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Wednesday 23 September 2009 | Active feed | All feeds


Trail biking: climb every mountain

Whether you race off at 100mph or, like Catalina Stogdon, take a more sedate pace, trail biking is addictive .

Trail biking: Catalina Stogdon with her trail bike
Take in the view: Catalina Stogdon with her trail bike Photo: GUZELIAN

"Go on, go for it!” yells Ollie. Right. This is it. Foot to pedal, eyes forward, scan the horizon, don’t think about the looming jump ahead, or crashing into the nearest tree. I clasp the handlebars as though rigor mortis has set in and set off on the track, overtaken by muscly show-offs in shiny Lycra shorts and eight year-olds who pass me at breakneck speed. “Some riders blast 100mph over this course, others tiptoe down,” Ollie says. I know which approach I’ll be taking.

I am at The Loop course in Hamsterley Forest in the North Pennines, trying to work out why I have agreed to test out my mountain biking “skills” over a succession of 22 potential pitfalls. I know how to cycle, usually at a wobble, but have never mountain-biked before and it shows. The Loop’s challenges are designed to hone your technique, balance and, of course, bring out your sheer bravado. There is a “tabletop” jump, a stone ramp on either side with a flat top, a double jump and several others I’m aiming not to fly over the handlebars for.

The reassuring voice at my side is Ollie Graham, a biking fanatic, who works for a conservation charity and the Hamsterley Trailblazers. This network of volunteers organises coaching sessions – and its members help to carve out the 33 miles of biking trails running throughout this stunning 2,000-acre forest in County Durham.

“Nice and confident, nice and loose,” Ollie says. “Survey the area ahead, choose your line and commit to it – you don’t want to end up in a heap on the floor. But don’t be too overconfident or that can end in tears.” I make my way creakily over one of the ramps and breathe a deep sigh of relief.

Cautiously we then pedal forward to the next obstacle.

“Mountain-biking is all about moving your weight around,” he says. “Get the balance right, and use your body to propel the bike, instead of just being a passenger. Keep your weight to the back and stand up, so you can go down steeper tracks.” Standing up more will also save you from walking around like John Wayne the next day.

He takes me through the best pedalling technique (“pedal as though you are a bull clawing the floor”); gears: (“basically the steeper you go, the lower the gear and vice versa, but practise on different terrain to see what is most comfortable for you”); and most importantly, how best to brake: “Keep two fingers on both brakes so when you need to stop you don’t do it too hard and lift one of the wheels of your bike up.” On this undulating rocky downhill it is best I lay off my front brake altogether, as using it at speed is the easiest way to go over the handlebars.

Thankfully there’s more to this track than leapfrogging over rocks. It’s the spectacular scenery, which only a mountain bike can really take you to, that I’m looking forward to seeing.

And what a sight it is. Mile after mile of intense purple heather-blanketed hills stretch before me, lending a serene backdrop to the glistening pines. Even on a late summer afternoon, with the light fading and a fog encroaching, it is mesmerising. It brings to mind the freedom that biking embodies: once you are up and away, you are alone with your thoughts and answerable to nothing but the tiredness in your legs.

But, now, push on – it’s back to the physical stuff and another trail to try. There’s a black route, which includes 10ft drops and the need for American football-style body armour and full suspension bikes to withstand the punishment. Or how about a night-ride, where you weave your way through the woodland with the help of full-beam head torches? But really, it’s the call of the Grove that tempts me. The track winds you around a trail carved through a silent, ancient woodland, at any pace you deem fit. The best part about this one is that anyone can give it a go. And it is this appeal to all ages and abilities that makes mountain biking so popular. “Families love it because they can do it together,” Ollie says. “It’s not like football, where dad and son are playing, sister is bored and mum is standing around waiting for everyone to finish – everyone can join in.”

And there are, of course, health benefits. Biking not only releases endorphins to brighten the mood and improve cardiovascular health, but it is lower impact and kinder on the joints than sports such as running. Many professional athletes use mountain-biking to achieve a core level of fitness.

But what of the teetering novices tiptoeing their way down a mountain track? “People aged six to 60 come and try mountain-biking,” Ollie says, “and they always come back for more.”

I’ll certainly be one of them.



For more information on mountain biking in the North East visit: www.visitnortheastengland.com

For information on training and group rides contact the Hamsterley Trailblazers: www.hamsterley-trailblazers.co.uk

To find a biking trail in your region: www.moredirt.co.uk


A decent hardtail bike (with rigid frames and suspension forks), for mountain-biking starts from £500-£600.

A 1-3 litre camel pack is useful to keep hydrated on longer rides.

Don’t leave home without a cycling helmet. The new lightweight designs don’t make you look as nerdy as older helmets used to.

It is worth taking a bicycle repair kit with you that you can use for on the spot repairs.

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