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Thursday 14 January 2010 | Health News feed


Why light intensifies the pain of migraine even among the blind discovered

Scientists have discovered why light intensifies the pain of migraine even among the blind, potentially offering hope to millions.


Many sufferers of the debilitating head pain can find that light is a trigger and doctors often recommend lying in a dark room until an attack passes.

Researchers found that light rays trigger activity in specific brain cells within seconds of hitting the optic nerve, at the back of the eye.

They believe these cells are responsible for causing the debilitating pain light can trigger in migraine sufferers.

Even when light was removed the cells remained active until up to half an hour later, animal tests show.

The scientists, from the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Centre, in Boston, now hope that drugs can be developed to block the signal to the brain cells, removing the pain.

It is thought that around 85 per cent of migraine sufferers are also extremely sensitive to light, a condition known as photophobia.

"Migraine patients may wear sunglasses, even at night," said Prof Rami Burstein, from BIDMC and Harvard Medical School, who added that even extremely dim lights can make migraine pain worse.

But doctors have found that even blind migraine sufferers can experience photophobia.

The study looked at two groups.

Those in the first set were completely blind and were unable to sense light or see images.

The second group were legally blind which meant that although they were unable to see images they could detect the presence of light.

"While the patients in the first group did not experience any worsening of their headaches from light exposure, the patients in the second group clearly described intensified pain when they were exposed to light, in particular blue or grey wavelengths," said Prof Burstein.

"This suggested to us that the mechanism of photophobia must involve the optic nerve, because in totally blind individuals, the optic nerve does not carry light signals to the brain.”

Even when light was removed, the cells remained activate.

"This helps explain why patients say that their headache intensifies within seconds after exposure to light, and improves 20 to 30 minutes after being in the dark,” Prof Burstein added.

The brain cells affected help control functions including sleep and waking.

The breakthrough could allow scientists to design drugs to prevent the process.

"Clinically, this research sets the stage for identifying ways to block the pathway so that migraine patients can endure light without pain," saidProf Burstein , whose findings were published online in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

More than nine million people in Britain are thought to suffer from migraines, making the condition more common than diabetes, epilepsy and asthma combined.

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