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Evolution, development, and random biological ejaculations from a godless liberal



PZ Myers is a biologist and associate professor at the University of Minnesota, Morris.
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Random Quote

Throughout the 1970s I had been mainly studying black holes, but in 1981 my interest in questions about the origin and fate of the universe was reawakened when I attended a conference on cosmology organized by the Jesuits in the Vatican. The Catholic Church had made a bad mistake with Galileo when it tried to lay down the law on a question of science, declaring that the sun went round the earth. Now, centuries later, it had decided to invite a number of experts to advise it on cosmology. At the end of the conference the participants were granted an audience with the pope. He told us that it was all right to study the evolution of the universe after the big bang, but we should not inquire into the big bang itself because that was the moment of Creation and therefore the work of God. I was glad then that he did know the subject of the talk I had just given at the conference — the possibility that space- time was finite but had no boundary, which means that it had no beginning, no moment of Creation. I had no desire to share the fate of Galileo, with whom I feel a strong sense of identity, partly because of the coincidence of having been born exactly 300 years after his death!

Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time (New York: Bantam, 1988), pp. 115-16.

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Christian shame

Category: Religion

Salon has a peculiarly defensive article by a Christian confessing to being embarrassed about her beliefs, which seems like a good start to me. She should be embarrassed. As a fun exercise, though, try reading her article while categorizing...

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Mormon prophecy

Category: Politics

It's a little known disturbing fact that the Mormons have a set of prophecies that foretell that the Mormons will take over the leadership of the US. A candidate for the governor of Idaho has brought this out into the...

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Real sign, real poll

Category: Pointless polls

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Category: Religion

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Category: Religion

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Called home, finally

Category: Religion

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European cartoonist on a rampage! Gods derided!

Category: Godlessness

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Category: Religion

What a horrible, sad waste of a life: Tillmon Webb injured his knee, couldn't afford to get it treated, and sat in a recliner for 8 months, praying for healing. His saintly (and I don't mean that in a complimentary...

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What did she expect? That Jesus would stop by and give her a turnip?

Category: Religion

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God is a sockpuppet

Category: Religion

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