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Robin Walker
Parliamentary Candidate for Worcester
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Latest News:

  • Strengthening Sure Start

      Robin's personal guarantee to Worcester's Sure Start Centres

    Candidate takes on Labour lies in person


  • The election that Worcester can decide

    At last, the election we need

    Worcester has the power to decide as Britain goes to the polls


  • Supporting The Safe Place scheme


    Robin's Saturday night to make Worcester a Safe Place

    Candidate visits scheme to make city streets safer



  • Scrap the tax on the recovery

    We must scrap the job tax to keep the recovery

    Local businesses support Conservative policy to back jobs and growth


  • Supporting the Big Society

     A fresh approach to strengthening our community

    Walker calls for neighbourhood army to come to Worcester


Welcome to my website. My name is Robin Walker and I am the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Worcester.

I hope to represent this great city and fight for the interests of the people of Worcester.

This means fairer funding from Whitehall to deliver better services in health and education, it means sorting out the City's problems with transport and infrastructure, delivering more affordable housing, a thriving economy, safer communities and a greener, cleaner City. But most of all it means listening to the people of Worcester - I hope you will use my site to find out what I am up to and to contact me to let me know what I can do for Worcester and for you.

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Get Britain Working

Save the Great British Pub

Support out Small Shops

Save out Local Papers

Keep our Post Offices Open

Labour's Giving Criminals a Break


ID Cards

Copyright © 2007 Robin Walker.  All rights reserved.
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