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In-Depth Articles


Melting Arctic: Forget polar bears, worry about humans

ESSAY:  14:10 23 November 2009  | 87 comments

Climate change is transforming the Arctic so fast that many species could be gone within our lifetimes. But the important thing is to put human self-interest first, says Alun Anderson

Orion's dark secret: Violence shaped the night sky

FEATURE:  10:23 23 November 2009  | 40 comments

A ring of bright stars surrounds us, giving us some of our most familiar constellations. But where did it come from?

Medibots: The world's smallest surgeons Movie Camera

FEATURE:  10:21 20 November 2009  | 17 comments

No more scalpels – tomorrow's lifesaving operations will use robots that crawl over your heart, scuttle into your ear and swim into your eye

Scuba diving to the depths of human history

FEATURE:  12:30 19 November 2009  | 11 comments

Many prehistoric people lived by the sea – but rising sea levels have drowned their settlements. To raise their secrets from the seabed, archaeologists are swapping their boots for flippers

The race to build a 1000 mph car Movie Camera

COVER STORY:  18:00 18 November 2009  | 91 comments

You want to be the fastest thing on four wheels. Should you use jets or rockets? Or both?



Are you asleep? Exploring the mind's twilight zone

Blurred lines between asleep and awake (Image: <a href="http://www.tessarlo.com/">Tessarlo</a>)

You think you're awake, yet vital parts of your brain might be sleeping. That's bad news if you're trying to concentrate – or flying a plane


Don't pack your parachute: Totally free fall Movie Camera

FEATURE:  12:16 17 November 2009  | 61 comments

Teams of modern-day birdmen are racing to pull off a stunt they hope will be groundbreaking – but only metaphorically

On the Origin of Species, Revisited

SPECIAL FEATURE:  17:23 17 November 2009  | 34 comments

The most influential piece of popular science writing ever was published 150 years ago. Now New Scientist brings you a 21st-century remix of Darwin's classic by geneticist and author Steve Jones

Tagging the tigers of the sea Movie Camera

FEATURE:  12:12 12 November 2009  | 4 comments

Beautiful, predatory and endangered, tuna are rapidly being hunted to extinction. Graham Lawton joins the high-tech anglers to save them

In SUSY we trust: What the LHC is really looking for

COVER STORY:  18:00 11 November 2009  | 166 comments

Forget the God particle - the rebooted Large Hadron Collider will give us much greater revelations


Asteroid attack: Putting Earth's defences to the test Movie Camera

Are we ready for it? (Image: Don Davis/NASA)

A massive rock will strike the planet in 72 hours. Would we prepare or panic? The US air force tried to find out



Timewarp: How your brain creates the fourth dimension Movie Camera

Time is an illusion: your brain stitches it together until it seems continuous. But what happens when it goes wrong?

So far attempts at domestication have failed with these beasts (Image: Marcie Jan Bronstein / Getty)

My little zebra: The secrets of domestication Movie Camera

Killer rats and cuddly foxes? Thanks to an experiment that began in Russia 50 years ago, we could be about to teach old animals some new tricks


Great and good share hopes and fears for Copenhagen

COMMENT AND ANALYSIS:  07:00 30 November 2009  | 29 comments

New Scientist asked leading scientists, politicians and business people to tell us if the imminent climate change talks can deliver

Sleepwalking into a legal quagmire

EDITORIAL:  18:02 25 November 2009

Science and scepticism are invaluable when a defendant says, "I did it in my sleep"

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