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New Proposals from the UFT
Charters & special ed: the truth: Don't believe the UFT's distorted claims, Marcus Winters, New York Daily News

Obama Announces Security Increases
Obama's Wake-Up Call, Judy Miller, New York Post
Sensibly Selective Screening
, Heather Mac Donald, National Review Online
Are Latest TSA Regulations "Too Stupid for America"?, Judy Miller, FOXNews.com
Heather Mac Donald comments: Airline bomb bid reframes US profiling debate, AFP

To arrange an interview on any of these topics, contact the Communications Dept at
212-599-7000 or communications@manhattan-institute.org.

City Journal's Special Issue
"New York's Tomorrow"

How New York Can Successfully Overcome the Economic Crisis and Continue to Be Competitive in the 21st Century

"New York's Indispensable Institution"
Based on the article by Heather MacDonald, July, 2009


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Email Updates

Cut the Strings On the Stimulus
Josh Barro Washington Examiner, 01-06-10

As a chorus grows in Washington for a second stimulus package, an appealing alternative is coming out of Sacramento, Calif.: Don't give us more money, just stop telling us what to do.

Charters & Special Ed: The Truth: Don't Believe the UFT's Distorted Claims
Marcus Winters New York Daily News, 01-06-10

In a new report, the United Federation of Teachers has committed to a fresh line of attack against charter schools: Charters aren't enrolling enough special education students.

Sensibly Selective Screening
Heather Mac Donald National Review Online, 01-06-10

President Obama’s bold and unexpected decision to subject travelers from 14 mostly Muslim countries to increased physical scrutiny at airports has brought forth the usual denunciations, well represented in a collection of responses solicited by the New York Times.

Obama's Wake-Up Call?
Judith Miller New York Post, 01-05-10

The botched Christmas Day bombing seems to have taught the Obama administration—if only belatedly—that when you’re in a hole, stop digging.

Where the Unemployment Isn't
Jay P. Greene & Stuart Buck National Review Online, 01-06-10

This year, when you hear President Obama and congressional Democrats talk about increasing government spending to create jobs, you should understand that it isn’t really about jobs.

Fixing What's Broke
E.J. McMahon New York Post, 01-05-10

When Gov. Paterson delivers his annual message to the Legislature tomorrow, "the state of the state" will be painfully obvious.

A Roadmap to a Better New York Budget
Josh Barro RealClearMarkets.com, 01-05-10

This month, New York's legislature will reconvene in Albany to once again face down a major budget gap.

Science on the Potomac
Peter Huber Forbes.com, 01-18-10

President Obama campaigned on a promise to bring sound science back to Washington. With health and climate, he's instead leading the march toward antiscience bought and certified on the banks of the Potomac and codified in regulatory edicts that permeate every corner of daily life

A Crime Theory Demolished
Heather Mac Donald The Wall Street Journal, 01-05-10

The recession of 2008-09 has undercut one of the most destructive social theories that came out of the 1960s: the idea that the root cause of crime lies in income inequality and social injustice.

Obama's Near Miss
Judith Miller City Journal Online, 01-04-10

The botched Christmas Day bombing seems to have taught the Obama administration--if only belatedly--that when you're in a hole, stop digging.

The Anti-Capitalist Mentality
Heather Mac Donald Wall Street Journal's Notable and Quotable, 01-02-10

The anti-business mindset . . . is worthy of a pampered adolescent who is searching for a cause with which to display his unique moral sensibility.

Extend Old Principles to New Markets
Nicole Gelinas The Pioneer Press, 01-01-10 (This article originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times, 12-25-09)

More than a year after the financial industry nearly collapsed, Congress and President Barack Obama are taking up regulatory fixes. But their strategy is a blueprint for the next catastrophe.

Predictions 2010
Heather Mac Donald NRO Symposium, 12-31-09

The consumption habits of every delegate to the Copenhagen global-warming conference will be a model to the world.

Budget Deficits Have Consequences
Diana Furchtgott-Roth RealClearMarkets.com, 12-31-09

It's New Year's Eve, on the threshold of the second decade of the 21st Century. Like the champagne that will be flowing liberally tonight, congressional spending has no limits.

Are Latest TSA Regulations "Too Stupid for America"?
Judy Miller FoxNews.com, 12-28-09

Preventing terrorism, however, means, first and foremost, acknowledging it as an enduring threat which must be combated through word and deed—and that means engaging critics and would-be enemies through the outreach that President Obama has championed.

NY State's Owe Woes
Nicole Gelinas New York Post, 12-30-09

New York can't afford an other debt-fueled decade. For the last 10 years, New York state and city did what regular Americans did: borrowed without results.

