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Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Not a Riot....Just criminal low life

Sadly there is no reason, other than criminal intent, for the actions of a few morons who caused the horrible events of the last few nights.

It is something that needs dealing with, and quickly!, by Government. I see the police now have authority to use 'baton rounds' .

This may help,along side the vast increase in numbers available, but more importantly it is so good to see the local communities rallying together to clear up the mess left by these sad gits.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Phone tapping

So the News of the Screws is in the barrel over phone tapping! What goes around comes around!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011


This is a copy of a letter I received today.... I am sorry, but I do not support the comments , and cannot understand the sentiments... But I can say that these people live in my ward, and I will continue to represent them in matters other than this!
A question I have to ask is '' Is this a Christian point of view'' .

I believe in a supreme being, but obviously not the same one as these folk!

To those who do not know these letters are quite regularly received by councillors, and so far, Most councillors treat them with the right amount of attention!

Friday, 6 May 2011

Election Results

So thats it! Another four years before Local Authority elections! Result No Overall Control. Lets hope us Councillors can use the result to work better for the folk of Thanet. I also hope that we will have a less confrontational Council chamber, though I somehow doubt it. Its a shame the public do not often visit some of the working committees of the council, where the real work is done. I think they would be surprised at the harmony that exists.

Saturday, 12 February 2011


As I promised a few weeks ago, I now can publish a link to prove that the rumours are true.

For some years rumours of Large Wild Cats stalking the parks and open spaces of Thanet have been rife, with reports of Panthers etc well published in the Local and National Press.

Follow the link below to read about the possibility that these stories could really be true!

Friday, 11 February 2011

EGYPTIAN Democracy ?

I do not know enough about the system in Egypt to pass a valid comment, but as an outsider it seems that somewhat less than 7% of the population made a fuss and the President was forced into exile.

If this is true, what was the view of the other 93%?

It make me glad that Great Britain is a Democracy!..

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Parish Councils

As you all wait with baited breath for the end of the rumours, just think on this...... Monkton Parish Council take around £7k from the village residents a year. Of that over £3k pays the clerk! That means it costs £3k to spend £7k.

Is this value for money? how does it compare with Ramsgate Town Council?

Friday, 14 January 2011

So whats new?

Those of you who are waiting for new postings, ...... hang on for another few days and all will be revealed...... the truth about the rumours, and who is behind it all !!!!

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer!

I was interested to see the article in the 'papers' about how Harriet Harman plotted to remove Gordon Brown as leader of the Labour Party!

In the last few years I have not had much respect for Labour, either locally or nationally, but now hats off to them, they have a consistancy I did not realise!

Nationally they have their plotters to seize control of the Party, and locally it seems the knives are out as well. In the interests of the Conservative Party I wish Clive Hart well .

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Driving Standards

Following a trip to canterbury today, where are people buying their driving licences now that Woolworths has closed?

Has a new highway code been published that says its ok to turn right without indicating, turn left whilst indicating right, or overtake on a blind bend?

I thought the driving test was getting harder, it appears not.