michaels says he and Benoit are a lot alike, and questions if Benoit thinks he really is the very BEST..
    • Shawn Michaels shows footage of himself pinning Chris Benoit on RAW two months ago before Wrestlemania XX..
    • Shawn Michaels says he wants an opportunity here tonight to proove which one of them really is THE BEST..
    • Eric Bischoff comes out and says he loves that idea, but there's no chance in hell it will happen in Calgary..
    • Eric Bischoff says he needs two weeks to promote the match, so it will happen in two weeks in Pheonix..
    • In the ring, Chris Benoit shakes hands with Shawn Michaels as the look each other in the eyes..

  5. WOMENS TITLE MATCH: Victoria vs Molly Holly..
    • A few minutes into the match, Victoria pulled Molly's wig off..
    • Molly Holly went bonkers and put the crossface chickenwing choke on Victoria and refused to break it..
    • The referee disqualified Molly and two referees tries to pry Molly off of Victoria..
    • Molly eventually let go and left Victoria's body limp in the ring..

  6. PARKING LOT: Evolution..
    • Evolution arrives in a long stretch limousine, and Todd Grisham asks what THH thinks of the match made tonight..
    • Triple H is shocked and says that is HIS match, and strides into the building..

  7. PROMO: Kane..
    • Kane says recently he's become weak and shown human compassion..
    • Kane says tonight he will face fear and suffering and feast on the fear of innocence tonight..
    • Kane says he hungers for a sacrifice..

  8. BACKSTAGE: Eric Bischoff & Johnny Nitro + William Regal..
    • Eric Bischoff freaks out about Kane's promise and says he won't end up like Kurt Angle on Smackdown!..
    • William Regal says looking after Eugene has been taxing on his body, and thinks he can serve Bischoff better..
    • William Regal says Eugene wanted to play hide & seek, and Bischoff should go and find him..
    • Eric Bischoff says if William Regal doesn't take care of Eugene, or else he'll never work in this business..
    • Eric Bischoff says if William Regal doesn't fine Eugene, he'll get a match against Kane!

  9. IN THE RING: Randy Orton + Edge + Ric Flair/Batista + Chris Benoit + Triple H + Eric Bischoff/Johnny Nitro..
    • Randy Orton comes out wearing a suit and his face scratched up, scared, and bandaged!
    • Randy Orton says everybody expected to come to RAW and Congratulate Mick for shutting up the punk kid..
    • Randy Orton thanks Mick Foley for bringing the "Hardcore Legend" Cactus Jack back for the match..
    • Randy Orton says he beat Mick Foley at his own game and by his own rules, and by himself..
    • Randy Orton says he entered the ring last night as the "Legend Killer" and left as "Living Legend"..
    • Edge (I just noticed he's using his old music, not the Rob Zombie version) came out to the ring..
    • Edge says he's been sitting on the sidelines for 14 months watching Randy Orton run his mouth!
    • Edge says he can say with 100% certainty that he does not like Randy Orton..
    • Edge dares Randy Orton to spit in his face..
    • Randy Orton says he's tired and sore, and Edge isn't even worth it..
    • Edge attacks Randy Orton and stomps him until Ric Flair & Batista hit the ring and destroyed Edge!
    • Chris Benoit came out next and went after Evolution, but Triple H attacked Benoit from behind!
    • Triple H gives Chris Benoit a pedigree in the middle of the ring and leaves with Evolution..
    • Eric Bischoff comes out and books Ric Flair & Batista in a match against Edge & Chris Benoit..

  10. MATCH: Garrison Cade w/The Coach vs Tajiri..
    • The Coach introduces the man who helped him defeat Tajiri at Backlash..... Garrison Cade!
    • Garrison Cade wins after an elbow from the top rope..

  11. IN THE RING: Lillian Garcia & Eugene..
    • Lilian Garcia helps Eugene shoot t-shirts into the crowd with the tshirt gun..
    • William Regal comes out and the crowd chants "shoot him!" and Eugene shoots one at Regal's crotch!

  12. BACKSTAGE: Edge & Chris Benoit..
    • Chris Benoit says nobody expects them to win tonight, but they're going to proove them wrong!
    • Chris Benoit says they walk in as underdogs and walk out as World Tag Team champions..

  13. MIXED TAG MATCH: Val Venis & Lita vs Matt Hardy & Gail Kim..
    • Kane came down to the ring as the match was getting started and shokeslammed Val Venis..
    • Kane turned his attention to Lita, and stalked her around the ring..
    • Matt Hardy watched from ringside and ran into the ring and attacked Kane, but got a beating himself!
    • Lita, who should have ran away, watched from the corner as Matt Hardy got chokeslammed to hell!

  14. TAG TITLE MATCH: Ric Flair & Batista vs Chris Benoit & Edge..
    • Chris Benoit had Ric Flair in the Crossface, but Triple H came down and Benoit released the hold!
    • Triple H continued to interfere during the match, resulting in a "We want Bret!" chant from the crowd..
    • Triple H pulled Chris Benoit out of the ring and hit him, but then got superkicked by Shawn Michaels!
    • Inside the ring, Edge speared Batista is pinned him to capture the World Tag Team titles!

  15. And that's a wrap folks..

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