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December 30, 2009

Which Myrtle Beach Resort?

So, you've decided upon that golf vacation, you've decided that you'd perhaps like to make it a permanent place that you can go to: or maybe it's just a once off. Well, where is the best place to go and do that golf and vacation thing in glorious weather? Yes, of course, in the Myrtle Beach Resort.

OK, so that's that decision made, but then we need to think about which Resort in Myrtle Beach. There are quite a number of them after all. But how many of them have all of the things you'll be looking for?

Who has one, two and three bedroom condos, who has hotel rooms and who has unobstructed views along the Northern shoreline? Yes, for an Oceanfront Mytle Beach Hotel there's really only one choice that you want to make.

Why not click through one of the links to find out which one it is?

December 30, 2009 in Business | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

December 21, 2009

Are there any more Tiger Woods stories?

Is it possible that we have already used up all of the possible.stories about Tiger Woods, his mistresses, girlfriends, hookers and gambling?

Have we in fact reached Peak Tiger?

Sadly it looks as if we might have done. We've written about each and every one of the girlfriends, whether Elin will stay of go, whether or if whichever one has been paid off and by how much. Good grief, we've even done stories about how Tiger's Mum is a little upset about it all.

Something of a pity then really, we've used up all the stories that Tiger spent 5 years of marriage creating in only three weeks. It's as if we thought it was oil or something, that it would last forever and we'd never run out:

When asked what could be done about it Worstall replied" Clearly, if we're to maintain our precious environment of celebrity journalism, upon which our very existence as a species depends, we're going to have to see some serious actions by governments here. Either rationing of stories or perhaps a general tax on everything to subsidise production of Tiger Woods related features would be better. We should ship all 192 of them off to Copenhagen until they can come up with a solution."

When asked if it wouldn't be simpler just not to have stories about Tiger Woods at all Worstall seemed perplexed. "But if there's no Tiger Woods scandal to write about, what would I do?" When it was delicately suggested that he could get a job he looked puzzled and asked "Job? What's one of those?

Something Must Be Done.

Special Sponsor: casino online.

December 21, 2009 in Celebrities | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

December 15, 2009

Crazy Ambien Sex

One of the things that Racel Uchitel said, about having "crazy Ambien sex" with Tiger Woods seems to have got a few people puzzled.

How can something that puts you to sleep make for good sex? Surely it will just lead to good snoring?

Well, yes and no, for people are forgetting what is the limiting factor to good sex:

So, given all of this, what is going to be the limiting factor (assuming everything else is constant, like the two people actually desire to have sex with each other and so on) as to how much fun there's going to be in one incidence of sex? Correct, it's going to be how long the man can keep going before he orgasms and needs that recuperation break.

At which point we can see that a drug which reduces arousal in a male can indeed lead to much better sex. As long as basic arousal (ie, an erection) is achieved, for maximum fun and pleasure we want less, not more sensitivity, less not more arousal.

Of course, it was an economist who came up with this answer, not a sex expert and most certainly not a drug expert.

For of course, economists know all!

December 15, 2009 in Sex | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Why choose ADT for your home security?

OK, so we all know that we rather need to have some home security, one of the various alarm systems available. But which one should we choose? Which is going to be the one that offers us the greatest peace of mind at the minimum cost? 

Why, in short, should we choose ADT among the different alarm systems ?

Well, the clue to that is probably in who else has chosen the ADT system, making them the leader in this marketplace. For example, business is pretty keen on making sure that they're not robbed: 80% of the retailers across the nation use ADT. In fact, 90% of the Fortune 500 do.

And banks, well, yes, banks are pretty hot on security as well, they're known to pay great attention to their alarm systems. and 2 dozen of the top ones across the nation make that same choice: as do some 72 different airports.

That's all plus the experience that comes from installing nearly 80 alarm systems an hour and interacting with some 38,000 public safety organisations.

In short, they're big, they're good, they're experienced and they know what they're doing. The evidence being that thousands upon thousands use them and trust them. 

Who would want to argue with evidence like that?

December 15, 2009 in Business | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

XTO and Exxon

XTO has just been taken over by Exxon in an agreed bid. But I'm not sure that people have really understood what this means.

For example, it makes a great difference to those climate change talks going on in Copenhagen.

You see, XTO is the specialist in this new technique of extracting natural gas through fracking. This means that there's a huge amount more gas around than anyone thoguht only a couple of years ago. That in turn means that we can replace a lot of our current coal fired generating with gas fired: and halve carbon emissions in the process.

Now, if we can halve carbon emissions by building cheaper plants and using a less expoensive fuel, then this rather changes eeverything about climate change, doesn't it?

That's the basics of how the numbers for emissions which the climate scientists plug into their models are created. However, those emissions paths, the possible technologies, were created some years ago, back in the late 1990s in fact. And there are emissions paths where we begin to run out of oil and go back to using hugely more polluting coal. There are paths where we gradually and generally bring down our emissions.

