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Veteran Tories hit out at Howard's 'Notting Hill set'

Nicholas Watt, political correspondent
Tuesday July 27, 2004
The Guardian

The following correction was printed in the Guardian's Corrections and clarifications column, Friday August 13

The "bedblockers" list of Tory MPs had, we said, been compiled using criteria that included "how many questions they have asked both orally and verbally". This was changed in later editions to "written and orally" (Veteran Tories hit out at Howard's 'Notting Hill set', page 1, July 27).

A carefully planned "summer blitz" by the Tories, which was designed to force the government onto the defensive, ran into trouble on day one yesterday when supporters of Michael Howard were blamed for launching a whispering campaign against senior MPs.

A Tory heading a list of "bedblockers" - MPs who are allegedly preventing younger candidates from standing for parliament - blamed the "Notting Hill set" around the Tory leader for briefing against him.

Derek Conway, MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup, said: "This is what we call the Notting Hill Tory set. They sit around in these curious little bistros in parts of London, drink themselves silly and wish they were doing what the rest of us are getting on with. They'll just have to be a little more patient."

Mr Conway spoke out on Radio 4's PM programme after the Daily Telegraph listed 12 Tory MPs as "parliamentary bedblockers" who are allegedly not pulling their weight in parliament. The list included the former ministers Kenneth Clarke, Stephen Dorrell and Michael Mates. David Davis, the shadow home secretary, was left off the list but was accused of "operating below par".

Mr Howard, who yesterday shrugged off mutterings about his performance, found himself drawn into the row because the article was written by George Trefgarne, the Telegraph's comment editor, who is close to key members of the leader's circle in their 30s who are known as the "Notting Hill set."

Howard aides were furious that the first day of their "summer blitz" had been overshadowed by another internal row. A keynote speech by Oliver Letwin, the shadow chancellor, on civil service job cuts was drowned out as the so-called "bedblockers" took to the airwaves to boast of their parliamentary work. Conservative central office, caught off guard, eventually issued a statement saying: "Over the last two years the chief whip [David Maclean] has had conversations with a number of colleagues about whether they intend to fight the next election. That is normal practice among all parties in each parliament.

"But ultimately any decision about whether and when an MP should retire is a matter for him or her and the constituency association concerned. As the Daily Telegraph makes clear the list is its own, compiled by them. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the chief whip or with any other party manager."

The row came at a particularly bad moment for Mr Howard who is facing mutterings against his leadership after he botched his response to the Butler report. But he brushed aside criticism yesterday: "These things always crop up from time to time. It's not the first time and I'm sure it will not be the last."

The "bedblockers" list was compiled on the basis of how many votes Tory MPs have attended, how many speeches they have made in parliament, and how many questions they have asked both orally and verbally. The list ran into difficulties because Mr Conway and Sir John Butterfill, who occupied first and second place, both chair standing committees, which means they are barred from speaking on key areas in the Commons.

Mr Conway made clear that he was prepared to sue. "My attendance record in the Commons and the fact that I serve on three select committees and chair more committees than probably anyone else - and some of the bigger bills at that - means that there is no foundation whatsoever for the Daily Telegraph's ill-informed article. I have been assured that I have very good grounds for legal action."

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