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November 23, 2009

Greene is so not the new Charlottesville

I am concerned for the growth and revamping of Stanardsville.

Anger has an outlet—the polls next year

I have been at the Tea Parties in Charlottesville and at the 9/12 protest in D.C.

November 22, 2009

‘Rude’ covers tons of free speech

If many people’s views were not shut out of major communications outlets, they’d probably be less likely to force them in by shouting.

Planning costs show staffing dissonance

I have studied the workings of the Community Development Department over the last two years.

November 21, 2009

School quality must be protected

My immediate goal is to focus on maintaining the quality education we are providing our young people.

Musician’s fundraiser proved successful

The organizers of the Jazz-In for George Melvin would like to express their deep appreciation to our community.

November 20, 2009

Parkway project has many flaws

The U.S. 250 interchange design has aspects that threaten public safety.

Free market doesn’t serve health care well

I am writing in response to The Daily Progress editorial on Nov. 12, “Free market must have a say.”

November 19, 2009

Tax cat tags, increase county’s revenue

We are writing regarding what we feel is a gross inequity, not to mention an ignored opportunity for revenue for the cash strapped county.

Marine’s sacrifice not forgotten

Today marks the fifth anniversary of Marine Cpl. Bradley T. Arms’ passing in Anbar Province, Iraq, in service to our nation.

November 18, 2009

Challenges to tackle after re-election

I would like to thank the voters for their support in this election and during my 16 years in public office

Charlottesville has made it on to another list

Charlottesville has made it on to another list, but this time it is nothing that will engender pride.

November 17, 2009

Perriello should fret over voting record

I commend the editors at The Daily Progress for the thoughtful and “spot-on” editorial of Nov. 11, “A Vote Against Your Liberty.”

Profit motive fails health-care test

Your editorial of Nov. 12 touting the benefits of a health-care system rooted in the profit motive is deeply misguided.

November 16, 2009

Enjoy, preserve national forests

I hope everyone saw the fantastic Ken Burns series about our national parks on

Keep Harrington in your prayers

I am sure many of you also feel overwhelmed by this young, very young, woman’s situation. I believe Morgan is still alive. I also believe God is with her.

November 15, 2009

Veterans follow in footsteps of James Monroe

Many thanks to The Daily Progress’ David Maurer, a Purple Heart veteran himself, for his Nov. 8 Yesteryears column on James Monroe, “an example of courage for the nation,” who was also the first future president to be wounded in service to his country.

IMPACT has not made lobby decision

I’d like to clear up an important factual error in Donald Woodsmall’s letter of Nov. 6. He stated that IMPACT “chose this year to lobby government officials for more interpreters for non-English speakers.”

Kudos for calling out Perriello

Kudos to The Daily Progress editorial board for pointing out Rep. Tom Perriello’s vote against individual freedom and choice (“A vote against your liberty,” Nov. 11), with his vote for Obamacare.

Perriello voted for residents, not lobbyists

My congressman, Tom Perriello, whom we fought very hard to elect, did hold true to the mettle that we knew he was made of and brought pride to his electorate by voting in our favor, and not that of special interests that have been perverting the democratic process of this country for many decades.

City taking real lead on addressing race

Congratulations to Charlottesville City Council for its bold initiative to address the enduring problems of racial discrimination and inequality and the consequent tensions arising out of them.

Editorial against Perriello crossed a line

The editorial of Nov. 11, however, crossed the line of respectable journalism. It expressed opinions with no factual basis whatsoever and completely misrepresented Congressman Tom Perriello.

November 14, 2009

Perriello sides with Pelosi, not his district

Thirty-nine Democrats in the House of Representatives voted against the massive Medicare-cutting, tax-increasing, income-redistributing scheme known as health care reform, but our congressman, Tom Perriello, was not among them.

Thanks for pedestrian connections

Regarding your story on the Board of Supervisors’ decision to approve a pedestrian connection into the Woodbrook neighborhood, I understand that Woodbrook residents are worried about change, but I wish they had the imagination to see the benefits of improved pedestrian connections.

November 13, 2009

Thank Rep. Perriello for yes vote on bill

Last weekend, the U.S. House of Representatives voted to approve health care reform (HR 3962).

USPS needs to listen to the people

Having been a postal letter carrier for over 30 years, I have witnessed an amazing growth in automation and volume at the United States Postal Service.

November 12, 2009

GOP mistakes vote for larger message

Republicans who claim that the election of Bob McDonnell as governor somehow represents a national repudiation of the policies of Pres-ident Barack Obama are either deluded or dishonest in their thinking.

Perriello vote shows principles

I am writing to thank Rep. Tom Perriello, my representative in the U.S. House, for his courageous vote for the health care bill (HR 3962).

November 11, 2009

Key spending to existing revenues

The Albemarle County budget deficit keeps on growing simply because our Board of Supervisors has no viable plan to reverse that situation.

Candidate belittles would-be constituent

Why did my neighbor Ken Boyd phone me at home on a recent evening and belittle me?


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