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Entries "My entries":

Wednesday, 12 July 2006

Getting back in the swing of things

Steve Manion reminded me that I hadn't posted an entry recently.  Thanks Steve. I see a few things have changed - how on earth do I make the font size slightly larger with out using bold for body text? 

I've had my work cut out recently in finding a job - well I've succeeded and am working for the NHS at the Somerset Drugs Service in Taunton. 

My council work is much the same - hectic!

Lots of exciting projects underway in Taunton - we have just completed a survey and consultation on budget and priorities.   The great thing for us is that 84% of people who replied think Taunton Deane BC provides good value for money.  Nice to know that the locals think we are good as well as the Audit Commission who rated us as excellent.For the first time we included questions asking people what they thought of their councillors!  I can't wait to find out the results of this one.

Monday, 15 May 2006

Taunton Deane's new Mayor

Congratulations to Cllr Chris Hindley and his wife Zelda who were chosen as Taunton Deane's Mayor and Mayoress last week, and to Ken Hayward and Mary who have become Deputy Mayor and Mayoress.  The Mayoral year started well with a great dinner and dance at Oake Manor Golf Club.


From the left:  Zelda and Chris Hindley, (Mayor & Mayoress), John Williams (Council Leader), Mary & Ken Hayward (Deputy Mayor)

Monday, 01 May 2006

Public Meeting - Holway School, Taunton

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day.  I am supposed to be in four places at once tomorrow night - well that's the luck of a councillor!  I think that canvassing followed by a public meeting gets my vote. 

Martin Seamark, our by election candidate has been invited to speak at this meeting which is to be held at Holway School at 7pm  - primarily I suppose on the issue of affordable housing - but I hope too on all the other local issues that affect this ward and things in general across Taunton Deane.  The campaign is hotting up now with the Lib Dems doing their usual thing and bending the facts as far as they dare!  You, know "be wicked, act shamelessly and stir endlessly" in accordance with their handbook "Effective Opposition".  Well, we'll see how effective their candidate is on the hustings.

Sunday, 30 April 2006

Fly tipping - possible solution on offer

The latest on the fly tipping problem in Hyde Lane, Creech St Michael is that Somerset county highways has no objection to putting a gate alongside the road to  prevent fly tippers directly blocking the  access to the farmers' fields.   Taunton Deane Borough Council has written to the Parish Council seeking its views.  I hope we get support from them so that this initiative with the local landowners can go ahead.

Friday, 28 April 2006

Holway Green, Taunton - Affordable Housing Debate

I went along as an observer to the Broughton Close Residents Association AGM last night.  They had invited the leader of our council, John Williams and Martin Seamark (our by election candidate for this ward) to speak on the burning issue of Affordable Homes and possible development on part of the Holway Green open space nearby.   The council is trying to address the desperate lack of affordable homes in Taunton - and is leaving no stone unturned for suitable sites that could accommodate a Debut Homes type scheme of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom homes at starting prices from as little as £55,000.  These would offer people a realistic opportunity of getting on the housing ladder. Cllr Williams was able to reassure residents that there will be no further action on Holway Green whilst other far more postive sites are being considered and as soon as these are confirmed as suitable then Holway Green will not be considered further.  Cllr Williams assured the meeting that in this case he would give an assurance it would not be considered for development under any future administration of his. He told residents that officers had identified a number of other sites with possibilities.

Our candidate, Martin Seamark ably spoke about the planning issues relating to this site and his determination to fight development here.  Martin fully accepts and understands the need for a major uplift in the provision of affordable housing but cannot accept that Holway Green is the place for development and will be a strong voice against taking this any further. 

It was a pity that the LibDems' only contribution to the debate was an attack on the Conservative Group in the hope of winning the by election. They do nothing other than whinge and moan. They offered no suggestions constructive or otherwise as to how we might solve these problems and obviously have not even considered putting a policy together on affordable housing. 

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