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Digital Publisher of the Year | Monday 23 November 2009 | Letters feed

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Letters to The Telegraph

Your letters to the Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph and Telegraph.co.uk. Letters should be sent to dtletters@telegraph.co.uk (Daily Telegraph) or stletters@telegraph.co.uk (Sunday Telegraph). Please include name, address, and work and home telephone numbers.

Latest letters

The Army must be properly funded, but not at the expense of the other Services

The three Service chiefs must unite together to ensure that the Armed Forces, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force are properly funded by the Goverment

23 Nov 2009

Revive Paris's nightlife by turning down the music

A customer taking a keen interest in a show in the lively Latin Quarter of Paris, 1947

Musicians should play their music at a quieter level to stop clubs in Paris being shut

23 Nov 2009

Europe's diplomatic service will undermine British interests

Brussels will now proceed to upstage nation states' ambassadors.

22 Nov 2009

Why are cheap cheeses so tasteless?

Bee Wilson should bring her sights around to the so-called mild, "value" end of the market.

22 Nov 2009

EU appointments have as much democratic legitimacy as the Politburo

The EU's way of selecting its president and foreign minister leaves British voters bemused, disenfranchised and angry

21 Nov 2009

Rudyard Kipling was a genius, not a racist

'Kim and the Letter Writer?: John Lockwood?s bas-relief at Bateman?s, Kipling?s home

Kipling needs to be understood in context

21 Nov 2009

Care for the elderly Bill does not solve the alarming shortfall in personal provision

Working people need to take more responsibility for providing for their old age

20 Nov 2009

No point in asking what the German is for Boxing Day

The British get a raw deal when it comes to bank holidays

20 Nov 2009

Letters to the Sports Editor

A selection of readers' letters from a busy week of sport.

19 Nov 2009

The Queen's Speech exposes Labour's failures on health care and education

The Queen's Speech is an admission of the Labour Government's failures.

19 Nov 2009

Historic tolerance is undermined by right to roam

There are downsides to generous access rights in Scotland.

19 Nov 2009

A doomsday scenario if the Bank of England panics over apparent inflation

The public will panic is they think inflation is spiralling, so the Bank of England must resist calls for interest-rate rises

18 Nov 2009

No need to take a shotgun to the birds of prey

It is not necessary to cull carnivores in order to allow certain birds, whose numbers are declining, to breed

18 Nov 2009

Telegraph debates: have your say

Telegraph debates

Have your say on the issues of the day and make your voice heard.

UK politics coverage in full

UK politics

Full coverage of the latest news from Downing Street and Westminster.

Houses of Parliament

Three Line Whip

The best political analysis and comment from Telegraph writers.

The Queen at the State Opening of Parliament

The Royal Family

From the pageantry of the Queen's official duties to family challenges.

More Letters to the Telegraph

Tearing up bankers' contracts would mean the FSA trying to rig the market

The Government should not allow unaccountable bureaucrats to interfere with bankers' employment contracts

17 Nov 2009

Reforming the most expensive railways in Europe

A London and North Eastern Railway poster for the castles of Northumberland, 1934

Train companies are charging unjustifiably high fares for a poor service

17 Nov 2009

Historical precedent shows that Labour cannot be trusted over Afghanistan

Faced with a financial crisis at home a past Labour government cut and ran.

16 Nov 2009

Let Handel speak for himself, even when dramatised

Handel presented as an oratorio at Drury Lane, a drawing by John Nixon, 1814

Visual tools help people listening to enjoy Handel's music, but we should not not read more into it than Handel intended.

16 Nov 2009

Blame Gordon Brown, not the Tories, for the lack of an EU vote

Our wrath should be aimed at the man responsible.

15 Nov 2009

Putting old watermills back to work

Two men stand at the top of a 72-foot watermill at Laxey, on the Isle of Man, known as the 'Lady Isabella', 1895

The Government should restore watermills, not build windmills.

15 Nov 2009

Nursing will grow too narrow by becoming a graduate-only profession

The experience of other professions shows that nursing should remain open to entrants without a degree

14 Nov 2009

Trampling over smallholdings on the coastal path round England and Wales

Villagers from Bempton pull up a man collecting gulls' eggs from Flamborough cliffs, 1945

Landowners and householders must be compensated

14 Nov 2009

The offensive comparison of banks and casinos

Casinos, no model for modern banking: 'The Players' by Raphael Kirchner (1876-1917)

Comparing casinos with the disgraced and dysfunctional banking industry should be avoided.

13 Nov 2009

Smiles and frowns of opinionated newsreaders

The newsreader Alex Macintosh straightening his tie on a television monitor, 1956

Hand-waving by presenters suggests that the news they are delivering is their opinion.

12 Nov 2009


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