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Benny Peiser: No binding targets in Copenhagen

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Russia Today: “A lot of countries can’t afford to commit to any legally-binding agreements because they need to raise millions and tens of millions of people out of poverty,” said Dr. Benny Peiser, director of Global Warming Policy Foundation. “India and China cannot afford to sign up to any such binding targets. And therefore Copenhagen...


India satisfied with joint Indo-U.S. climate statement

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NEW DELHI: India on Wednesday expressed satisfaction with the joint Indo-U.S. statement, particularly the portion on climate change, which “represents an increased degree of congruence” in the way the two countries approach the challenge.

According to an official spokesperson, the Prime Minister’s visit to the U.S. also laid the...


'India has no obligation to reduce emissions'

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India Express: New Delhi - Allaying fears of the Opposition that India could give concessions to developed countries in the Copenhagen summit, the government said on Tuesday that developing countries, including India, have no obligation to reduce green house gas emissions.

"As per the principles of equity and common, but differentiated...


We should not expect much from Copenhagen summit: Ramesh

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New Delhi - Asking Indians not to expect much from the climate change conference in Copenhagen, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh on Thursday said the government would follow a "twin track" approach of not binding itself to any global agreement but at the same time putting in place "ruthless" measures to cut emissions on the domestic front...


World leaders deal major blow to Cophenhagen climate change deal

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Crunch climate change talks may be doomed to failure in Copenhagen next month, with a legally binding deal on emissions now decreasingly likely, admitted leaders from across the Asia Pacific region.

In another setback the group of presidents and prime ministers representing nearly two-thirds of world economic output and meeting in Singapore...


All hope is lost for Copenhagen climate treaty, British officials say

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A world treaty on climate change will be delayed by up to a year and is likely to be watered down because countries with the highest greenhouse gas emissions are refusing to commit to legally binding reductions.

British officials preparing for next month’s UN summit in Copenhagen said the best that could be hoped for was that national...



Cold, Expensive Energy is Killing the Poor and Old
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Press Association: The Government has received an unwanted setback in the fight against fuel poverty with new figures released by the Office of National Statistics showing a 49 per cent rise in the... Read more...



Benny Peiser: No binding targets in Copenhagen
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
Russia Today: “A lot of countries can’t afford to commit to any legally-binding agreements because they need to raise millions and tens of millions of people out of poverty,” said Dr. Benny... Read more...

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