Waiting and Waiting for Malpractice Reform
David Gratzer Frum Forum, 12-29-09

Exactly why didn't the Illinois Supreme Court rule on the med malpractice case this month? The legislation in question is undoubtedly controversial - but popular with docs and the public.

Despite Economic Woe, U.S. Was Safer In '09
Steve Malanga RealClearMarkets.com, 12-30-09

In October, after a Chicago youth was brutally murdered, Rev. Jesse Jackson penned an opinion piece in the Chicago Sun Times in which he called for federal "civil rights intervention" in the Windy City.

Stop Digging
Nicole Gelinas National Review Online, 12-30-09

Far too much of the debate over economic policies for the next decade ignores a central, sobering reality: We simply can't afford another decade like this one.

Population Control: An ugly Solution to Climate Change
Max Schulz Washington Examiner, 12-30-09

Want to save the planet from global warming? Forget about getting rid of coal plants or the internal combustion engine. Get rid of the humans. They're the true problem.
MI Podcasts
Paul Offit, Chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases and the Director of the Vaccine Education Center at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, talks to Paul Howard, about seasonal flu vaccines and shortages and H1N1.

Listen to Marie Gryphon and Jim Copland, director of the Center for Legal Policy, discuss her new report on overcriminalization.

MI Books
After the Fall: Saving Capitalism from Wall Street—and Washington
by Nicole Gelinas (Encounter Books, 2009)
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Blueprint for a Better Budget
A comprehensive fiscal workout strategy for Albany, including a 30-point plan to save $30 billion over three years, has been issued by the Manhattan Institute's Empire Center for New York State Policy.
Fixing what's broke, E.J. McMahon, New York Post, 1-5-10
A Roadmap to a Better New York Budget, Josh Barro, RealClearMarkets.com, 1-5-10
Pay Freeze Plan WXXA, 1-5-10
Plan could save state $30 billion, Capital 9 News, 1-5-10
"Capital Tonight", Capital News 9, 1-4-10
Think-tank: Freezing state worker wages would save NY billions, WTEN, 1-4-10
Group introduces plan to save New York $30 billion WAMC, 1-5-10
State Begins New Year Nearly Broke WRVO, 1-5-10
WGDJ's "The Fred Dicker Show" 1-4-10
WFUV's News 1-4-10
Conservative group suggests 30 ways to shave state spending, Poughkeepsie Journal, 1-5-10
Citizens must make 2010 New York Legislature different, Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, 1-5-10
Empire Center Offers Budget Remedies Elmont Online, 1-5-10
Report: Freeze teacher salaries Post-Journal, 1-5-10
Report outlines ways N.Y. can save $30 billion Rochester Business Journal, 1-5-10
Budget advice: Slash pork barrel spending, freeze pay of state government workers New York Daily News, 1-5-10 State fiscal watchdog: Freeze salaries, cap school spending, eliminate pork spending Journal News, 1-5-10
Saving New York, $1B at a time, New York Daily News, 1-5-10
$queeze & Freeze, New York Post, 1-5-10
Think tank lists ideas for big New York state budget savings, Associated Press, 1-4-10
Think tank lists ideas for big NY budget savings, WRGB, 1-4-10
Freeze salaries, reform Medicaid among options to trim state budget, Star-Gazette, 1-4-10
"Blueprint" Outlines $30 Billion In Budget Savings, North Country Gazette, 1-4-10

Announcing a New Book!
After the Fall: Saving Capitalism from Wall Street—and Washington, by Nicole Gelinas

Say No to a Financial Big Brother, Nicole Gelinas, Los Angeles Times, 12-25-09

Required Reading, Billy Heller, New York Post, 12-27-09

Market-Friendly Public Policy Solutions

The Manhattan Institute's Center for Civic Innovation has launched CitiesOnAHill.org, a web resource on effective urban governance for public officials and opinion leaders. Cities on a Hill is a guide to the ideas and policies that have made a significant difference in shaping the quality of life and effectiveness of public service in cities. The website focuses on six key issues at the forefront of city reform. Each issue's page offers a reference database of research, books, and articles - good ideas that can make cities better.

Latest RealClearMarkets.com Columns:
A Roadmap to a Better New York Budget, Josh Barro, 01-05-10
Budget Deficits Have Consequences, Diana Furchtgott-Roth, 12-31-09
Despite Economic Woe, U.S. Was Safer In '09, Steve Malanga, 12-30-09
Schwarzenegger Seeks The Right Bailout, Josh Barro, 12-29-09

Facts & Fallacies—a resource of economic fundamentals.

Employment Growth by Occupation

Latest "Manhattan Moment" Column:
Cut the Strings On the Stimulus, Josh Barro, 01-06-10

All "Manhattan Moment" columns.

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The Manhattan Institute has partnered with Lands' End to bring you high quality merchandise embroidered with the MI logo.



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