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Come and Join us this Sunday August 13, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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The Action Team in Pensby with local Wirral MEP Jacqui Foster (far left)

The Action Team in Pensby with local MEP Jacqui Foster (far left)

The local Conservative Action Team – lead by Dr Adam Sykes (pictured above)  has been working in Pensby all this week and Wirral resident and local MEP Jacqui Foster was out helping us.

We’ve a big team of helpers out this Sunday 11am- 12 – If you’d like to join us then please contact the office on 0151 632 1052 or email me directly on esther@wirralwestconservatives.co.uk – Or if you have any issues you’d like us to look into please contact me directly.

Colour Blind – Directed by Lenny Henry August 9, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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Gee (1)

Last Thursday I went to the premier of Colour Blind, the film directed by Lenny Henry for The Antony Walker Foundation in memory of Anthony Walker.

I went with Gee Walker, Anthony’s mum and his sister Dominique. I helped set up with Anthony Walker Citizenship Award and Ball and introduced Lenny Henry to the Foundation.

What a remarkable woman Gee is how she has dealt with the death of her son and established in his name a foundation that teaches diversity, integrity and racial harmony through sport, music and education. Gee and Dominique spend their time going into schools delivering workshops and programmes and this film Colour Blind, funded primarily by Liverpool FC is another addition to their schools programme.

It was great to see Lenny talking about how he directed the film as well as explaining where the idea for the film came from. Sat along side Lenny was Steven Gerard, who like Anthony Walker came from Huyton. Liverpool Football Club in addition to sponsoring the film and are also key supporters of the Anthony Walker Foundation.

The Mayor & Mayoress of Wirral visit Great Meols Bowling Club August 4, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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Mayor & Mayoress Andrew & Kathy Hodson, me and Robbie

Mayor & Mayoress Andrew & Kathy Hodgson, me and Robbie


The Mayor and Mayoress of Wirral, Andrew and Kathy Hodgson officially opened Great Meol’s Bowling Club extension (and viewers gallery!)  last night. Local community fundraiser and member of the club Roy raised the funds for the much needed extension. The bowling club is a jewel in the community has over 250 active members. The extension allows friends, family and visiting guests to watch the game in a sheltered environment.

West Kirby Marine Lake August 2, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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wk marine

Yesterday one of Wirral’s most popular tourist destinations officially re-opened after a £750,000 refurbishment.

West Kirby Marine Lake, a popular sailing, windsurfing and recreational water park, has been closed for repairs since March after  an engineers’ report which said the lake’s outer wall, an attraction for thousands of walkers, was crumbling, and that it was only a matter of time before it became too dangerous to allow visitors to continue walking along it.

The popular walk along the outer wall of the lake has become a feature of the promenade in west Wirral since it was built more than a century ago and it continues to be so.

Conservative Community Action Team July 28, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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SS July

Some of the Conservative Community Action Team having a ‘cuppa’ in the back garden after meeting with local residents and helping deliver the Wirral Observer.

If you’ve a story you’d like us to cover or if you have  a charity or community group you’d like us to write about then contact me on  esther@wirralwestconservatives.co.uk

Tims and Pimms! July 28, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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Tim Rice (9)

My good friend Sir Tim Rice came to Hoylake to hold a community event. Over 250 people turned out to enjoy Pimms on the lawn with Tim and the wonderful West Kirby Light Opera. The sun shined, the Pimms flowed and the night was a great success – so much so we’ve already arranged to do another such event next year.

Tim Rice (2)

The Award winning West Kirby Light Opera.

Graduation Day July 27, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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Last week I graduated from John Moores University with a Distinction for my MSc in Corporate Governance, pictured above with the Vice Chancellor Michael Brown.  

Working full time, being the Parliamentary candidate for Wirral West and studying part time did make last year quite a tough one! Thankfully the JMU library is 24/7 and I managed to get in there before everyone else and leave pretty much after everyone else!

On top of which I was awarded the North of England Excellence Award for best student – so all my hard work paid off.  As with all success there is always someone there urging you on and making you laugh when times are tough, and in my case it’s my dad, so this award has to go to him. He’s a total star and the best dad any girl could wish for.  (ps he’s  also the one taking the pictures!)

Dave Rusk from the board of the North of England Excellence hands me the Award

Dave Rusk from the board of the North of England Excellence hands me the Award

minie's 336

Here we go …. here he is…… my dad.

Under & Over the Mersey July 20, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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The Wirral Conservative Team Walking for Charity

The Wirral Conservative Team Walking for Charity

Keith Chegwin was speaking to the crowd, Mickey Starke sang ‘Ferry Cross the Mersey’ and Gerry Marsden was wishing us well from a giant TV screen – that was the count down before 11,000 people walked through the Birkenhead Tunnel as part of the 75 year Tunnel celebrations.

A team of  Wirral Conservatives, armed with brollies and bottles of water, did the walk for Claire House and here we are the end of the walk, wearing our medals.

Copy of Finish of race

Norwich North by-election July 19, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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Copy of Norwich 005

Eight of us went to Norwich North yesterday to help Chole Smith who is our Conservative candidate for the by-election this Thursday. The by-election was forced after Labour MP Ian Gibson resigned once it emerged that he had let his daughter and her partner live with him in this tax-payer funded second home in London and then sold the property to the couple below market value.

 Literally hundreds of activists have turned up to help Chloe over the last few weeks and at one point yesterday whilst I was  canvassing I saw Edward Garnier Shadow Justice Minister to the right of me and Jeremy Hunt Shadow Minister for Culture to my left. 

David Cameron has been there 4 times and is back on Monday, but bizarrely Gordon Brown hasn’t been there once and talk on the street is that Gordon has been ‘airbrushed’ out of the campaign with not one photograph of him in all of the Labour by-election material!

Edward Garnier, Tom, Neil, Geoff, me, Chloe Smith & Jeremy Hunt

Edward Garnier, Tom, Neil, Geoff, me, Chloe Smith & Jeremy Hunt

A night to be proud of July 16, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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Roger Phillips of BBC Radio Merseyside hosted the Awards

Roger Phillips of BBC Radio Merseyside hosted the Awards

Last night I went to the ‘Wirral Volunteer of the Year Awards’  held in the Floral Pavilion, hosted by Roger Phillips and organised by Wirral’s CVS. It was a night to be proud of as I sat and listened to the wonderful deeds done by the people of Wirral. Each of the winners spoke passionately about their cause and the assistance they provided to the local community on a voluntary basis. Some joked that being a volunteer meant you could never be sacked and that everyone was their own boss – but honestly without such wonderful people many truly innovative community projects would never have happened. Volunteers are the life blood of the community. Most work tirelessly over many years without receiving the full recognition they deserve – so it was wonderful to be a part of an Awards ceremony that recognised their contribution. Well done to the all the volunteers and well done CVS.

Cause for Concern. One of the political stories that caught my attention. July 13, 2009

Posted by esthermcvey2009 in Conservatives.
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Yesterday’s Sunday Times front page featured an article on how ex minister Lord Malloch- Brown described the government as more ‘chaotic’ than any administration in the developing world, which is thoroughly alarming, but also helps explain the total lack of vision of a failing government. The Times continued that ‘his private remarks will strike a chord with many others working in the Brown government who feel frustrated  at the prime minister’s failure to articulate simple, clear and plausible narratives.’  Working in business as well as doing a PhD in Corporate Governance and Leadership,  a  clear strategy, a mission with a vision, communication and delivery are vital for any organisation to prosper and that includes UK PLC.