But none of the paths includes the possibility that we use less coal and less oil and use more natural gas instead. For we didn't think there was any more natural gas that we could use. Remember here that natural gas has much lower emissions than either oil or coal. So much lower in fact that if we replaced coal fired power generation with gas fired generation we would be cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 50% from this sector.

December 15, 2009 in Climate Change | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Choosing a home alarm package

Yes, it's true, the crime figures are indeed looking better. But that doesn't mean that crime has gone away entirely, only that it's not as bad as it was. And that's why you want to think about getting a home alarm package. And of course the most likely source for this is adt, the leaders in the market and the experts who have been offering such protection for 130 years now.

But which system is it that you should get? That really depends upon which combination of security and money that you want to choose. That again might depend upon where you actually are and what sort of household crimes you worry about most.

At the first level there's the simple system we all know so well. Connecting the alarm system to your landline it means that you're always connected to the adt monitoring stations.

The next level up allows you to add a voice interaction feature. Essentially it's like having an intercom which connects you to those same monitoring centers.

And then there's one more level, which instead of using your landline uses the cellphone network to monitor your alarm system and connect it to adt .

As for me, I'd choose that last: for the criminals around our way have this disturbing habit of trying to cut landlines before they invade. With cellphone links this simply isn't possible for them to do.

December 15, 2009 in Business | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Cori Rist on the Today show

So Cori Rist went on the Today show to talk about her relationship with Tiger Woods.

Yes, we saw all the usual sort of things in such an internview. Tears when she insisted that he really loved her. Then more tears as she realised that she wasn't the only one Tiger had been folling around with.

Sigh, I mean, come on, let's be realistic about this. If you're an ex-hooker (perhaps ex-escort is more accurate for those who make the distinction) then you must realise that if a guy is happy to jump into one bed that's not his wife's then he'll be happy enough to do it with two or more?

A weeping blonde model claimed yesterday that she ended her affair with Tiger Woods after she woke in the middle of the night to find him texting other mistresses. Cori Rist, 31, who has a seven-year-old son, said she had initially believed the billionaire golfer when he told her that his marriage was on the rocks. And she thought she was the only 'other woman' in his life - until she caught him secretly sending texts while he was in bed with her.

You can see the full video of the Cori Rist Today interview here.

December 15, 2009 in Sex | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Finding the right webhost

We all know that to get anything done in this modern world we have to do it online, right? For example, there's no point in hanging around a bar trying to meet someone: they're all at home on one or other of the social networking sites.

We all also know that there's no point in running a business that doesn't have at least some web presence. Sure, we don't all have to try and beat Amazon in selling things directly off our site but we do need to have some sort of site. So many people do, if not their shopping, then at least their research, online that not to be there when people are looking for your sort of product is just crazy.

OK, so now we've got the basic idea, that we must be online, how do we actually go online? Well, the very first stage is to check out domain availability.We need to decide what we're going to call our site, after all, and domain availability is key to that.We really want to have a name for the site which is the same as the domain name....that way it's much easier for people to remember who you are and where you are.

And if there's no domain availability for the name we've chosen for the business then we're better off changing the name of the business.

So the first step is to check whether the domain name is available and you can do that by clicking through any of those links. The second will be to decide who will host our new site: and that's fortunate, for the same site is a guide to which webhosts do what. What is their reliability, what do you get free as part of the package, what's bandwidth, storage, how many domains can you host and so on.

So, have a look do and kill two birds with one stone!

December 15, 2009 in Business | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Theresa Rogers: the 11th or 14th for Tiger?

It's getting very hard to really keep track of how many women Tiger Woods has been bedding really, isn't it? Do we count those who have come out and admitted it? Like Holly Sampson? Or should we include those we're pretty sure did but who haven't actually said they did like Rachel Uchitel?

Or those like Theresa Rogers who haven't actually told anyone yet but seem to be grearing up to do so?

A BLONDE in her 40s today claimed to be the latest woman linked to disgraced golfer Tiger Woods. Busty Theresa Rogers is said to have travelled with the golf pro during a steamy FIVE year affair. It was claimed Rogers began a relationship with Woods before he wed wife Elin Nordergren, 29, but the affair continued after their marriage.

She's hired Gloria Allread which seems to be a sign of something these days.....

December 15, 2009 in Sex | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

We're moving again!

Well, there's a good chance that we'll be moving again. Off back to sunny Californiee it seems to be. We're awaiting the news of whether we've got the Dept. of Energy grant to research our new process or not. And if we do then it will be back there so that we can hook up with the great minds we need to.

And of course, when we move we'll need to work out where we can get our Direct TV from. We have Direct TV when we were there last time and it's by far, at least it was for us, the best option available of all the different satellite, and cable systems.

Fortunately, since we were last there and flailing about trying to find our what different systems there were and which was the best for this or that there's been an advance in Directv information. Just click through any of the links to see what I mean: it's now really easy to find out who can supply and sort out the service wherever you are. See, here's the Direct TV in CA page.

Couldn't be simpler, eh?

