Tory freebie bonanza: How firms wine and dine the party elite

By Tim Shipman
Last updated at 7:44 AM on 14th August 2009

Kate Winslet winning a BAFTA

Mixing with the stars: Kate Winslet winning a BAFTA was just one top event Tories have treated to

Tories are being wooed with record numbers of freebies by companies seeking to gain influence with them.

Members of the shadow Cabinet have accepted 35 ‘jollies’ to tennis, rugby, racing, balls and the opera from businesses since spring last year.

Four senior Conservatives were entertained at Wimbledon, two went to rugby internationals at Twickenham and two to the Brit Awards, the Commons Register of Members’ Interests reveals.

The extent of the wining and dining will raise questions about the proximity of some senior Tories to corporate lobbyists.

David Cameron, who accepted £3,200 of free tickets to two glamorous parties, has already had to warn lobbying firms to keep their distance from the party’s conference.

It is impossible to compare the figures with those for Government ministers, since they do not have to declare trips in an official capacity.

But senior Tories believe more and more major businesses are vying to get to know those expected to run the next government.

A former Tory minister said: ‘Senior civil servants are wining and dining the people drawing up the manifesto.

'They’ve lost interest in Labour. It’s the same with the business community.’

Tory culture spokesman Jeremy Hunt is the most assiduously wooed Tory, since his departmental brief covers sport and the arts.

He accepted at least ten sets of free tickets to major events, including Wimbledon, the BAFTAs, England versus Scotland at Twickenham-from sponsors including RBS, ITV, and Pinewood studios.

David Cameron, who has received £3,200 of free tickets, with Culture Spokesman Jeremy Hunt, the most wooed Tory

Prizes for politicians: David Cameron with Shadow Culture Spokesman Jeremy Hunt, the most wooed Tory

But in most cases the free tickets have nothing to do with a Tory’s area of expertise.

For instance, Shadow Chancellor George Osborne attended the Wimbledon men’s final last year courtesy of the BBC Trust.


Some Tories accepted freebies because of their constituency links to an event or outside interests. Business spokesman Ken Clarke was flown, with his son, to last September’s Singapore Grand Prix by British American Tobacco, for which he was once a director.

A Tory spokesman said of the freebies: ‘This has got nothing to do with favours and everything to do with doing a competent job.’

Just some of the Shadow Cabinet 'jollies'

Top wooed Tories



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Hunt, Osborne,Pickles,Grayling and Clarke all know there is no such thing as a free lunch, therefore the only ones left to pick up the tab is the taxpayer. The expenses fiddles were the easy part of the gravy train, there are still more lucrative scams the electorate will never see. All of the above should be made to pay the cost of the freebies into the public purse then slung out of the job as they are not fit for purpose.

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More Tories showing their true colours ...

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How strange to find that Tories get other people to pay for them to attend fund-raising events. Even stranger when the Tory Whingers complain that it costs them money to attend fund-raising events. Do none of these MP's ever tell the truth?

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It may seem harmless, but nobody goes entirely unaffected by being treated by another, even if its only in the hope and expectation of a repeat experience. It is not direct corruption and I am sure that politicians are too mature to be overtly swayed by such things, but they would not be human if it didn't nudge them just a little to favour the treater. All our political leaders would be well advised to discourage, in the strongest terms, the acceptance of such 'treats' making it plain that acceptance would be an impedance to future positions.

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I don't mind the parasites being wined and dined by business - as long as they note ALL freebies down in the register to ensure that we KBNOW why they make decisioons in future - and perhaps have them taxed as a BiK?

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I work in the private sector and aren't allowed to accept even a bottle of wine or a box of chocolates. The most we can look forward to is a calendar or maybe even a mouse mat if we're lucky. Jeremy Hunt may be shadow minister for sport and culture but I fail to see how accepting tickets for sporting events helps him do his job any better any more than Gordon getting us to pay for his Sky sports package. And as for Ken Clarke going to Singapore - don't get me started! The sooner we have less snouts the better.

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