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A Government in Meltdown

Posted by: Charles Barwell on

Its been a big day in politics.

Finally, and somewhat late, Gordon Brown said sorry. He said he was sorry, shocked and angry. Not sorry for his disastrous handling of the economy. Not sorry for raising taxes on the poor by cutting the 10p tax rate. Not sorry for the culture of government that has become so insular and thuggish. But sorry for a scurrilous email that was sent by his most trusted

Music Education Taskforce

Posted by: Charles Barwell on

Last summer the Shadow Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport, Jeremy Hunt MP, asked me to join a taskforce that would look into the impact that music can have in education and society.

I've been a member of the Board of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra for four years, and sing in its Chorus. In fact I've sung in choirs all my life. The sensation of achievement that comes from

Anyone who has flown through the fabulous new airports in Kong Kong, Bangkok or Singapore knows that Heathrow is an embarrassment and a national disgrace. Terminal 5 maybe a great shopping mall, and you may now get your bags on time, but you'll still probably miss your flight because you've been stuck in a jam on the M25, or delayed in the oppressive heat of the Piccadilly Line.

And if you live

The tyranny of Labour

Posted by: Charles Barwell on

It is 101 years since Lord Acton wrote of Popes and Kings that "power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

Never was that sentiment more true than now when a Member of Parliament is arrested, his property is seized, and his homes searched, all because he was succeeding in doing his job: that is to hold government to account.

Labour does not accept criticism. It believes, like

So Gordon Brown is being cast as a superhero and saviour of our financial system. Good grief, what short memories we must all have. Granted, Brown may have put together a package that should enable trust to be restored to the banking system. But he has also put our economic freedom into jeopardy and threatens us with a resurgence of socialism.

None of us should ever forget that this is the man

Today a statesman addressed his Party's Conference. With the global economy in turmoil and savers and homeowners across the world frightened for their family's security, David Cameron spoke to us and to the whole country to reassure us all and enourage calmness.

If Gordon Brown takes up David's offer for support in legislation, savers frightened for their life savings need not rush to take their

Running a conference session on the economy on a day when a Bank has been nationalised made this morning perhaps the most important session of our week in Birmingham.

Running a conference session on the economy on day when a Bank has been nationalised made this morning perhaps the most important session of our week.

Delegates at this conference are enterprising businesspeople. So when George

Waiting to come on stage to speak to the Party conference does make your heart beat. Especially when you're following Boris Johnson.

 The hall had been packed with everyone wanting to hear their new hero. When I was shoved from almost total darkness out of the strange little white door at the back of the stage into the glaring white lights of the conference, the Hall had been full. I seemed to

Conference Opens in Birmingham

Posted by: Charles Barwell on

Something happened this morning that I don't think has ever happened before. Party conferences are usually about talk. But today something special happened: the Bishop of Birmingham held the conference in total silence.

Something happened this morning that I don't think has ever happened before. Party conferences are usually about talk. But today something special happened: the Bishop of

Imagine a rock concert at the NEC, the massing loyal hoards, intense anticipation, and the promise of your favourite act topping the bill at the end of the night. Combine that with all the colour of tribal rivalry of the Villa Blues derby, add a little politics, and you have a US National Convention.

Here in St Paul Minnesota I'm attending the Republican National Convention as an official

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