December 15, 2009 in Television | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

December 08, 2009

Hairdressing in Chalfont PA

If you happen to be looking for a full service salon Chalfont PA might be a reasonable place to go. Well, as long as you're in that general area of course, flying across the Atlantic to do so would be a little extreme. But Tony D's is there and they offer you just about everything that you could want from such a salon.

For example, their hair salon chalfont color service will see you right for all of your hair coloring needs. They not only do the basic coloring, they'll also offer you cap hi lighting and foil hi lighting at very reasonable prices.

As the hair salon Chalfont covers your wants and needs if you're in the area it might be worth your checking out what they can do for you. And yes, they do nails, waxes and even therapeutic massages as well.

December 8, 2009 in Business | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Holly Sampson and Tiger Woods

Yes, it does seem that Tiger Woods has been spreading it around, now he's being linked to a porn star called Holly Sampson.

Holly Sampson has been doing both hardcore and softcore for years: we're not using porn star in the sense of a video or two done while drunk or broke, no, this is her career.

This is a little different from banging the occasional cocktail waitress, don't you think?

However, there's one other point that might be made. Holly Sampson was involved with Tiger Woods before he got married. Not afterwards, like those cocktail waitresses and nightclub managers.

Well, fancy that: it wouldn't be the first time that the professional has better morals than the amateur.

December 8, 2009 in Sex | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Zhu Zhu Pets recall over antimony

There's a little scare going on about Zhu Zhu Pets, those mechanical hamsters that are apparently the must have gift this Christmas.

They've been made, or at least one of the different colours has, using antimony. And as ew all know antimony is poisonous.


Actually, there's a decent piece here on Zhu Zhu petra and antimony.

You see, antimony is poisonous, yes, but then so is water. It really depends upon what the dose is, for as Paracelsus told us, the poison is the dose.

And we know what the safe limit for antimony is: 60 ppm. Well, actually, that's about 100 th of what we think the safe dose is, because that's the way that we set safe doses.

The Zhu Zhu pets are at about 120 ppm. That is, 2% of the safe dose instead of 1%.

Woo, scary, ain't it?

December 8, 2009 in Current Affairs | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

December 05, 2009

Time for a picnic basket

Picnicbasket There's an old joke about how a movie would get its rating. Imagine a group of people going off into the woods for a picnic. If they took a picnic basket and then sat down and ate a picnic then this was a movie that anyone could watch, from the kiddies who must be protected all the way up to maiden aunts. If after the picnic they had a little snooze on the blanket, well, fine. However, if the snooze afterwards turned into something a little more athletic then matters changed. If they got under the blanket and did some petting, then of course the kiddies should be excluded. If the petting took place upon the balnket then so should the teenagers (and maiden aunts should bewarned off as well).

If, however, our group goes into the woods with the sole aim and intention of doing the petting (a euphemism, you understand) and there is a marked absence of picnic baskets or even blankets, then the assumption would be that the movie was an X at least. A fair enough rule of thumb really but sadly I now find myself at the time of life when picnics entail very much the basket, the blanket and the nap: and I'm not all that sure I can persuade a group to share even that, let alone petting above or beneath a covering.

Thus it's probably time to accept the old tempus fugit bit and invest in one of these gourmet picnic baskets. If all I'm going to get from a walk in the woods is a lunch then it should be a decent lunch and one served properly, don't you think? With a proper glass for that which revives and no messing around with paper plates and the like? I can't help thinking that the ways of my younger days were in some manner somewhat more exciting but then that's just what happens as one ages: and as has often been remarked, getting older is vastly preferable to the only alternative on offer.

So, the Teddy Bear's picnic it is then.

December 5, 2009 in Business | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

The Copenhagen Conference: now with free sex!

It's this coming week that the Copenhagen Conference takes place. They're all off to sort out the planet for us, make sure that we don't boil everyone to death by using too much carbon fuels and so on. Tens of thousands of delegates descending on the City, of course.

However, the Lord Mayor has been sending around leaflets asking that the delegates not patronise the prostitutes of the city. This might offend Gaia or something?

In reaction, the prostitutes themselves have decided to offer free sex to the delegates:

Now, Copenhagen prostitutes are up in arms, saying that the council has no business meddling in their affairs. They have now offered free sex to anyone who can produce one of the offending postcards and their COP15 identity card, according to the Web site avisen.dk. According to the report, the move has been organized by the Sex Workers Interest Group (SIO). "This is sheer discrimination. Ritt Bjerregaard is abusing her position as Lord Mayor in using her power to prevent us carrying out our perfectly legal job. I don't understand how she can be allowed to contact people in this way," SIO Spokeswoman Susanne Møller tells avisen.dk.

So, what do you think will win out? Morality and Gaia? Or free sex?

This story is winging its way around the internet at the moment, but not via the usual methods. Rather, it seems to be passing from blog to blog through their networks of readers. Viral, rather than search engine if you wish. This might make a useful case study for those interested in search engine marketing services , that there are a number of different ways that stories get spread.

December 5, 2009 in Sex | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
