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Page last updated at 10:29 GMT, Thursday, 3 July 2003 11:29 UK

How to contact us

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Our team covers four counties in the South East of England

Do you have a story for Kent, Sussex or Surrey? The South East BBC News Interactive team would like to hear from you.

The team, which provides the latest news across the region, seven days a week, consists of Sue Nicholson, Tanya Gupta, Sally Nancarrow, Clark Ainsworth and Pete Sherlock.

Our stories can be viewed from the BBC News Interactive England pages by using the drop down index or through the BBC's local websites for Kent and Southern Counties.

We are based at The Great Hall in Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, in the same newsroom as the regional television news - BBC South East Today - and also Radio Kent.

Your input means we produce better stories and can improve the quality and range of issues we cover.

If you have any comments about our coverage or a story suggestion, please e-mail us at southeast.newsonline@bbc.co.uk

If you've seen a newsworthy event unfold before your eyes and managed to capture it on a camera or mobile phone, either as a photograph or video, you can send your picture message to 07921 648357 or use the e-mail function on your phone and send it to the e-mail address above.

Or you can contact us by post: BBC News Interactive South East, The Great Hall, Mount Pleasant Road, Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1QQ.

We will presume that we may quote what you say, unless you ask us not to.

It would also help if you could include telephone numbers where you can be reached.

We cannot promise always to reply individually, but we will be very pleased to read what you have to say.

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