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Posts Tagged ‘eu’

December 9th, 2009 0:02

Does Obama even care if he's popular in his own country?

Does President Obama care about pleasing world bodies like the EU, the UN, and the Nobel committee more than the people of the United States? Is he, as David Gutmann at frontpagemag.com puts it, ... Read More

December 3rd, 2009 22:10

Why is the City of London so supine before Brussels?

After the bail-out, the bale-out. Hedgies are not waiting around for Commissioner Barnier to send in the inspectors. They are putting their Chelsea pads on the market. They are eyeing up penthouses in... Read More

December 3rd, 2009 14:29

Why must our drink drive limit be 'in line with Europe'?

There are few more irritating phrases in the English language than “bring into line with Europe”, which always follows some change in the rules designed to make our lives slightly less fun. I’ve... Read More

November 21st, 2009 11:00

An appeal to Guardian readers

British radicals were historically for the dispersal and democratisation of power. Some of them – Tony Benn stands in a place of special honour - still are. But when it comes to the EU, a surpri... Read More

November 20th, 2009 11:03

How is Baroness Ashton's appointment good for Britain?

Everything about this process rubs our noses in how undemocratic the EU is. It’s not just the way Baroness Ashton was appointed; it’s her whole career. Lady Ashton is a lifelong quangocrat who has... Read More

November 19th, 2009 11:04

BTW Dave will head the campaign to stay in the EU

By the way, it’s worth noting another moment from Dave’s appearance on Today. Remember when he ran up the white flag on the Lisbon Treaty and set out his Plan B? And he said he wanted a more “pe... Read More

November 17th, 2009 11:27

How Al Gore's amen corner Newsweek censored his critics

Today I’m off on the Eurostar to Brussels (”a carbon neutral journey” it boasts on my ticket – which rather makes me wish I were flying instead) to speak at the European Parlia... Read More

November 16th, 2009 11:05

Russian journalist in defection-style move to Georgia; South Ossetia hold Georgian teenagers

Things are going quite well for the Georgians in the propaganda battle with Russia. Oleg Panfilov, a well-known Russian journalist and specialist on freedom of the press, has moved to Tbilisi, saying... Read More

November 9th, 2009 12:28

Gordon Brown should send David Miliband to Brussels as EU 'foreign minister'

Over dinner in Berlin tonight, European leaders will not be short of conversation. Angela Merkel may not want the Berlin Wall celebrations to be overshadowed, but we all know that they’re going... Read More

November 8th, 2009 21:55

Thoughts on Remembrance Sunday

Today, of all days, we Eurosceptics should acknowledge something. Supporters of European integration began with the best and noblest of ideals. They wanted to prevent any recurrence of the horror tha... Read More